The wind swirls off the river, curling along the frozen banks, bringing with it the deep secrets of the forest. In his mind, Moon draws the memory of this moment. He knows that, in the end, a memory is all you were left with.

Moon stands nearby, watching the man and the woman. They probe, they calculate, they write in their journals. The man is big and powerful. The woman is slender and pretty and clever.

Moon is clever, too.

The man and the woman may witness a great deal, but they cannot see what the moon sees. Each night the moon returns and tells Moon of its travels. Each night Moon paints a mind-picture. Each night a new story is told.

Moon glances up at the sky. The cold sun hides behind the clouds. He is invisible, too.

The man and woman go about their business-quick and clocklike and precise. They have found Karen. Soon they will find the red shoes, and this tale will be spun.

There are many more tales.
