handling exceptions, 896
hangman.cpp, 962–965
hardware, program portability, 16
harmonic mean, 896
harpo() function, 410
has-a relationships, 721, 788
header files, 448–449
climits, 71–73
converting to standard C++, 1331
creating, 530
cstring, 123–124
ctime, 229
iomanip, manipulators, 1091
iostream, 289
managing, 451
headers, filenames, 34
headers (function), 29–31, 55–56
heap operations
make_heap() function, 1305, 1314
pop_heap() function, 1305, 1314
push_heap() function, 1305, 1314
sort_heap() function, 1305, 1315
popping values off, 1314
pushing values onto, 1314
creating, 1314
defined, 1314
heap operations
make_heap() function, 1305, 1314
pop_heap() function, 1305, 1314
push_heap() function, 1305, 1314
sort_heap() function, 1305, 1315
sorting, 1315
heaps (memory), 182
hex manipulator, 1090–1091
hex manipulators, 1078–1079
hexadecimal numbers, 1216
binary equivalents, 1217–1218
hexoct2.cpp, 79
hierarchy, iterators, 999–1000
high-level languages, 11
history of C++, 10–15
C language
development history, 11
programming philosophy, 11–13
generic programming, 14
OOP, 13–14
hmean() function, 898–905
I/O (input/output), 1062, 1270
buffers, 1063–1067
redirecting, 1067–1068
streams, 1063–1067
text files, 287–288
reading, 292–298
writing to, 288–292
identifiers, special meanings, 1223
IDEs (integrated development environments), 19
if else statement, 255
example, 256–257
formatting, 257–258
if else if else construction, 258–260
syntax, 255
if statement, 254
bug prevention, 260
example, 255
syntax, 254
if.cpp, 255
ifelse.cpp, 257
ifelseif.cpp, 259
#ifndef directive, 451
ifstream objects, 1116–1119
ignore() member function, 1106–1108
ilist.cpp, 1053
imbuing, I/O with styles, 1077
implementation, changing, 521–522
implementation files, creating, 530
implicit conversion, 609
implicit instantiation, 428–430
implicit instantiations, 850
implicit keyword, 610
implicit member functions, 637–638
implicit upcasting, 807
in-class initialization, 1160
in-place algorithms, 1036
include (#include) directive, 33
include files, 96
includes() function, 1305, 1311
incore formatting, 1142–1145
increment operator (++), 197, 207–208
pointers, 210–211
postfixing, 209–210
prefixing, 209–210
indeterminate values, 73
indexes, 117
indirect values, 155
inequality operator (!=), 217
dynamic memory allocation, 757
derived class does use new, 758–760
derived class doesn’t use new, 757–758
example, 761–766
exceptions, 922–927
sales.cpp, 924
sales.h, 922
use_sales.cpp, 925–927
references, 405–408
inheritance (class), 708
ABCs (abstract base classes), 746–749
ABC philosophy, 756
AcctABC example, 749–755
enforcing interface rules with, 757
assignment operators, 772–775
base classes
relationships with derived classes, 718–720
TableTennisPlayer example, 708–710
Constructors, 713–715
derived classes
creating, 711–712
header files, 716
method definitions, 716
objects, creating, 717–718
relationships with base classes, 718–720
has-a relationships, 721
is-a relationships, 720–722, 772
multiple inheritance, 798, 808–830
virtual base classes, 815–829
Worker class example, 810–814
polymorphic public inheritance, 722–723
base-class functions, 777
Brass class declaration, 723–726
Brass class implementation, 727–731
Brass class objects, 732–733
BrassPlus class declaration, 723–726
BrassPlus class implementation, 727–731
BrassPlus class objects, 732–733
constructors, 742
dynamic binding, 737–740
pointer compatibility, 737–739
reference type compatibility, 737–739
static binding, 737–740
virtual destructors, 737, 742–743, 776
virtual functions, 734–736, 739–745, 775–776
private inheritance, 797
base-class components, initializing, 798–799
base-class friends, accessing, 801–804
base-class methods, accessing, 800–801
base-class objects, accessing, 801
compared to containment, 806
Student class example, 798–805
protected classes, 745–746, 775
protected inheritance, 806–807
public, 806
multiple, 826
what’s not inherited, 772
constructors, 1181–1183
delegating, 1181–1183
initialization, 70
arrays, 117–120
arrays of objects, 546
automatic variables, 458
base-class components, 798–799
contained objects, 791
for loops, 196–197
pointers, 157–159
reference variables, 385
strings, 121
two-dimensional arrays, 246–249
initialization lists, 119
constructors, C++11, 1258
initializer_list, 1053–1054
uniform initialization, 1155
initializer_list template, C++11, 1051–1053
arrays, C++11, 120
variables, 52, 73
init_ptr.cpp, 158
inline functions, 379, 517–518
compared to macros, 382
square(), 381–382
inline modifier as alternative to #define, 1329–1330
inline qualifier, 517
inline.cpp, 381
inner_product() function, 1320–1321
inplace_merge() function, 1305, 1311
input, 46
cin object, 1093–1095
operator overloading, 1095–1097
stream states, 1097–1102
cin statement, 46
classes, string, 957–960
istream class, methods, 1109–1114
single-character, 1102–1106
strings, 1106–1108
input functions
formatted, 1094
unformatted, 1102
input iterators, 997–998
input/output, strings, 287, 1269–1270
insert iterators, 1005–1007
insert() method, 983–984, 1015–1016, 1267, 1277, 1282
inserting strings, 1267
inserts.cpp, 1006
instances, 511
instantiation, 832–836
explicit, 428–430, 850
implicit, 428–430, 850
instr1.cpp, 125
instr2.cpp, 127
instr3.cpp, 129
int data type, 68–70
int main() function header, 30–31
integer values, displaying with cout, 44–45
integers, 68
bool, 90
char, 80–87
escape sequences, 84–87
signed char, 88–89
universal character names, 87–88
unsigned char, 88–89
wchar_t, 89
choosing integer types, 76–77
climits header file, 71–73
constants, 78–80
const keyword, 90–92
symbolic names, 90–92
initializing, 73
int, 68–70
long, 68–70
pointers, 160
short, 68–70
sizeof operator, 71–73
unsigned, 74–76
width of, 68
integrated development environments, 19
contained objects, 792–795
defined, 509–510
public interfaces, 509
internal linkage, 454
internal manipulator, 1091
internal variables, 467–470
International Standards Organization (ISO), C++ standard, 16
Internet resources, 1325
INT_MAX constant, 72
INT_MIN constant, 72
invalid_argument exception, 919
invoking, 526
iomanip.cpp, 1092
ios class, 1065
iostream class, 1065
iostream file, 33–34, 1064, 1067
iostream header file, 289
ios_base class, 1065
constants representing bit values, 1085
is-a relationships, 720–722, 772, 808
isalnum() function, 272
isalpha() function, 272
isblank() function, 272
iscntrl() function, 272
isdigit() function, 272
isempty() function, 685
isfull() function, 685
isgraph() function, 272
islower() function, 272
ISO (International Standards Organization), C++ standard, 16
ISO 10646, 88
isprint() function, 272
ispunct() function, 272
isspace() function, 272, 1101
istream class, 47, 1065
data types recognized, 1093–1095
methods, 1109–1114
single-character, 1102–1106
strings, 1106–1108
istream iterator template, 1003
isupper() function, 272
isxdigit() function, 273
is_open() method, 294, 1118–1119, 1125–1127
iterator type, 1273
iterators, 981–982, 992, 997
back insert, 1005–1007
bidirectional, 998
concepts, models, 1000–1001
copy() function, 1001–1002
forward, 998
front insert, 1005–1007
hierarchy, 999–1000
importance of, 992–996
input, 997–998
insert, 1005–1007
istream iterator template, 1003
ostream iterator template, 1002–1003
output, 998
pointers, 1001
random access, 999
reverse, 1003–1005
types, 997
iter_swap() function, 1294
jump.cpp, 280–281
K&R (Kernighan and Ritchie) C standard, 17
keywords, 56. See also statements
auto, 472
catch, 900
class, 831
const, 90–92, 473–474, 771–772, 1327–1329
arrays, 327–328
pointers, 334–336
reference variables, 401
temporary variables, 392–394
decltype, 439
explicit, 610
extern, 467–472
functions, 474
friend, 579–580
implicit, 610
inline, 517, 1329–1330
mutable, 472–473
namespace, 483–486
private, 511–513, 798
protected, 745–746, 775, 806
public, 511–513
register, 472
static, 183, 472
functions, 475
struct, 140
table of, 1221
template, 831
throw, 900
try, 901
typedef, 230
typename, 831
using, 486–490, 807–808, 1332
virtual, 742
volatile, 473
key_comp() method, 1282–1285
key_compare type, 1281–1284
key_type type, 1281–1284
labels, enumerators as, 278–280
lambda functions, 1184–1188
reasons for, 1188–1191
language divergence, 16
language linking, 475–476
languages, evolution of, 1205
Boost, 1205–1207
Technical Report, 1206
last in-first out (LIFO) stacks, 459
late binding, 737
layering, 785
leaks (memory), 183
Lee, Meng, 978
left manipulator, 1091
left shift operator (<), 1235
overloading, 581–587, 676
left() function, 409–410, 415–418
left.cpp, 410–411
