PTF Santisima Trinidad

For now, Pedraz was keeping inside the smoke. Later, when he was reasonably sure that he was out of range, or at least far enough away that the carrier wouldn't mistake his boat for a threat, he'd emerge into the open. For now, he and his men were on a definite post-adrenaline let down and would just as soon ride that out.

"Did we win, Chief?" Francés asked.

"Win? What's a win," Pedraz answered, sadly and quietly. "Dos Lindas is still there, after they threw everything they had at it. I guess that's a win. Though I don't know if she'll ever fight again."

"She will," Francés answered, as if sure. "As long as she floats and has a crew, she can be repaired."

Suddenly, without warning, the Trinidad emerged into the clear. Francés pointed and asked, "Skipper, what's that doing here?"
