Список использованных источников и литературы:


Геродот История в девяти книгах. — Л.: Наука, 1972.

Марк Анней Лукан Фарсалия или поэма о гражданской войне / Пер. Л.Е. Остроумова. — М. — Л., 1951.

Aelian On Animals / eng. trans. By A. F. Scholfield. Vol. I. — L.: Heinemann, 1958. (Loeb Classical Library).

Der Alexanderroman des Archipresbyters Leo / ed. Leo F. Pfister. — Heidelberg, Winter, 1913. (Sammlung Mittellateinischer Texte, 6).

Etymologies sive Origenes. Vol. 1 — 2. / Ed. W.M. Lindsay. — Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1911.

Gervase of Tilbury. Otia Imperialia: Recreation for an Emperor. / Ed. and tr. by S. E. Banks and J. W. Binns. — New York: Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, 2002

James M. R. The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament: Their Titles and Fragments Collected, Translated and Discussed. — London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; N.Y.: MacMillan, 1920.

James M.R. Marvels of the East: reproduction of the three known copies Oxford: Roxburghe Club, 1929.

Lecouteux De Rebus in Oriente Mirabilibus / ed. C. Lecouteux. — Meisenheim am Glan: Hain. — 1979. (Beitrage zur klassischen Philologie).

Plinius Caius Caecilius Secundus Natural History. In 10 Vol./ H. Rackham. — Cambr., Mass.; Lnd.: Harvard UP, 1983 — 2000.

Q. Curti Rufi historiarum Alexandri magni Macedonis : libri qui supersunt. Buch III — V. / Th. Vogel. — Leipzig, 1880.

Solini C. Julii Collectanea rerum memorabilium / Mommsen Th. — Bernolini, 1864

Tertullianus Ad nationes / Ed. A. Reifferscheid, G. Wissowa. — Vienna, 1890. — P. 59 — 134. (Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 20)

Tertullian, Apology, De Spectaculis // tr. by T.R. Glover. — L., 1931. (Loeb Classical Library)

Xivrey J.B. Traditions Teratologiques. — P., 1836


Biggs F.M., Hall Th.N. Traditions Concerning Jamnes and Mambres in Anglo-Saxon England // Anglosaxon England. — 1996. — pp. 69 — 90.

Cary G. The Medieval Alexander. — Cambridge: University Press, 1967.

Grundy G.B. The Old English Mile and the Gallic League // Geographical Journal. — 1938 — Vol. 91. — №3. — P. 252.

Malone K. Anglo-Latin version of the Hjadnigavig // Speculum. — 1964. — Vol. 39. — pp. 35 — 44.

Orchard A. Pride and Prodigies: Studies in the Monsters of the Beowulf-Manuscript. — Toronto: Univ. Of Toronro Press, 2003.

Wittkower R. Marvels of the East. A Study in the History of Monsters// Journal of Warburg and Courtald Institutes. 1942. — T.5. — P. 159-197.