leftover.cpp, 416–417
length() functions, 960
length() method, 1249–1251
length_error exception, 919
lessthanlessthan (left shift operator), overloading, 581–587, 676
lessthansignlessthansign (left shift operator), 1236
lessthansignlessthansignequalsign (left shift and assign) operator, 1236
lexicographical_compare() function, 1306, 1318
libraries, 18, 378
C++11, 1203
cctype, 270–273
multiple library linking, 453
STL (Standard Template Library), 1334
library functions, 52
LIFO (last in-first out) stacks, 459
limits.cpp, 70
linear time, 1009
linear time complexity, 1009–1010
external, 454
functions, 474–475
internal, 454
language linking, 475–476
static variables
external linkage, 463–467
internal linkage, 467–470
no linkage, 470–472
linked lists, 680
linking multiple libraries, 453
Linux, g++ compiler, 22
list class templates, 1014–1017
member functions, 1014–1016
list containers, 1014–1017
member functions, 1014–1016
list initialization, C++11, 537
list.cpp, 1015–1016
listrmv.cpp, 1039–1040
linked lists, 680
methods, 1278–1280
literal operators, 1204
Little Endian, 1218
local scope, 454
variables, 455–457
local variables, 314–315
compared to global variables, 467
logical AND operator (&&), 262
alternative representations, 270
example, 263–265
precedence, 269–270
ranges, 265–267
logical bitwise operators, 1237–1240
logical NOT operator (!), 267–269
alternative representations, 270
precedence, 269
logical operators, 260
alternative representations, 270
AND (&&), 262
example, 263–265
precedence, 269–270
ranges, 265–267
functor equivalents, 1031–1032
NOT (!), 267–269
OR (||), 260–262
Example, 261–262
logical OR operator (||), 260–262
alternative representations, 270
example, 261–262
precedence, 269
logic_error exception, 918
long data type, 68–70
long double data type, 94–96
long long type, 1153
LONG_MAX constant, 72
LONG_MIN constant, 72
loops, 195
break statement, 280–282
continue statement, 280–282
do while, 231–233
entry-condition loops, 198
for loops
blocks, 212–214
body, 196–197
combination assignment operators, 211–212
comma operator, 214–217
compared to while loops, 227–228
decrement operator (—), 207–211
example, 196–197
expressions, 200–202
factorials, calculating, 203–205
increment operator (++), 207–211
initialization, 196–197
loop test, 196–197
loop updates, 196–198, 205–206
nonexpressions, 202
sequence points, 208–209
side effects, 201, 208–209
step size, 205–206
strings, 206–207
syntax, 197–199
forever loops, 232
nested loops, 244–249
number-reading loops, 283–286
range-based, C++11, 233–234
text input234, cin object, 234–235
cin.get() function, 235–237, 241–244
end-of-file conditions, 237–241
sentinel characters, 234
while loops, 224–227
compared to for loops, 227–228
example, 225–226
syntax, 224
time-delay loops, 229–230
lotto probabilities, calculating, 317–320
lotto.cpp, 319
low-level languages, 11
low-level programming, 1203–1204
lower_bound() function, 1024, 1304, 1309
lower_bound() method, 1021, 1283
lvalue reference, 1162
machine language, definition of, 18
Macintosh, C++, 25
macros, compared to inline functions, 382
magval() method, 602
main() function, 29–30
calling, 30
importance of, 32
int main() header, 30–31
make_heap() function, 1305, 1314
malloc() function, 160
mangling names, 418
manip.cpp, 1079
manipulators, 38, 1090–1091
endl, 37–38
iomanip header file, 1091
number base display, 1078–1079
mantissas, 93
manyfrnd.cpp, 865
mapped_type type, 1281, 1284
maps, methods, 1281–1284
math operators, 97. See also arithmetic operators
max() function, 1305, 1316
max() method, 787, 1046
maxsize() method, 1275
max_element() function, 1305, 1317
max_size() method, 1251
mean, harmonic, 896
means() function, 909–914
member dereferencing operators, 1242–1246
member functions. See also constructors
const member functions, 537
constructors, 524, 538–539
calling, 526–527
declaring, 525–526
default constructors, 527–528, 638–639
defining, 525–526
new operator, 659–661, 677–678
copy constructors, 639
deep copying, 642–644
limitations, 640–642
shallow copying, 640
when to use, 639–640
definitions, 509, 514, 516, 523
destructors, 528–529, 538–539
friend member functions, 578–580, 883
compared to friend classes, 886
example, 885–886
forward declaration, 884
shared friends, 888–889
implicit member functions, 637–638
inline functions, 517–518
invoking, 523
object membership, 518
objects, returning, 662–664
const objects, 662–665
non-const objects, 663
private, 513
properties, 777–778
public, 513
qualified names, 514
template classes, list, 1014–1016
this pointer, 539–546
unqualified names, 514
member in-class initialization, 1160
member initializer lists, 683, 715
member templates, 854–855
members, structures, 141
memberwise assignment, 145
memberwise copying, 640
memb_pt.cpp, 1244–1245
memory. See also buffers
bad_alloc exceptions, 921
new operator, 160–162
automatic storage, 182
cv-qualifiers, 472–474
dynamic, 476–482
dynamic memory allocation, 757
derived class does use new, 758–760
derived class doesn’t use new, 757–758
example, 761–766
free store, 182–183
freezing delete operator, 163–164
function linkage, 474–475
language linking, 475–476
leaks, 183
memory-related methods, 1258
multifile programs, compiling separately, 447–453
named, 160
stack, 458–459
unwinding, 909–914
static storage, 183
storage class specifiers, 472–473
storage duration, 453–454
automatic variables, 455–459
scope and linkage, 454
static variables, 459–463, 466–472
storage methods, 182
memory allocation, dynamic (auto_ptr class), 969, 973–975
memory leaks, 163
merge() function, 1305, 1310–1311
merge() method, 1016–1017, 1280
inplace_merge() function, 1305, 1311
merge() function, 1305, 1310–1311
methods. See also specific methods
base-class methods, accessing, 800–801
defaulted and deleted methods, classes, 1179–1180
end(), 984
inheritance, multiple, 826
insert(), 1015–1016
STL, 1161
virtual base classes, 818–828
MI (multiple inheritance), 798
min() function, 1305, 1316
min() method, 787, 1046
minimum values
finding 1316–1317
minus sign (-), decrement operator (—), 207–208
pointers, 210–211
postfixing, 209–210
prefixing, 209–210
min_element() function, 1305, 1317
mismatch() function, 1288, 1291
mixtypes.cpp, 185
models, concepts of iterators, 1000–1001
const, as alternative to #define, 1327–1329
inline, as alternative to #define, 1329–1330
modulus operator (%), 101–102
modulus.cpp, 102
morechar.cpp, 82
more_and.cpp, 266
move assignment operator, 1173
move constructors, 1165
move semantics, 1164–1171
observations, 1171–1172
Move() method, 748
moves, forcing, 1173–1178
MS-DOS, gpp compiler, 22
multifile programs, compiling separately, 447–453
multimap associative containers, 1023–1025
multiple arguments, 314–320
n_chars() example, 314–317
probability() example, 318–320
multiple class representations, 599
multiple inheritance, 798, 808–809, 829–830
virtual base classes, 815–817
combining with nonvirtual base classes, 828
constructors, 817–818
dominance, 828–829
methods, 818–828
Worker class example, 810–814
multiple library linking, 453
multiple public inheritance, methods, 826
multiple type parameters, 847
multiplication operator (*), overloading, 574–578
multisets, set operations
includes() function, 1311
set_difference() function, 1313
set_intersection() function, 1312
set_union() function, 1312
multmap.cpp, 1024–1025
mutable keyword, 472–473
mutating sequence operations
copy() function, 1293–1296
copy_backward() function, 1294–1297
fill() function, 1294, 1299
fill_n() function, 1294, 1299
generate() function, 1294, 1299
generate_n() function, 1294, 1299
iter_swap() function, 1294
partition() function, 1295, 1302–1303
random_shuffle() function, 1295, 1302
remove() function, 1295, 1299
remove_copy() function, 1295, 1300
remove_copy_if() function, 1295, 1300
remove_if() function, 1295, 1300
replace() function, 1294, 1298, 1302
replace_copy() function, 1294, 1298
replace_copy_if() function, 1294, 1298
replace_if() function, 1294, 1298
reverse() function, 1295
reverse_copy() function, 1295, 1301
rotate() function, 1295, 1301
rotate_copy() function, 1295, 1302
stable_partition() function, 1295, 1303
swap() function, 1294, 1297
swap_ranges() function, 1294, 1297
transform() function, 1294, 1297
unique() function, 1295, 1300
unique_copy() function, 1295, 1301
myfirst.cpp program, 27–29
comments, 32–33
header filenames, 34
iostream file, 33–34
main() function, 29–30
calling, 30
importance of, 32
int main() header, 30–31
namespaces, 35–36
output, displaying with cout, 36
endl manipulator, 37–38
