Contents at a Glance


1 Getting Started with C++

2 Setting Out to C++

3 Dealing with Data

4 Compound Types

5 Loops and Relational Expressions

6 Branching Statements and Logical Operators

7 Functions: C++’s Programming Modules

8 Adventures in Functions

9 Memory Models and Namespaces

10 Objects and Classes

11 Working with Classes

12 Classes and Dynamic Memory Allocation

13 Class Inheritance

14 Reusing Code in C++

15 Friends, Exceptions, and More

16 The string Class and the Standard Template Library

17 Input, Output, and Files

18 Visiting with the New C++ Standard


A Number Bases

B C++ Reserved Words

C The ASCII Character Set

D Operator Precedence

E Other Operators

F The string Template Class

G The Standard Template Library Methods and Functions

H Selected Readings and Internet Resources

I Converting to ISO Standard C++

J Answers to Chapter Reviews

