Third murder victim ‘beaten to death’

FOLLOWING THE DEATH of Kevin at the Ministry of Defence, was con-Atkins, a 58-yr-old builder from scripted into the Royal Army Pay south London, police have a con-Corps as part of his National Serfirmed a possible link with the mur-vice. Kevin Atkins served 15 years ders of Harry Peel, 57, and Martin in the army, most notably as a cor-Britton, 71. Mr Atkins sustained poral in 2 Para during the 1982 Falkfatal head injuries in what police lands War. He was decommissioned have described as a ‘frenzied in 1983. attack’. His cleaner discovered his Det Supt Brian Jones denied body on Wednesday morning but rumours that Harry Peel and Kevin post-mortem tests showed he’d been Atkins had been forced out of the dead for at least four days. army because of homosexual activ-

Det Supt Brian Jones, who has ity. He also refused to comment on been leading the inquiries into the whether a male prostitute is being murders of Harry Peel and Martin sought in connection with the mur-Britton, said there were similarities ders. ‘We are keeping an open mind.’ between the cases. ‘All three men He urged anyone with information to lived alone and were found in their come forward. ‘Whoever is doing beds,’ he said. ‘The attacks were this is extremely dangerous.’ violent but there were no signs of Police have welcomed the help forced entry and we believe the vic-of the gay community in drawing tims knew their assailant.’ attention to the danger of casual sex

He refused to comment on the with strangers. ‘Most of us think of men’s army records. Harry Peel our homes as safe,’ said a spokes-spent five years in an infantry regi-man, ‘but they’re not. They’re the ment from the age of 18. Martin place where we let down our guard Britton, a high-ranking civil servant and make ourselves vulnerable.’

Southwark Echo, Thursday, 12 April 2007
