
Big hugs for Ruel, my in-house story editor and chief

taste tester.

And hugs for the kids who don’t seem to mind helping

with the taste testing.

Hugs and kisses for the grandkids who don’t suffer

from butter, sugar, or chocolate deprivation thanks to

Hannah Swensen’s recipes.

Thanks to my friends and neighbors: Mel & Kurt, Lyn

& Bill, Lu, Gina, Adrienne, Jay, Bob, Laura Levine

(Jaine Austen mysteries) & Mark, Danny, Judy Q.,

Dr. Bob & Sue, Richard & Krista, Mark B., Angelique,

Daryl and her staff at Groves Accountancy, and everyone

at Boston Private Bank.

Thank you to my Minnesota friends: Lois & Neal,

Bev & Jim, Lois & Jack, Val, Ruthann, Lowell,

Lila & Curt, Dorothy & sister Sue, Mary & Jim,

Tim Hedges, and that great guy from KARE-TV

whose name I never can remember.

Special thanks to my wonderful Editor-in-Chief and

good friend, John Scognamiglio.

Hugs all around to Steve, Laurie, Doug, David, Adam,

Peter, Robin, Karen, Vida, Lesleigh, Adeola, Darla,

Rosanna, Mickie, Alex, and all the other folks at

Kensington Publishing who keep Hannah sleuthing

and baking up a storm.

Thanks to Hiro Kimura, my superb cover artist,

who’s drawn scrumptious desserts for the covers of

every Hannah Swensen mystery. This one is the best

ever! I just hope no one eats the cover before they

read the book!

Thank you to Lou Malcangi at Kensington for

designing all of Hannah’s incredibly gorgeous dust jackets

and paperback covers.

Thanks to John at for

Hannah’s movie and TV spots, and for handling

my social media.

Thanks to Kathy Allen for the final testing of

Hannah’s recipes.

Thank you to Sally Hayes (and Gary, too) for

sharing wonderful recipes.

And a big hug to my friend Trudi Nash for

helping me on book tours.

Thanks also to all the wonderful media guides in

the cities I’ve visited. Without all of you I’d be totally

lost, both figuratively and literally.

Hugs to superb food stylist Lois Brown, for making

my recipes look scrumptious in Phoenix. And thanks to

my Chicago food stylist, Judy Krug, for keeping that

frozen yogurt frozen.

Thank you to Dr. Rahhal, Dr. and Kathy Line,

and Dr. Wallen.

Thanks to Jamie Wallace for keeping my Web site,

up to date and looking great.

And many thanks to all the readers who love Hannah almost as much as I do. I just wish that I had the time to test every single one of the great family recipes you send.
