“I’m sorry,” I told Special Agent Dailey as he put on the cuffs. In front of me, not behind. Professional courtesy. “Coursey was a good man.”

Dailey looked positively haggard, the neutral expression he constantly wore replaced by a drawn-out, faraway look.

“He’s the one who answered the door. He told Sergeant Benedict to stay back.”

“Where is Herb?”

“Intensive Care. He just got out of surgery.”

“Can I see him?”

“I have orders to bring you in.”

“Please,” I said.

“I can’t. The SAC wants you in custody.”

“He’s my partner. You know how important that is.”

Dailey stared at me, then nodded. He took my elbow and escorted me down the hospital hallway. His grip was heavy, but I felt it had less to do with me running away, and more about giving him something to cling to.

There were guards in front of Herb’s room. One of them was Tom Mankowski. He was in a rumpled, filthy suit, standing almost a head taller than me. His blue eyes appraised me kindly.

“I was at the neighbors’. When the car pulled up, we were ready to move in. But Sergeant Benedict told us to hold off. He thought it was some steaks you were sending him. Actually, that saved a lot of lives. We lost three, but it would have been four or five more if he didn’t order us to stand down. Me included.”

I nodded at him, turned my attention to the door.

“Ten minutes,” Dailey told me.

I went inside.

Herb was under an oxygen tent, the clear plastic windows looking futuristic and strangely cheap. Ban dages were swathed around his chest. Two tubes were taped to his face, one going up his nose and the other jammed down his throat. Another tube-I guessed it to be a drain-snaked out through his ban dages, taped to the bed rail along with his IV. His eyes were closed, puffy. The steady beep beep beep of his vitals drilled into me, accusing, blaming.

Bernice was slumped in a chair next to him, some gauze on her forehead, her hand under the tent and clutching her husband’s. When she saw me she stood up and threw her arms around my waist.

I couldn’t hug her back because of the handcuffs, but I put my head on her shoulder.

“How’s he doing?” I managed.

“Critical. His chest is all messed up. The bomb-it was packed with roofing nails.”

“What did the doctors say?”

“They wouldn’t give me a clear answer. I had to scream at the head surgeon. He told me…” Bernice sobbed, her body shuddering. “Jack, his chances are fifty-fifty.”

Fifty-fifty. The toss of a coin.

“I’ll find her,” I said.

I expected her to tell me that’s what she wanted. That I’d better.

I was wrong.

“No,” she said. “You should let this go.”

Bernice drew away from me, teary eyes staring back at her husband.

“We were talking about you earlier, Jack. The Job is killing you. It has been for years. Herb’s seen it. He’s watched you die, a little each day.” She paused. “You need to quit.”

“I have to finish this, Bernice.”

She looked at me sadly. “Oh, Jack, there’s always one more thing you have to finish. One more crime to solve. One more perp to catch. Someone hits, you hit back. You’re always hitting back. Sometimes, the best thing-the sane thing-is to just walk away. That’s what Herb wanted you to do.”

“He wanted me to quit?”

“He wanted you to be happy. And you’ll never be happy if you keep heading down this path. Happiness isn’t having complete control, Jack. Happiness is realizing you don’t have any control at all.”

I stared at my partner, a lump in my throat, and everything everyone had told me over the last few days suddenly made perfect sense.

And I knew what I had to do.

I had to let it all go.

“I have to go, Bernice. But I understand. When he wakes up, tell him…tell him I…just…just give him this.”

It wasn’t easy fishing it out of my purse with my hands cuffed, but I managed, pressing it into Bernice’s hands. She held it up.

“Your badge.”

“Last night…” I took a big breath. “Bernice, last night, I almost…I thought it was the only way, you know, to stop the pain. But I don’t need to die. Only part of me does. The cop part.”

“You’re resigning?”

“I’m done. It’s over. Tell Herb I love him, and I quit, and I’ll be over next week for Turduckinlux.”

Bernice smiled sadly. “He’d be so proud of you right now, Jack.”

“Take care of our boy, okay? I’ll be back soon.”

I heard yelling from the hallway. I gave Bernice another hug using just my head and neck, and then walked outside.

McGlade, pointing his prosthesis up at Mankowski.

“I told you she’s my sister, and if you don’t let me-Hey, Jackie, tell this very tall piece of shit who I am.”

“It’s okay,” I said to Tom. He nodded, backed off.

“Sis, the last cell phone-it’s moving.”

“I don’t care anymore, Harry.” I turned to Dailey. “I’m ready.”

“Can I have a private brother/sister moment, Special Agent?”

Dailey nodded. Harry whispered to me.

“You don’t get it. If it’s moving, that means Alex has it on her. It’s the last phone. We can track it right to her.”

“It’s not my problem anymore. I just quit the force.”


I reached into my pocket, took out the cell phone Alex had given me. The leash she’d been using to lead me around.

“Here. Take it. I don’t care what you do with it.”

The act was so liberating I actually felt about fifty pounds lighter.

Special Agent Dailey led me down the hall, away from a bewildered Harry McGlade, and into the parking lot. I got into his car and we drove to the federal lockup for booking. The arrest papers were drawn up, I was printed, mug shots taken, and I was placed in a holding cell, all the while unable to get the serene smile off my face.

I should have given up years ago.