\n newline character, 38–39
source code formatting, 39
source code style, 40
tokens, 39
white space, 39
mytime0.h, 566
mytime1.cpp, 569–570
mytime1.h, 569
mytime2.cpp, 575
mytime2.h, 575
name decoration, 418
name mangling, 418
named memory, 160
aliases, creating, 230
array names, 172
function qualified names, 514
function unqualified names, 514
name decoration, 418
namespace aliases, 491
reserved names, 1222–1223
namesp.cpp, 493–494
namesp.h, 493
namespace keyword, 483–486
namespace scope, 454
namespaces, 35–36, 482–483, 1331–1333
aliases, 491
creating, 483–486
declarative region, 483
example, 492–496
namesp.cpp, 493–494
namesp.h, 493
usenmsp.cpp, 494–495
global, 484
guidelines, 496–497
nesting, 490–491
open, 485
potential scope, 483
std, 59
unnamed, 491–492
using declaration, 486–490
using directive, 487–490
using-declaration, 491
using-directive, 491
naming conventions, 60
header files, 34
source files, 20
symbolic names, 90–92
universal character names, 87–88
variables, 66–68
narrowing uniform initialization, 1154
navigating files, 133–1141
temporary files, 1141–1142
nested classes, 682, 889–891
access control, 892
scope, 891–892
templates, 892–896
nested loops, 244–249
nested structures, 682
nested.cpp, 247, 895–896
nesting namespaces, 490–491
new, 921
new operator, 180–182, 454, 476–479, 482, 668
bad_alloc exceptions, 921
constructors, 659–661, 677–678
dynamic arrays, 164–167
dynamic structures, 178–180
free store, 183
memory allocation, 160–162
placement new, 671–676
reference variables, 400
newline character (\n), 38–39
newstrct.cpp, 179–180
next_permutation() algorithm, 1039
next_permutation() function, 1306, 1319
noboolalpha manipulator, 1090
noexcept, C++11, 1248
non-const objects, returning references to, 663
non-member functions, 986–991
non-type arguents (arrays), 843–845
nonexpressions, for loops, 202
nonmodifying sequence operations, 1286
adjacent_find() function, 1287, 1290
count() function, 1287, 1291
count_if() function, 1287, 1291
equal() function, 1288, 1291–1292
find() function, 1287–1289
find_end() function, 1287–1290
find_first_of() function, 1287, 1290
find_if() function, 1287–1289
for_each() function, 1287–1289
mismatch() function, 1288, 1291
search() function, 1288, 1292–1293
search_n() function, 1288, 1293
noshowbase manipulator, 1090
noshowpoint manipulator, 1091
noshowpos manipulator, 1091
NOT operators, logical NOT (!), 267–269
alternative representations, 270
precedence, 269
not.cpp, 267–268
nouppercase manipulator, 1091
nth_element() function, 1304, 1308, 1315
null characters, 121
null pointers, 163
nullptr, 1158
number base display, 1078–1079
number-reading loops, 283–286
numbers, 1215
ASCII character set, table of, 1225–1229
Big Endian/Little Endian, 1218
binary numbers, 1217
hexadecimal equivalents, 1217–1218
decimal numbers, 1215
factorials, calculating, 203–205
floating-point numbers, 92
advantages/disadvantages, 96–97
constants, 96
decimal-point notation, 92
double data type, 94–96
E notation, 92–93
float data type, 94–96
long double data type, 94–96
harmonic mean, 896
hexadecimal numbers, 1216
binary equivalents, 1217–1218
integers, 68
bool, 90
char, 80–89
choosing integer types, 76–77
climits header file, 71–73
constants, 78–80, 90–92
initializing, 73
int, 68–70
long, 68–70
short, 68–70
sizeof operator, 71–73
unsigned, 74–76
width of, 68
number-reading loops, 283–286
octal numbers, 1215–1216
pointers, 160
pseudorandom numbers, 605
numeric operations, 1319–1320
accumulate() function, 1320
adjacent_difference() function, 1321–1322
inner_product() function, 1320–1321
partial_sum() function, 1321
numstr.cpp, 130
num_test.cpp, 198
n_chars() function, 314–317
object code, definition of, 18
object types, 47
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Second Edition, 1323
object-oriented programming. See OOP (object-oriented programming)
objects, 511, 786
arrays, 355, 546–549
declaring, 546
example, 547–549
fill function, 357
initializing, 546
as exceptions, 903–908
assignable, 1008
associating with files, 289
base-class objects, accessing, 801
cerr, 1067
cin, 1067, 1093–1095
cin.get() function, 235–237, 241–244
get() function, 128–130
getline() function, 126–127
loops, 234–235
operator overloading, 1095–1097
stream states, 1097–1102
class, 788
clog, 1067
contained objects
compared to private inheritance, 806
initializing, 791
interfaces, 792–795
copy constructable, 1008
cout, 1067–1069
concatenation, 1071–1072
field width display, 1080–1081
fill characters, 1081–1082
floating-point display precision, 1082–1083
flushing buffers, 1075–1076
formatting data types, 1076–1078
methods, 1071–1075
number base display, 1078–1079
printing trailing zeros/decimal points, 1083–1090
creating, 523
defined, 13, 36
functions. See function objects
ifstream, 1116–1119
ofstream, 1115–1119
ostringstream, 1142–1145
passing by reference, 770
passing by value, 770
pointers, 665–670
reference variables, 401–405
returning, 662–664, 770–771
const objects, 662–665
non-const objects, 663
stream, 1067
string, 965
subobjects, 797
this pointer, 539–546
valarray, 1045–1051
vector, 979–991, 1045–1051
adding elements to, 982–983
past-the-end iterators, 981–982
removing ranges of, 982
shuffling elements in, 987
sorting, 987
vect1.cpp example, 980–981
vect2.cpp sample program, 984–986
vect3.cpp sample program, 988–991
oct manipulators, 1078–1079, 1090–1091
octal numbers, 1215–1216
ofstream objects, 290, 1115–1119
one definition rule, 475
one-dimensional arrays, 244
OOP (object-oriented programming), 13, 506–507, 512, 1207
classes, 47–48
client/server model, 520
overview, 13–14
open namespaces, 485
open() method, 291–293, 967, 1119, 1122–1125
opening files, 1124–1125
multiple, 1119
operands, 97
operator functions, 565
operator overloading, 37, 564–566
addition operator (+), 569–572
cin object input, 1095–1097
example, 565–569
mytime0.cpp, 566
mytime0.h, 566
usetime0.cpp, 568–569
left shift operator (<), 581–587
member versus nonmember functions, 587–588
multiplication operator (*), 574–578
operator functions, 565
operator*(), 574–578
operator+(), 569–572
operator-(), 574–578
operator<<(), 581–585, 587
restrictions, 573–574
subtraction operator (-), 574–578
vector class, 588–590, 600
adding vectors, 590
declaring, 591–592
displacement vectors, 589
implementation comments, 602
member functions, 592, 597
multiple representations, 599
overloaded arithmetic operators, 599–600
overloading overloaded operators, 601
Random Walk sample program, 602, 605–606
state members, 597–599
with classes, string, 965
operator*() function, 574–578
operator+() function, 569–572
operator+() method, 1266
operator-() function, 574–578
operators, 1235
addition operator (+), overloading, 569–572
alternative tokens, 1222
arithmetic operators, 97–99
associativity, 99–100
division (/), 100–101
modulus (%), 101–102
order of precedence, 99–100
assignment (=), 43–44, 644, 767–768, 772–775
custom definitions, 645–646
enumerator value ranges, 153
enumerator values, setting, 152
overloading, 652–658
potental problems, 645
strings, 133–134
structures, 145–146
when to use, 644
associativity, 1231
examples, 1234
table of, 1232–1234
binary operators, 601, 1234
bitwise operators, 1235
alternative representations, 1240
logical bitwise operators, 1237–1240
shift operators, 1235–1237
testing bit values, 1241–1242
toggling, 1241
turning bits off, 1241
turning bits on, 1241
combination assignment operators, 211–212
comma, 214–217
example, 214–216
precedence, 217
concatenation (+), strings, 133–134
conditional (?::), 273–274
const_cast, 944
decrement (—), 207–208
pointers, 210–211
postfixing, 209–210
prefixing, 209–210
deferencing (*), pointers, 171–172
defined, 70
delete, 163–164, 180–183, 400, 454, 476–477, 668
dereferencing (*), 155–159
dynamic cast, 934–943
functor equivalents for arithmetic, logical, and relational operators, 1031–1032
increment (++), 197, 207–208
pointers, 210–211
postfixing, 209–210
prefixing, 209–210
left shift operator (<<)
overloading, 581–587, 676
literal operators, 1204
member dereferencing operators, 1242–1246
multiplication operator (*), overloading, 574–578
new, 180–182, 454, 476–482, 668
bad_alloc exceptions, 921
constructors, 659–661, 677–678
dynamic arrays, 164–167
dynamic structures, 178–180
free store, 183
memory allocation, 160–162
placement new, 671–676
reference variables, 400
operator functions, 565
operator*(), 574–578
operator+(), 569–572
operator-(), 574–578
operator<<(), 581–587
overloading, 101, 564–565
addition operator (+), 569–572
assignment operator, 652–658
