Harry was just turning into her driveway when Sarah flew past her without waving, her car a blur.

She stopped at her mailbox, watching as Sarah turned into Blair's driveway a quarter of a mile down the road.

“I wonder—” she said out loud, then shook her head. “Nah.”

Sarah roared up to the house, parked her car next to the Porsche, and ran to the door.

“Archie! Archie!”

Archie, who'd just come back from dragging the U-Haul to Tally's, was surprised to see Sarah burst through the doorway, even more surprised when she flung herself into his arms.

“I think I'll go to my office.” Blair, who'd been helping Archie, put his papers in a box, then walked upstairs.

Sarah waited until she heard the door close. “He's going to kill me.”


“Archie, I've got to get out of here. Help me!”

“Why does he want to kill you?”

“Because I tried to kill him.”


“It was me at Oak Ridge. You were right. I dressed as a soldier, just as you said. Those damned old rifles—it's a wonder anybody hit the broad side of a barn during that war.”

Archie held her at arm's length. “Sarah, you really shot H. Vane?”

“I'm only sorry I missed killing him.”

“He knows?” Archie was amazed.

“He thinks he knows. I caught him in my closet going through my garment bags—looking for the uniform, damn his eyes. Well, he won't find it. I'm not stupid. I burned the thing.”

“So he has no proof?”

“No, but what does that matter? He's in a rage. He'll kill me if he finds me and he's so rich he'll get off. People like him always do.”

“Why did you want to kill him?” Archie coolly asked.

“Because I couldn't stand his fat body one more minute. Because I hate him. I hate the sight of him. You've never been a servant, Archie, you wouldn't understand.”

“You were a very well-paid one.”

Sensing his withdrawal, she said, “I couldn't tell you. You would have tried to stop me. As long as he's alive I can't be with you. And why should I go to the poorhouse? I've worked for that money. If he caught us together my divorce would be an open-and-shut case. Shut the door. Bang.”

“I see.”

“Archie, help me!” She threw her arms around him.

“Where is he now?”

“Locked in my closet. He'll eventually break the door down. His shoulder still hurts but he's strong. You've got to hide me until I can figure something out.”

“Jesus, Sarah, didn't your mother tell you, Look before you leap?”

“If I'd done that I'd never have fallen in love with you.”

“I wish I believed that.” He sighed. Beautiful women acquired men like dogs acquire fleas. All they had to do was walk through a room.

“Did you shoot Tommy? Tell me the truth this time.”

“No. I loved Tommy once.” She looked him square in the eye. “He had magic. It didn't last long but I was so miserable with H. Archie, can't you understand?”


“He'll kill me!”

“All right. All right.” He stroked her hair.

Try as he might, he couldn't stop loving her. He kissed her. “Everything will be all right.” He walked to the foot of the stairs. “Blair.”

The door opened. “Yes.”

“I'm taking Sarah to the airport.”

Blair clomped halfway down the stairs. “Everything okay?”

“No,” Sarah tearfully confessed. “Blair, I can explain everything later. I just have to get out of here.”

Archie hustled her into his Land Rover. Blair watched them start down the driveway. If he'd watched longer he would have seen that Archie turned right out of his driveway, not left toward the airport.
