The two cats walked over to Simon's nest. He opened an eye, then closed it.
“I know you're awake.” Murphy tickled the possum's nose with her tail.
“I'm tired. I was out foraging all night,” he grumbled.
“In the feed room.” Pewter laughed.
“Go back to sleep. I'm borrowing this map that I stashed here. I'll bring it back.”
“Fine.” He closed his eyes again.
They carried the map to the opened hayloft door, unfolded it, and studied it.
“It's the watershed, like you said.” Pewter sat on the corner.
“Wish I knew what the separate squares meant. Any ideas?”
“No. They're in or adjacent to the watershed.”
“Well, let's put this back. There may be a good time to show the humans.”
The blue jay streaked past the hayloft, spied the cats, and shrieked, “Tuna breath!”
Pewter lunged for the bird but Murphy caught her. “Don't let him bug you like that. Do you want to fall out of the hayloft?”
“I will kill that bird if it's the last thing I do.”
Complaining, Pewter put the map in Simon's nest along with his ever-expanding treasures. The latest find was a broken fan belt.
“Mrs. Murphy, let's do nothing today. Nothing at all.”
“Good idea.”