example, 565–569
left shift operator (<<), 581–587, 676
member versus nonmember functions, 587–588
multiplication operator (*), 574–578
operator functions, 565
overloading overloaded operators, 601
restrictions, 573–574
subtraction operator (-), 574–578
precedence, 1231
examples, 1234
table of, 1232–1234
reference operator (&), 383–386
reinterpret_cast, 946
relational operators, 217–220
C-style strings, comparing, 220–223
equality operator (==), 218–220
string class strings, comparing, 223–224
table of, 217
scope resolution (::), 467
scope-resolution (::), 514
scope-resolution operator, 1332
sizeof, 71–73
static_cast, 945–946
subtraction operator (-), overloading, 574–578
type cast, 943–944
type info structure, 934
typeid, 934, 939–944
unary minus, 601
unary operators, 601, 1234
operator[]() method, 787, 1259, 1283–1286
OR operators
bitwise OR (|), 1237–1238
logical OR (||), 260–262
alternative representations, 270
example, 261–262
precedence, 269
or.cpp, 261
strict weak, 988
total, 988
ostream class, 47, 1065
ostream iterator template, 1002–1003
ostream methods, 1071–1075
ostringstream class, 1142–1145
ourfunc.cpp, 54
outfile.cpp, 290–291
buffers, flushing, 1075–1076
classes, ostream, 1070–1075
concatenating, 46–47, 1071–1072
field width display, 1080–1081
fill characters, 1081–1082
floating-point display precision, 1082–1083
formatting data types, 1076–1078
number base display, 1078–1079
printing trailing zeros/decimal points, 1083–1090
cout object, 1069
displaying with cout, 36
concatenated output, 46–47
endl manipulator, 37–38
integer values, 44–45
\n newline character, 38–39
output iterators, 998
out_of_bounds exception, 919
overload resolution, 431–432
best matches, 432–434
exact matches, 432–434
multiple arguments, 438
partial ordering rules, 434–436
functions, 237, 412–414, 564
example, 415–418
function signatures, 413
name decoration, 418
overload resolution, 431–438
when to use, 418
operators, 101, 564–565
addition operator (+), 569–572
assignment operator, 652–658
example, 565–569
left shift operator (<<), 581–587, 676
member versus nonmember functions, 587–588
multiplication operator (*), 574–578
operator functions, 565
restrictions, 573–574
subtraction operator (-), 574–578
vector class, 588–590
reference parameters, 415
templates, 422–424
overload resolution, 431–438
override, 1183–1184
ownership, 973
pairs.cpp, 848
palindromes, 1057
pam() function, 362–363
parameter lists, 30
parameterized types, 419
parameters, 314
templates, 855–858
type, 834
partial ordering rules, 434–436
partial specializations, 851–852
partial_sort() function, 1304, 1307
partial_sort_copy() function, 1304, 1307–1308
partial_sum() function, 1321
partition() function, 1295, 1302–1303
structure addresses, 351–353
structures, 344–351
passing by reference, 386, 389–390
passing objects
by reference, 770
by value, 770
past-the-end iterators, 981–982
peek() member function, 1109–1114
peeker.cpp, 1111
period (.), 255
permutations, 1038
defined, 1318
next_permutation(), 1306, 1319
prev_permutation(), 1319
pf() function, 364
pipe character (|), 1237–1238
logical OR operator (||), 260–262
alternative representations, 270
example, 261–262
precedence, 269
placement new operator, 478–482, 671–676
placenew1.cpp, 671–673
placenew2.cpp, 674–675
plus sign (+)
addition operator (+), overloading, 569–572
concatenation operator (+), strings, 133–134
increment operator (++), 207–208
pointers, 210–211
postfixing, 209–210
prefixing, 209–210
plus_one.cpp, 207
pointed-to values, 172
pointer arithmetic, 167–172
pointer.cpp, 155
pointers, 153, 321–322, 837
assigning values to, 171
auto_ptr, 969, 973–975
C++ philosophy, 155
cautions, 159
compared to pointed-to values, 172
const keyword, 334–336
declaring, 155–159, 171
deferencing, 171–172
delete operator, 163–164
example, 154
function pointers, 361–362
addresses of functions, obtaining, 362
declaring, 362–363
increment/decrement operators, 210–211
inheritance, 737–739
initializing, 157–159
integers, 160
iterators, 1001
member dereferencing operators, 1242–1246
new operator, 160–162
passing variables, 386–390
pointer arithmetic, 167–172
pointer notation, 173
pointers to objects, 665–670
pointers to pointers, 335
stacks of pointers, 837–843
strings, 173–178
this, 539–546
polar coordinates, 347
converting rectangular coordinates to, 348–351
polymorphic public inheritance, 722–723
base-class functions, 777
Brass class declaration, 723–726
Brass class implementation, 727–731
Brass class objects, 732–733
BrassPlus class declaration, 723–726
BrassPlus class implementation, 727–731
BrassPlus class objects, 732–733
constructors, 742
dynamic binding, 737–740
pointer compatibility, 737–739
reference type compatibility, 737–739
static binding, 737, 740
virtual destructors, 737, 742–743, 776
virtual functions, 739–742, 775–776
behavior, 734–736
friends, 743, 776
memory and execution speed, 742
redefinition, 743–745
virtual function tables, 740
pop() method, 837
popping values off heap, 1314
pop_heap() function, 1305
portability of C++, 15–18
ANSI/ISO standard, 16
limitations, 16
postfixing, 209–210
potential scope, 483
pound sign (#), 234
pow() function, 53
comma operator, 217
logical operators, 269–270
precedence of operators, 1231
examples, 1234
table of, 1232–1234
precise.cpp, 1082
precision() function, 1082–1083
precision() method, 408
predefined functors, 1030–1032
equivalents for operators, 1032
adaptable, 1035
binary, 1027–1030
adaptable, 1035
unary, 1027, 1030
prefixing, 209–210
preprocessors, 33–34
prev_permutation() function, 1319
print() functions, 413
printf() function, 29, 44
priority_queue class templates, 1017–1018
priority_queue containers, 1017–1018
private inheritance, 797
base-class components, initializing, 798–799
base-class friends, accessing, 801–804
base-class methods, accessing, 800–801
base-class objects, accessing, 801
compared to containment, 806
Student class example, 798, 804–805
private keyword, 511–513, 798
private member functions, 513
probability() function, 318–320
problem domains, 1207
procedural languages, 11–12
procedural programming, 506–507
procedures. See functions
concurrent programming, 1202–1203
low-level programming, 1203–1204
programming, generic, 992
associative containers, 1018–1026
multimap, 1023–1025
set, 1019–1022
container concepts, 1007–1012
container methods compared to functions, 1039–1041
properties, 1008–1009
sequence requirements, 1011–1012
container types, 1013, 1017–1018
deque, 1013
list, 1014–1017
priority_queue, 1017–1018
queue, 1017
stack, 1018
vector, 1012–1013
iterators, 992, 997–1005
back insert iterators, 1005–1007
bidirectional iterators, 998
concepts, 1000
copy() function, 1001–1002
forward iterators, 998
front insert iterators, 1005–1007
hierarchy, 999–1000
importance of, 992–996
input iterators, 997–998
insert iterators, 1005–1007
istream iterator template, 1003
models, 1001
ostream iterator template, 1002
output iterators, 998
pointers, 1001
random access iterators, 999
reverse iterators, 1003–1005
types, 997
programming exercises
chapter 2, 62–63
chapter 3, 111–113
chapter 4, 192–193
chapter 5, 251–252
chapter 6, 301–303
chapter 7, 374–377
chapter 8, 444–446
chapter 9, 501–503
chapter 10, 559–562
chapter 11, 623–624
chapter 12, 702–705
chapter 13, 780–783
chapter 14, 871–876
chapter 15, 949
chapter 16, 1057–1058
chapter 17, 1148–1151
chapter 18, 1212–1213
comments, 33
/*...*/ notation, 33
// notation, 32
creating main() function, 31
header filenames, 34
iostream file, 33–34
main() function, 29–30
calling, 30
importance of, 32
int main() header, 30–31
myfirst.cpp example, 27–29
comments, 32–33
header filenames, 34
iostream file, 33–34
main() function, 29–32
namespaces, 35–36
output, displaying with cout, 36–39
source code formatting, 39–40
namespaces, 35–36
output, displaying with cout, 36
concatenated output, 46–47
endl notation, 37–38
integer values, 44–45
\n newline character, 38–39
source code formatting, 39
tokens, 39–40
white space, 39
algorithms, 1036–1037
class member functions, 777–778
containers, 1008–1010
reference variables, 390–391
protected classes, 745–746, 775
protected inheritance, 806–807
protected keyword, 745–746, 775, 806
protos.cpp, 310
prototypes (functions), 50–52, 309–311
benefits, 312–313
C++ compared to ANSI C, 312
function prototypes, 1330
syntax, 311–312
pseudorandom numbers, 605
ptrstr.cpp, 174–175
public derivation, 711
public inheritance, 806, 808, 829. See also MI (multiple inheritance)
multiple inheritance, methods, 826
public inheritance (polymorphic), 722–723
