10/7/468 AC BdL Qamra, Hajipur, Sind

Though the sun had not yet set, Hecate shone indistinctly on the eastern horizon.

To the west, the fronts of the Hindu and Buddhist temples lining the waterfront were in shadow.

"They've got a god or goddess for everything, I think," Marta said to Jaquelina, the two sitting side by side on the forward deck, arms around each others' waists. Marta was relaxed enough but Jaquie seemed to her lover to be very stiff.

"Are you feeling all right, love," Marta asked.

Jaquie said nothing, but shook her head and leaned into Marta, tucking one shoulder under the larger woman's arm.

"Tell me," Marta commanded.

"It's nothing."

"Tell me."

Jaquie nestled closer in and admitted, "Honestly, I'm scared."


There wasn't a lot more to say. The carrier was still under repair. The other escorts were needed to secure it in a place that was something less than secure. Even so, the contract with the zaibatsu required, at a minimum, that the classis maintain a presence in the Nicobar Straits. All that was available, or would be available before BdL Tadeo Kurita unloaded Dos Lindas' elevator, was Qamra.

Fosa had given the word the previous day. "Take Qamra out to the Straits and see if you can't take out one or two of the smaller pirate boats. We'll be along as soon as we've fitted the elevator. We'll all be along."

"We're going to be alone out there," Jaquelina continued, with a small shiver. "For a week or two. Maybe more. No back up. No help. Nobody scouting for us. No retreat if we get in trouble. Even the men are worried."

Marta leaned over to kiss the top of her lover's head, then reached out a hand to stroke hair and cheek. "You have too much imagination," she said. "We'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you."

Jaquie backed off and looked intently into Marta's face. "I'm not worried about me, you idiot. I'm worried about you."