base-class functions, 777
Brass class declaration, 723–726
Brass class implementation, 727, 730–731
Brass class objects, 732–733
BrassPlus class declaration, 723–726
BrassPlus class implementation, 727, 730–731
BrassPlus class objects, 732–733
constructors, 742
dynamic binding, 737–740
pointer compatibility, 737–739
reference type compatibility, 737–739
static binding, 737, 740
virtual destructors, 737, 742–743, 776
virtual functions, 739–742, 775–776
behavior, 734–736
friends, 743, 776
memory and execution speed, 742
redefinition, 743–745
virtual function tables, 740
public interfaces, 509
public keyword, 511–513
public member functions, 513
pure virtual functions, 748
push_back() function, 1041
push back() method, 982–984
push_heap() function, 1305
pushing values onto heap, 1314
put() method, 1071–1075
putback() member function, 1109–1114
qualified, inline, 517
qualified names, 486
qualified names (functions), 514
cv-qualifiers, 472–473
const, 473–474
volatile, 473
keywords, 473
Queue class
class declaration, 691, 694
design, 679
implementation, 680–682
methods, 682–690
public interface, 679–680
queue class templates, 1017
queue containers, 1017
Queue() function, 683
queue simulation, 678
bank.cpp simulation, 694–698
Customer class, 690–691, 694
Queue class
class declaration, 691, 694
design, 679
implementation, 680–682
methods, 682–690
public interface, 679–680
queue.cpp, 692–694
queue.h, 691–692
queuecount() function, 685
queuetp.h, 893–895
quotation marks (), 36
rand() function, 53, 605
random access, files, 1133–1141
temporary files, 1141–1142
random access iterators, 999
Random Walk sample program, 603
random.cpp, 1138–1139
random_shuffle() function, 987–988, 1295, 1302
random_shuffle() STL function, 991
randwalk.cpp, 603
range-based for loop
C++11, 233–234
templates, 1161
range_error exception, 919
ranges, logical AND operator (&&), 265–267
ranges (arrays), 332–334
RatedPlayer class, 711–712
header files, 716
method definitions, 716
RatedPlayer object, 717–718
Rating() method, 719
rbegin() method, 1251, 1275
rdstate() stream state method, 1098–1102
read() member function, 1109–1114, 1130–1133
C-style strings
get(), 127–130
getline(), 126–127
from files, 1116–1118
string class strings, 136–140
text files, 292–298
text with loops, 234
cin.get() function, 235–237, 241–244
cin object, 234–235
end-of-file conditions, 237–241
sentinel characters, 234
real numbers, 50
recommended reading, 1323–1324
rect_to_polar() function, 348–349
rectangular coordinates, 346
converting to polar coordinates, 348–351
recur.cpp, 355, 358
recurs() function, 357–359
recursion, 357
multiple recursive calls, 359–361
single recursive call, 358–359
variadic template functions, 1199–1202
recursive use of templates, 846–847
redefining virtual functions, 743–745
redirecting I/O, 1067–1068
redirection, 238
refcube() function, 391–393
reference, passing by, 343, 386, 389–390, 770
reference arguments, 392–394, 408–409
reference counting, 973
reference operator (&), 383–386
reference parameters, overloading, 415
reference returns, const, 400
reference type, 1273
reference variables, 383
arguments, 408–409
class objects, 401–405
creating, 383–386
function parameters, 386, 389–390
inheritance, 405–408
initialization, 385
properties, 390–391
structures, 394, 397–399
const keyword, 401
return references, 399–400
inheritance, 737–739
returning, 399, 770–771
referencing declarations, 463
refinement, 1001
register keyword, 472
reinterpret_cast operators, 946
relational operators, 217–220
C-style strings, comparing, 220–223
equality operator (==), 218–220
functor equivalents, 1031–1032
string class strings, comparing, 223–224
table of, 217
has-a, 721, 788
is-a, 720–722, 772, 808
remodel() function, 971
remote_access() function, 468
remove_copy() function, 1295, 1300
remove_copy_if() function, 1295, 1300
remove() function, 1295, 1299
remove_if() function, 1295, 1300
remove_if() method, 1280
remove() method, 1280
rend() method, 1251–1252, 1275
replace_copy() function, 1294, 1298
replace_copy_if() function, 1294, 1298
replace() function, 1294, 1298, 1302
replace_if() function, 1294, 1298
replace() method, 1268–1269
replacing strings, 1268–1269
report() function, 859
reserve() method, 966, 1258, 1279
reserved names, 1222–1223
reserved words, 1221
alternative tokens, table of, 1222
keywords, table of, 1221
reserved names, 1222–1223
ResetRanking() method, 718
resize() method, 1047, 1258, 1278
return addresses, 909
return statements, 30
return types, declarations, 1157
return types (functions), 30
return values, 31
return values (functions), 49, 57–59
C-style strings, 341–343
references, 399
structures, 344–345, 348–351
returning objects, 662–664
const objects, 662–665
non-const objects, 663
reverse_copy() function, 1295, 1301
reverse() function, 1295
reverse iterators, 1003–1005
reverse() method, 1252, 1280
reversible containers
associative, multimap, 1023–1025
list, 1014, 1017
member functions, 1014–1016
vector, 1012–1013
review questions
chapter 2, 62
chapter 3, 110–111
chapter 4, 191–192
chapter 5, 250
chapter 6, 298–300
chapter 7, 372–373
chapter 8, 443–444
chapter 9, 498–501
chapter 10, 558–559
chapter 11, 623
chapter 12, 700–702
chapter 13, 779–780
chapter 14, 869–870
chapter 15, 947–949
chapter 16, 1056–1057
chapter 17, 1146–1147
chapter 18, 1209–1212
rewrite rule, 517
rfind() method, 961, 1261
right manipulator, 1091
right shift and assign operator ([]=), 1237
right shift operator ([]), 1236
Ritchie, Dennis, 11
rotate_copy() function, 1295, 1302
rotate() function, 1295, 1301
RTTI (runtime type information), 933–934
incorrect usage, 941–943
dynamic cast, 934–939
typeid, 934, 939, 941, 944
type info class, 939–941, 944
type info structure, 934
rtti1.cpp, 936–938
rtti2.cpp, 939–941
ruler.cpp, 360
runtime, 155
runtime_error exception, 919
runtime type information, 933
rvalue reference, 1162–1164
constructors, C++11, 1256
rvalues, 400
Sales class
sales.cpp, 924
sales.h, 922
use_sales.cpp, 925–927
sales.cpp, 924
sales.h, 922
sayings1.cpp, 656
sayings2.cpp, 665
SCHAR_MAX constant, 72
SCHAR_MIN constant, 72
scientific manipulator, 1091
scope, 454, 483
class, 454, 514
class scope, 549–551
function prototype, 454
global, 454
local, 454–457
namespace, 454
nested classes, 891–892
potential, 483
scope-resolution operator (::), 467, 514, 1332
scoped enumerations, 1158
C++11, 551–552
search() function, 1288, 1292–1293
search_n() function, 1288, 1293
searching strings, 960–961, 1260
find_first_not_of() method, 1262–1263
find_first_of() method, 1262
find_last_not_of() method, 1263
find_last_of() method, 1262
find() method, 1260–1261
rfind() method, 1261
secref.cpp, 385
seekg() method, 1134–1136
seekp() method, 1134–1136
selecting smart pointers, 977–978
sell() function, 516
semantics, move semantics, 1164–1165, 1168–1171
observations, 1171–1172
semicolon (), 29–30
sending messages, OOP, 518
sentinel characters, 234
separate compilation, 447–449, 453
sequence points, 208–209
sequence requirements, container concepts, 1011–1012
mutating sequence operations
copy_backward() function, 1294–1297
copy() function, 1293–1296
fill() function, 1294, 1299
fill_n() function, 1294, 1299
generate() function, 1294, 1299
generate_n() function, 1294, 1299
iter_swap() function, 1294
partition() function, 1295, 1302–1303
random_shuffle() function, 1295, 1302
remove_copy() function,1295, 1300
remove_copy_if() function, 1295, 1300
remove_if() function, 1295, 1300
remove() function, 1295, 1299
replace_copy() function, 1294, 1298
replace_copy_if() function, 1294, 1298
replace() function, 1294, 1298, 1302
replace_if() function, 1294, 1298
reverse_copy() function, 1295, 1301
reverse() function, 1295
rotate_copy() function, 1295, 1302
rotate() function, 1295, 1301
stable_partition() function, 1295, 1303
swap() function, 1294, 1297
swap_ranges() function, 1294, 1297
transform() function, 1294, 1297
unique_copy() function, 1295, 1301
unique() function, 1295, 1300
nonmodifying sequence operations
adjacent_find() function, 1287, 1290
count() function, 1287, 1291
count_if() function, 1287, 1291
equal() function, 1288, 1291–1292
find_end() function, 1287–1290
find_first_of() function, 1287, 1290
find() function, 1287–1289
find_if() function, 1287–1289
for_each() function, 1287–1289
mismatch() function, 1288, 1291
search() function, 1288, 1292–1293
search_n() function, 1288, 1293
set associative containers, 1019–1022
set flag. See setf() function
set_difference() function, 1021, 1305, 1313
set_intersection() function, 1021, 1305, 1312
set() method, 596, 820
set operations
includes() function, 1305, 1311
set_difference() function, 1305, 1313
set_intersection() function, 1305, 1312
set_symmetric_difference() function, 1305, 1313
set_union() function, 1305, 1312
set_symmetric_difference() function, 1305, 1313
set_terminate() function, 928
set_tot() function, 517–518
set_unexpected() function, 929
set_union() function, 1020–1021, 1305, 1312
setf.cpp, 1085
setf2.cpp, 1088
setf() function, 1083–1087, 1090
arguments, 1087–1089
manipulators, 1090–1091
setf() method, 408
setfill() function, 1091
setops.cpp, 1021–1022
setprecision() function, 1091
methods, 1281–1284
set operations
includes() function, 1305, 1311
set_difference() function, 1305, 1313
set_intersection() function, 1305, 1312
set_symmetric_difference() function, 1305, 1313
set_union() function, 1305, 1312
setstate() stream state method, 1098–1102
setw() function, 1091
shallow copying, 640
shared friends, 888–889
shift operators, 1235–1237
overloading, 581–587
short data type, 68–70
show(), array objects, 357
show_array() function, 327–328
Show() function, 818–820
show() method, 514, 537
show_polar() function, 347, 351
show_time() function, 344–345
showbase manipulator, 1090
showperks() function, 744
showpoint manipulator, 1091
showpos manipulator, 1091
showpt.cpp, 1084
SHRT_MAX constant, 72
SHRT_MIN constant, 72
side effects of expressions, 201, 208–209
signatures (functions), 413
signed char data type, 88–89
singly linked lists, 680
size, string size
finding, 960
automatic sizing feature, 966–967
size() function, 136, 960
size() method, 509, 787, 981, 984, 1251–1252, 1275
size_type constant, 1251
size_type type, 1250, 1273
sizeof operator, 71–73
smart pointers, 1158
selecting, 977–978
sort() function, 987–988, 1041, 1304, 1307
sort_heap() function, 1305
sort() method, 1016–1017, 1280
sort() STL function, 991
heaps, 1315
nth_element() function, 1304, 1308, 1315
partial_sort_copy() function, 1304, 1307–1308
partial_sort() function, 1304, 1307
sort() function, 1304, 1307
stable_sort() function, 1304, 1307
vectors, 987
source code, 19
definition of, 18
file extensions, 20
special meanings, identifiers, 1223
special member functions, 1178–1179
explicit, 425, 850–851
example, 426–428
third-generation specialization, 425–426
explicit instantiations, 850
implicit instantiations, 850
partial specializations, 851–852
storage class, 472–473
splice() method, 1016, 1280
sqrt.cpp, 51
sqrt() function, 50–52
square() function, 381–382
stable_partition() function, 1295, 1303
stable_sort() function, 1304, 1307
stack, unwinding, 909–910, 913–914
stack class, 831–836
pointers, 837–843
templates, 1018
stack containers, 1018
stack.cpp, 554–555
stack.h, 553–554
stacker.cpp, 556–557
stacks, 553–557
automatic variables, 458–459
stacktem.cpp, 835–836
stacktp.h, 834
standard C++, converting to, 1327
autoptr template, 1333
C++ features, 1331
const instead of #define, 1327–1329
function prototypes, 1330
header files, 1331
inline instead of #define, 1329–1330
namespaces, 1331–1333
STL (Standard Template Library), 1334
string class, 1333
type casts, 1330–1331
Standard Input/Output, ANSI C, 1062
Standard Template Library. See STL
state members, 597–599
statements, 41
assignment statements, 43–44
blocks, 212–214
break, 280–282
cin, 46
loops, 234–235
compared to expressions, 201
continue, 280–282
cout, 36
concatenated output, 46–47
cout.put() function, 83–84
endl manipulator, 37–38
integer values, displaying, 44–45
\n newline character, 38–39
declaration statements, 41–43
defined, 29–30
enum, 278–280
examples, 41, 45
for, declaration-statement expressions, 203
if, 254
bug prevention, 260
example, 255
syntax, 254
if else, 255
example, 256–257
formatting, 257–258
if else if else construction, 258–260
syntax, 255
return statements, 30
switch, 274–278
enumerators as labels, 278–280
example, 275–278
syntax, 275
terminators, 30
void, 53
static assert, 1204
static binding, 164, 172–173, 737, 740
static_cast operator, 945–946
static class members, 628–637
static keyword, 183, 472
functions, 475
static memory storage, 182–183
static storage duration, 453
static type checking, 313
static variables, 453, 459–462, 466
external, 466
external linkage, 463, 466–467
internal linkage, 467–470
no linkage, 470–472
static.cpp, 470–471
stcktp1.h, 839–840
std namespace, 59
stdexcept exception classes, 918–920
Stepanov, Alexander, 978, 1205
stkoptr1.cpp, 841–842
STL (Standard Template Library), 978, 1041, 1044, 1271, 1334
algorithms, 1035
groups, 1035–1036
properties, 1036–1037
associative containers, 1018, 1026
multimap, 1023–1025
set, 1019–1022
binary search operations
binary_search() function, 1304, 1310
equal_range() function, 1304, 1309
lower_bound() function, 1304, 1309
upper_bound() function, 1304, 1309
C++11, 1271
containers, 1271–1273
container concepts, 1007
container methods compared to functions, 1039–1041
properties, 1008–1010
sequence requirements, 1011–1012
container methods, 1275–1277
container types
deque, 1013
list, 1014–1017
priority_queue, 1017–1018
queue, 1017
stack, 1018
vector, 1012–1013
containers, 1161
deque methods, 1278–1280
functions, 1286
adjacent_find(), 1287, 1290
copy(), 1293–1296
copy_backward(), 1294–1297
count(), 1287, 1291
count_if(), 1287, 1291
equal(), 1288, 1291–1292
fill(), 1294, 1299
fill_n(), 1294, 1299
find(), 1287–1289
find_end(), 1287–1290
find_first_of(), 1287, 1290
find_if(), 1287–1289
for_each(), 1287–1289
generate(), 1294, 1299
generate_n(), 1294, 1299
iter_swap(), 1294
mismatch(), 1288, 1291
partition(), 1295, 1302–1303
random_shuffle(), 1295, 1302
remove(), 1295, 1299
remove_copy(), 1295, 1300
remove_copy_if(), 1295, 1300
remove_if(), 1295, 1300
replace(), 1294, 1298, 1302
replace_copy(), 1294, 1298
replace_copy_if(), 1294, 1298
replace_if(), 1294, 1298
reverse(), 1295
reverse_copy(), 1295, 1301
rotate(), 1295, 1301
rotate_copy(), 1295, 1302
search(), 1288, 1292–1293
search_n(), 1288, 1293
stable_partition(), 1295, 1303
swap(), 1294, 1297
swap_ranges(), 1294, 1297
transform(), 1294, 1297
unique(), 1295, 1300
unique_copy(), 1295, 1301
functors, 1026–1027
adaptable, 1032
concepts, 1027–1028, 1030
predefined, 1030–1032
generic programming, 992
heap operations
make_heap() function, 1305, 1314
pop_heap() function, 1305, 1314
push_heap() function, 1305, 1314
sort_heap() function, 1305, 1315
iterators, 997
concepts, 1001
pointers, 1001
list methods, 1278–1280
map methods, 1281–1284
merge operations
inplace_merge() function, 1305, 1311
merge() function, 1305, 1310–1311
methods, 1161
minimum/maximum value operations
lexicographical_compare() function, 1306, 1318
max_element() function, 1305, 1317
max() function, 1305, 1316
min_element() function, 1305, 1317
min() function, 1305, 1316
numeric operations, 1319–1320
accumulate() function, 1320
adjacent_difference() function, 1321–1322
inner_product() function, 1320–1321
partial_sum() function, 1321
permutation operations
next_permutation() function, 1306, 1319
prev_permutation() function, 1319
set methods, 1281–1284
set operations
includes() function, 1305, 1311
set_difference() function, 1305, 1313
set_intersection() function, 1305, 1312
set_symmetric_difference() function, 1305, 1313
set_union() function, 1305, 1312
sorting operations
nth_element() function, 1304, 1308, 1315
partial_sort() function, 1304, 1307
partial_sort_copy() function, 1304, 1307–1308
sort() function, 1304, 1307
stable_sort() function, 1304, 1307
string class, 1038–1039
types, 1273–1274
usealgo.cpp sample program, 1042–1044
using, 1041
vector methods, 1278–1280
Stock class, 511
stock00.h, 510
stock1.cpp, 531
stock1.h, 530
stocks.cpp, class member function, 515
stone.cpp, 610
stone1.cpp, 615
stonetolb() function, 58
stonewt.cpp, 608
stonewt.h, 607
stonewt1.cpp, 614–615
stonewt1.h, 613
storage class qualifiers, 473
storage class specifiers, 472–473
storage duration, 453–454
automatic variables, 455–457
example, 455–457
initializing, 458
stacks, 458–459
scope and linkage, 454
static variables, 459–462
external linkage, 463, 466–467
internal linkage, 467–470
no linkage, 470–472
str1.cpp, 953
str2.cpp, 966–967, 971
strcat() function, 136
strcmp() function, 221–222, 648
strcpy() function, 177–178, 633
strctfun.cpp, 348
strctptr.cpp, 352–353
stream objects, 1067
stream states, 1097–1098
effects, 1100–1102
exceptions, 1099–1100
file I/O, 1118–1119
get() and getline() input effects, 1108
setting, 1098
streambuf class, 1065
streams, 1063–1064, 1067
istream class, 47
ostream class, 47
strfile.cpp, 958–959
strgfun.cpp, 340
strgstl.cpp, 1038–1039
strict weak ordering, 988
strin.cpp, 1144
string class, 131–133, 353–354, 647, 952, 960, 965–966, 1249–1250, 1333
append methods, 1265–1266
assignment, 133–134
assignment methods, 1260, 1266
assignment operator, overloading, 652–658
sayings1.cpp, 656
string1.cpp, 653–656
string1.h, 652–653
automatic sizing, 966–967
bracket notation, 649–651
comparing, 960
comparison members, 648–649
comparison methods, 1263–1265
complex operations, 135–136
concatenation, 133–134
concatenation methods, 1266
constants, 1251
constructors, 952–956, 1253
copy constructors, 1255–1256
default constructors, 1254
that use arrays, 1254
that use n copies of characters, 1257
that use parts of arrays, 1254–1255
that use ranges, 1257
copy methods, 1269
data methods, 1251–1253
default constructor, 647–648
erase methods, 1267–1268
finding size of, 960
Hangman sample program, 962–965
input, 957–960
input/output, 1269–1270
insertion methods, 1267
memory-related methods, 1258
reading line by line, 136–140
replacement methods, 1268–1269
search methods, 1260
find(), 1260–1261
find_first_not_of(), 1262–1263
find_first_of(), 1262
find_last_not_of(), 1263
find_last_of(), 1262
rfind(), 1261
searching, 960–961
static class member functions, 651–652
STL interface, 1038–1039
string access methods, 1259
string comparisons, 223–224
structures, 144–145
template definition, 1249
types, 1250–1251
string() constructors, 952–956, 1253
copy constructors, 1255–1256
default constructors, 1254
that use arrays, 1254
that use n copies of character, 1257
that use parts of arrays, 1254–1255
that use ranges, 1257
string1.cpp, 653–656
string1.h, 653
StringBad class, 628
constructors, 632–633
destructor, 633
strngbad.cpp, 630–631
strngbad.h, 628–629
vegnews.cpp sample program, 633–637
accessing, 1259
accessing with for loops, 206–207
appending, 1265–1266
assigning, 1266
C-style, 120–122
combining with numeric input, 130–131
concatenating, 122
empty lines, 130
failbits, 130
in arrays, 123–124
null characters, 121
passing as arguments, 339–341
pointers, 173–178
returning from functions, 341–343
string input, entering, 124–126
string input, reading with get(), 127–130
string input, reading with getline(), 126–127
comparing, 1263–1265
C-style strings, 220–223
string class strings, 223–224
concatenating, 128, 1266
copying, 1269
erasing, 1267–1268
initializing, 121
input, 1106–1108
input/output, 1269–1270
inserting, 1267
palindromes, 1057
replacing, 1268–1269
searching, 1260
find_first_not_of() method, 1262–1263
find_first_of() method, 1262
find_last_not_of() method, 1263
find_last_of() method, 1262
find() method, 1260–1261
rfind() method, 1261
string access methods, 1259
string class, 131–133, 647, 960, 966, 1249–1250, 1333
append methods, 1265–1266
appending, 133–134
assignment, 133–134
assignment methods, 1260, 1266
assignment operator, overloading, 652–658
automatic sizing, 966–967
bracket notation, 649–651
comparing, 960
comparison members, 648–649
comparison methods, 1263–1265
complex operations, 135–136
concatenation, 133–134
concatenation methods, 1266
constants, 1251
constructors, 952–956, 1253–1257
copy methods, 1269
data methods, 1251–1253
default constructor, 647–648
erase methods, 1267–1268
finding size of, 960
Hangman sample program, 962–965
input, 957–960
input/output, 1269–1270
insertion methods, 1267
memory-related methods, 1258
reading line by line, 136–140
replacement methods, 1268–1269
search methods, 1260–1263
searching, 960–961
static class member functions, 651–652
STL interface, 1038–1039
string access methods, 1259
structures, 144–145
template definition, 1249
types, 1250–1251
string class objects, 353–354
StringBad class, 628
constructors, 632–633
destructor, 633
strngbad.cpp, 630–631
strngbad.h, 628–629
vegnews.cpp sample program, 633–637
swapping, 1269
strings.cpp, 123
strlen() function, 123–124, 136, 177, 306, 632
strngbad.cpp, 630–631
strngbad.h, 629
Stroustrup, Bjarne, 14–15
strout.cpp, 1143
strquote.cpp, 402–403
strtref.cpp, 395
strtype1.cpp, 132
strtype2.cpp, 134
strtype4.cpp, 137
struct keyword, 140
structur.cpp, 142
structure initialization, C++11, 144
structure members, 141
structured programming, 12
structures, 140–142, 343, 346
addresses, passing, 351–353
arrays, 147–148
assignment, 145–146
bit fields, 148
compared to classes, 514
dynamic structures, new operator, 178–180
example, 142–144
nested structures, 682
passing/returning structures, 344–345, 348–351
polar coordinates, 347
rectangular coordinates, 346
reference variables, 394, 397–399
const keyword, 401
return references, 399–400
string class members, 144–145
Student class
contained object interfaces, 792–795
contained objects, initializing, 791
design, 787–788
methods, 793–795
private inheritance, 798, 804–805
base-class components, initializing, 798–799
base-class friends, accessing, 801–804
base-class methods, accessing, 800–801
base-class objects, accessing, 801
sample program, 795–797
studentc.h, 789–790
studentc.cpp, 793
studentc.h, 789–790
studenti.cpp, 802–803
studenti.h, 799
subdivide() function, 360–361
sube() function, 311
subobjects, 797
subroutines. See functions
subscripts, 117
substrings, finding, 1260
find_first_not_of() method, 1262–1263
find_first_of() method, 1262
find_last_not_of() method, 1263
find_last_of() method, 1262
find() method, 1260–1261
rfind() method, 1261
subtraction operator (-), overloading, 574–578
sum_arr() function, 320–322, 325
sum() function, 344–345, 565–567
sum() method, 787, 807, 1046
sumafile.cpp, 294–295
Swap() function, 420–421, 1294, 1297
swap() method, 981, 1269, 1276
swap_ranges() function, 1294, 1297
swapp() function, 389
swapping strings, 1269
swapr() function, 389
swaps.cpp, 387–388
swapv() function, 389
switch.cpp, 276–277
switch statement, 274–278
compared to if else statement, 279–280
enumerators as labels, 278–279
example, 275–278
syntax, 275
symbolic constants, 72
symbolic names, 90–92
TableTennisPlayer class, 708–710
tabtenn0.cpp, 709
tabtenn0.h, 708
usett0.cpp, 710
tabtenn0.cpp, 709
tabtenn0.h, 708
tabtenn1.cpp, 717
tabtenn1.h, 716
tags, 140
Technical Report 1 (TR1), 1206
template aliases, C++11, 866
template classes, 830–837
arrays, non-type arguments, 843–845
auto_ptr, 969, 973–975
complex, 1045
deque, 1013
explicit instantiations, 850
explicit specializations, 850–851
implicit instantiations, 850
list, 1014–1017
member functions, 1014–1016
members, 854–855
partial specializations, 851–852
pointers, stacks of pointers, 837–843
priority_queue, 1017–1018
queue, 1017
stack, 1018
valarray, 1045–1046, 1049–1051
vector, 979–991, 1012–1013, 1045–1046, 1049–1051
adding elements to, 982–983
past-the-end iterators, 981–982
removing ranges of, 982
shuffling elements in, 987
sorting, 987
vect1.cpp example, 980–981
vect2.cpp sample program, 984–986
vect3.cpp sample program, 988–991
versatility, 845–846
default type parameters, 849
multiple type parameters, 847
recursive use, 846–847
template functions, 438
alternative function syntax, 441
decltype, 439
type, 439
template keyword, 831
template parameter packs, 1197–1198
unpacking, 1198–1199
templates. See also STL (Standard Template Library)
angle brackets, 1162
autoptr, 1333
export, 1162
friend classes, 858
bound template friend functions, 861–864
non-template friend functions, 858–861
unbound template friend functions, 864–865
function templates, 419, 422
explicit instantiation, 428–430
explicit specializations, 425–428
implicit instantiation, 428–430
overload resolution, 431–438
overloading, 422–424
inefficiences, function wrapper, 1191–1194
initializer_list, C++11, 1051–1053
istream iterator, 1003
nested classes, 892–896
ostream iterator, 1002–1003
parameters, 855–858
range-based for loop, 1161
STL (Standard Template Library), 1334
string template class, 1249–1250
append methods, 1265–1266
assignment methods, 1260, 1266
comparison methods, 1263–1265
concatenation methods, 1266
constants, 1251
constructors, 1253–1257
copy methods, 1269
data methods, 1251–1253
erase methods, 1267–1268
input/output, 1269–1270
insertion methods, 1267
memory-related methods, 1258
replacement methods, 1268–1269
search methods, 1260–1263
string access methods, 1259
template definition, 1249
types, 1250–1251
valarray, 1162
variadic templates, 866, 1197
recursion, 1199–1202
template and function parameter packs, 1197–1198
unpacking the packs, 1198–1199
tempmemb.cpp, 852
temporary files, random access, 1141–1142
temporary variables, 392–394
tempover.cpp, 434–437
tempparm.cpp, 856–857
terminate() function, 928–930
terminators, 30
testing bit values, 1241–1242
tests, loop tests, 196–197
text, reading with loops, 234
cin.get() function, 235–237, 241–244
cin object, 234–235
end-of-file conditions, 237–241
sentinel characters, 234
text files, 287–288, 1129
reading, 292–298
writing to, 288–292
textin1.cpp, 234
textin2.cpp, 236
textin3.cpp, 239
textin4.cpp, 242
third-generation specialization, 425–426
this pointer, 539
throw keyword, 900
throwing exceptions, 900, 915–916
tilde, 529, 1237
time, 1009
time-delay loops, 229–230
tmp2tmp.cpp, 862–864
toggling bits, 1241
tokens, 39
alternative tokens, table of, 1222
tolower() function, 273, 1041
top-down design, 12
top-down programming, 331
topfive.cpp, 353
topval() method, 543
total ordering, 988
totals, calculating cumulative totals, 1320
toupper() function, 273
trailing zeros/decimal points, printing, 1083–1087, 1090
traits type, 1250
transform() function, 1030–1031, 1041, 1294, 1297
translation units, compiling separately, 447–449, 453
translator (cfront), 21
travel.cpp, 344–345
trivial conversations for exact matches, 432
troubleshooting compilers, 24
truncate.cpp, 1113
try blocks, 901–903
try keyword, 901
turning off bits, 1241
turning on bits, 1241
Tv class, 878–879, 883
tv.cpp, 880–882
tv.h, 879–880
tvfm.h, 885–886
use_tv.cpp, 882
tv.cpp, 880–882
tv.h, 879–880
tvfm.h, 885–886
two-dimensional arrays, 244–249
declaring, 244–246
initializing, 246–249
twoarg.cpp, 316
twod.cpp, 846–847
twofile2.cpp, 469
twoswap.cpp, 427–428
twotemps.cpp, 422
type cast operators, 943–944
type casts, 606–612, 1330–1331
type conversion, 606–612
applying automatically, 616–618
conversion functions, 612–616
friends, 618–621
implicit conversion, 609
type info class, 939–941, 944
type info structure, 934
type parameters, 834
type of template functions, 439
typecast.cpp, 108
typedef, 371
typedef keyword, 230
typeid operators, 934, 939–944
typename keyword, 831
char_type, 1250
const_iterator, 1273
const_reference, 1273
difference_type, 1250, 1273
iterators, 997, 1273
key_compare, 1281, 1284
key_type, 1281, 1284
mapped_type, 1281, 1284
reference, 1273
size_type, 1250, 1273
traits, 1250
type casts, 1330–1331
value_compare, 1281, 1284
value_type, 1273
UCHAR_MAX constant, 72
UINT_MAX constant, 72
ULONG_MAX constant, 72
UML (Unified Modeling Language), 08
unary functions, 1027, 1030
unary minus operator, 601
unary operators, 601, 1234
unbound template friend functions, 864–865
uncaught exceptions, 928–931
underscore (_), 1222
unexpected exceptions, 928–931
unexpected() function, 929
unformatted input functions, 1102
Unicode, 88
Unified Modeling Language (UML), 1208
Unified Modeling Language User Guide, 1323
uniform initialization, 1154
initializer_list, 1155
narrowing, 1154
unions, 149
anonymous unions, 150
declaring, 149
unique_copy() function, 1295, 1301
unique() function, 1041, 1295, 1300
unique() method, 1016–1017, 1280
unique_ptr versus auto_ptr, 975–977
universal character names, 87–88
UNIX, CC compiler, 21–22
unnamed namespaces, 491–492
unordered associative containers, C++11, 1283
unqualified names (functions), 486, 514
unsetf() function, 1090
unsigned char data type, 88–89
unsigned integers, 74–76
unsigned long long type, 1153
unwinding the stack, 909–910, 913–914
upcasting, 738, 944
implicit upcasting, 807
update() function, 466, 514
updates, loop updates, 196–198, 205–206
uppercase manipulator, 1091
upper_bound() functions, 1024, 1304, 1309
upper_bound() method, 1021, 1283
use-case analysis, 1207
use() function, 394, 397–399
usealgo.cpp, 1043–1044
usebrass1.cpp, 732–733
usebrass2.cpp, 734
usedma.cpp, 765
usenmsp.cpp, 494–495
user-defined functions
example, 53–54
function form, 54–55
function headers, 55–56
return values, 57–59
using directive, 59–60
usestok0.cpp, 519
usestok1.cpp, 533
usestok2.cp, 547
usetime1.cpp, 571–572
usetime2.cpp, 577
usett0.cpp, 710
usett1.cpp, 717–718
use_new.cpp, 161
use_ptr() method, 1244
use_sales.cpp, 925–927
use_stuc.cpp, 795–797
use_stui.cpp, 804–805
use_tv.cpp, 882
USHRT_MAX constant, 72
using-declaration, 491
using directive, 35–36, 59–60
using keyword, 486–490, 807–808, 1332
valarray class, 786–787, 1045–1046, 1049–1051
templates, 1162
value, passing by, 313–314, 770
value_comp() method, 1282
value_compare type, 1281, 1284
value_type type, 1273
assigning to pointers, 171
indirect, 155
valvect.cpp, 1048
variable arrays, 1329
variables, 66
assigning values to, 43
automatic, 182, 453–457
example, 455–457
initializing, 458
stacks, 458–459
automatic variables, 314
declaring, 41–43
dynamic, 454
dynamic memory, 476–479, 482
enum, 150–152
enumerators, 150–151
value ranges, 153
values, setting, 152
floating-point numbers, 92
advantages/disadvantages, 96–97
constants, 96
decimal-point notation, 92
double data type, 94–96
E notation, 92–93
float data type, 94–96
long double data type, 94–96
global, compared to local variables, 467
indeterminate values, 73
initializing, 52, 73
integers, 68
bool, 90
char, 80–89
choosing integer types, 76–77
climits header file, 71–73
constants, 78–80, 90–92
initializing, 73
int, 68–70
long, 68–70
short, 68–70
sizeof operator, 71–73
unsigned, 74–76
width of, 68
keywords, static, 183
local variables, 314–315
compared to global variables, 467
naming conventions, 66–68
pointers, 153
assigning values to, 171
C++ philosophy, 155
cautions, 159
compared to pointed-to values, 172
declaring, 155–159, 171
deferencing, 171–172
delete operator, 163–164
example, 154
initializing, 157–159
integers, 160
new operator, 160–162
pointer arithmetic, 167–172
pointer notation, 173
strings, 173–178
reference variables, 383
arguments, 408–409
class objects, 401–405
creating, 383–386
function parameters, 386, 389–390
inheritance, 405–408
properties, 390–391
structures, 394, 397–401
scope, 454
global, 454
local, 454–457
namespace, 454
static, 453, 459–462
external, 466
external linkage, 463, 466–467
internal linkage, 467–470
no linkage, 470–472
temporary variables, 392–394
type conversions, 102
in arguments, 106
in expressions, 105–106
on assignment, 103–104
type casts, 107–109
variadic templates, 866, 1197
recursion, 1199–1202
template and function parameter packs, 1197–1198
unpacking the packs, 1198–1199
variadic2.cpp, 1201
variations on function pointers, 365–370
vect.cpp, 593
vect.h, 591
vect1.cpp, 980
vect2.cpp, 984–985
vect3.cpp, 988
vector class, 588–590, 600, 979–988, 991, 1045–1046, 1049–1051
adding elements to, 982–983
adding vectors, 590
declaring, 591–592
displacement vectors, 589
implementation comments, 602
member functions, 592, 597
multiple representations, 599
overloaded arithmetic operators, 599–600
overloading overloaded operators, 601
past-the-end iterators, 981–982
Random Walk sample program, 602, 605–606
removing ranges of, 982
shuffling elements in, 987
sorting, 987
state members, 597–599
vect1.cpp example, 980–981
vect2.cpp sample program, 984–986
vect3.cpp sample program, 988–991
vector class templates, 1012–1013
vector containers, 1012–1013
vector objects versus arrays, 188–189
vector template class, 120, 186–187
vectors, methods, 1278–1280
vegnews.cpp, 634
versatility of templates, 845–846
version1() function, 403
version2() function, 404
version3() function, 405
ViewAcct() function, 725–726, 730
virtual base classes, 815–817
combining with nonvirtual base classes, 828
constructors, 817–818
dominance, 828–829
methods, 818–828
virtual destructors, 737, 742–743, 776
virtual function tables (vtbl), 740
virtual functions, 739–742, 775–776
behavior, 734–736
friends, 743, 776
memory and execution speed, 742
pure virtual functions, 748
redefinition, 743–745
virtual function tables, 740
virtual keyword, 742
virtual methods, 1183–1184
void functions, 307
void statement, 53
volatile keyword, 473
vslice.cpp, 1049–1050
vtbl (virtual function table), 740
waiting.cpp, 229
wchar_t data type, 89, 1064
wdith of integers, 68
Web resources, 1325
what() function, 917
while loops, 224–227
compared to for loops, 227–228
example, 225–226
syntax, 224
time-delay loops, 229–230
while.cpp, 225
white space, 39
width() method, 1080–1081
width.cpp, 1080
Windows, compilers, 23–24
Withdraw() method, 731, 745
Worker class, 810–814
Worker0.cpp, 811–812
Worker0.h, 810–811
workermi.cpp, 823–825
workermi.h, 821–822
workmi.cpp, 826–827
worktest.cpp, 813
WorseThan() function, 988
wow() function, 409
wrapped.cpp, 1195
wrappers, 1191
function wrapper
fixing problems, 1194–1196
options for, 1196–1197
template inefficiencies, 1191–1194
write.cpp, 1073–1074
write() member function, 1130–1133
write() method, 1071–1075
to files, 1115–1118
to text files, 288–292
XOR operator, bitwise XOR (^), 1238
zeros, trailing, 1083–1087, 1090