Chapter Five

After the wild sex, Deena threw Frank out, just like she had with Simon, unable to deal with the emotional turmoil and savage need of her wolf. She’d lost control again, almost biting the little geek, who somehow turned the tables and thought to master her. Even more fucked up, she liked it.

Usually in the bedroom, Deena took control. It didn’t matter how strong the guy was that she decided to fuck, they did what she said. None ever had the balls to take command of the situation, and none ever, ever dared to slap her and threaten to withhold their cock.

It made her wet just thinking about it. How Frank knew what she craved, when even she never guessed, baffled her. Just like she didn’t understand how she could experience the most earth-shattering orgasms with the two most unimposing men she’d ever met. And yet, she couldn’t deny she enjoyed their erotic touch. Wanted to see them again, fuck them, or even better, let them fuck her until she begged for mercy.

Her need shamed her. Where was her strength and will when it came to the pair? She’d only briefly met each of them, and yet now, couldn’t stop thinking of them? Wondering how and when she’d see them again?

What if it’s never?

No! The very idea that she’d never encounter them again saw her bounding off the bed and stalking her room. But the truth remained, despite what she wanted, they could very well disappear. She only knew their first name, nothing else. Although, Frank did let it slip that Simon was related to an alpha leader. However, dozens of them were in attendance for the eclipse the following afternoon. How could she approach them and find her geek boys without voicing her request aloud? Without looking…needy?

And what will I do with them once I find them?

Bite them both and keep them, growled her wolf. Deena recoiled from wolf’s clear desire. Mark two men who couldn’t fight their out of a paper bag? The idea went beyond preposterous. They wouldn’t last a day as her mates. Her inner beast snorted. Claim them before some other bitch spreads her thighs. We both know what happens on the eclipse. Things got wild, and individuals got together that usually wouldn’t have spared each other a glance. There stood a very good chance that her nerds would find themselves tossed to the ground and ravished by some enthusiastic she-wolf.

I’ll kill any slut who touches my geeks. Growling, Deena fought to control herself, her sudden jealousy overwhelming her common sense.

What to do? If she didn’t put a mark on Frank and Simon then they were free game. But if she did…how would they survive as her mates?

Frank’s observation that other pack alpha’s didn’t chose partners based on strength came back to haunt her. It’s different for me. Isn’t it?

A knock sounded on her door, and she flung open the portal with a snarled “What?”

Thankfully, the lodge staff was comprised of Lycan’s, so the valet didn’t flinch at her terseness, although he did blanche, which instantly brought to mind her nerdy lovers.

Something fierce must have shown in her expression because the scent of fear surrounded her as the valet thrust forth a bouquet of wild flowers and a small envelope. “F-f-for you, m-m-ma’am,” he stuttered.

Grabbing the unexpected gift, she didn’t have time to question the valet about who sent it because he’d already fled down the hall.

Slamming her door shut, she sauntered over to her bed and sat. She stared at the flowers, her very first bouquet. Dipping her head, she inhaled their sweet scent, then cradling them on her lap, she tore open the envelope and yanked out the note.


Being with you blew our minds—and cocks. Just remembering how you looked on your knees sucking…it was the most beautiful image ever. But we’re not done with you, woman. And this time, you’ll be the one following orders. We’re going to be watching you at dinner, with our pricks hard as we think of what we intend to do to that sweet pussy of yours. We’re both dying to have a taste. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Your two devoted geeks worshipping your body before fucking it.

But only obedient girls get the ultimate treat. When in public, you might be the boss, but when we get you alone, we’ll be the ones in charge. The ones making you scream as you come, over and over.

Right about now, you’re probably growling and snarling that we don’t have the right to give you orders. Wrong. We are your mates whether you choose to recognize it yet or not and while you rule the pack, we own your body. Our first order to you is that you will not wear underwear to dinner tonight, and you will wear a dress. Simon or I will be checking when you least expect it. We’ll slide our hand up your skirt and stroke your wet pussy. Wear anything to cover it and you won’t be getting a taste of our cocks tonight. That would be a shame, because we had such pleasures planned for your sweet body.

Now go get ready, our sweet alpha bitch, because the dinner hour approaches and we’re so very hungry.

Forever yours,

Simon and Frank

Her first impulse was to crumple the missive and pitch it. Her second to shove her hand down her pants and masturbate. It wouldn’t take long to get herself off considering how hot her pussy already was, each naughty, handwritten word a form of erotic foreplay. How and where did a pair of geeks get to the nerve to act so presumptuously…and arousing?

How dare they think to give me orders. A dress with no undies indeed. A female of her stature couldn’t go out in public dressed as provocatively as they suggested. What would the others think? Then again, the lack of skirts in her wardrobe was more of personal preference than actual need, and the only person who would know she went around bare-assed was her—and the men who thought to command her.

For a pair of guys with less muscles in their body than one of her arms, they sure knew how to give orders and make a woman sopping wet.

With a growl, she stomped into the bathroom and filled the sink with water for the flowers. Keeping their stems damp until she could locate a vase, she lowered her face for another whiff. She inhaled deep, the fragrance of the blooms sweet, just like her lovers. A smile ghosted across her lips.

Maybe wearing a skirt wouldn’t be so bad.

* * *

Borrowing a dress to wear proved easier than she thought, although she almost smacked her packmate Jana. When she made her request, Jana’s jaw dropped to the floor and she managed a choked, “Are you fucking with me? You in a skirt?”

It didn’t help that Deena blushed like some yellow-bellied cur. She’d covered her embarrassment with a barked, “There’s nothing wrong with me wearing a dress. I can wear whatever I fucking like.”

Claiming it, however, did nothing to stem her discomfort as she stalked into the dining hall, certain all eyes were trained on her, aware of her naughty secret. In reality, most of the Lycans in attendance didn’t even look her way, probably terrified she’d tear their heads off. She did, though, catch the interest of three.

One she ignored, his scarred face apparently not reminder enough that she wanted nothing to do with him. The other pair of gazes she pretended not to notice as she strutted to her reserved table. But she couldn’t help the heat—or moisture—that flooded her, knowing they mentally undressed her with their eyes, checking to see just what she wore under the skirt. Nothing, and she’d never felt naughtier or hornier.

Dinner could have comprised of cardboard for all she noticed. The only thing she could concentrate on was making sure she didn’t get caught staring at her geeks, and the jerks, they ignored her right back. Heck, they even spent time chatting up the hillbilly timber wolves rather than mooning in her direction. It should have enraged her at the very least. Instead their very nonchalance in the face of their dirty letter made her stupidly hot.

Thankfully, she wasn’t the only horny one in attendance, the musky smell of lust got stronger the more the alcohol flowed. By the time the tables got pushed out of the way, the lights dimmed and the music cranked, she was ready to tuck one or both of her geeks under her arms and take them somewhere to have her wicked way with them.

Of course, they didn’t seem to share the same impulse, she noted with a glare as they stood, casually chatting up a pair of tiny, blonde females, and hillbilly ones no less, who laughed raucously at something her geeks said. She didn’t like it one bit. As if sensing her stare, Frank turned to look at her. His eyes swept her up and down, a slow grin curling his lips that shot liquid heat right to her cleft. He nudged Simon, who pushed up his glasses before he pivoted and smiled, his eyes lighting with a sincere pleasure that made her blush.

What is wrong with me, acting like a schoolgirl with her first boy crush?

Stupid, juvenile or not, she couldn’t stop herself from heading toward them, need and desire pulling her like a marionette. Intent on her objectives, her heart hammering faster now that she’d captured their undivided attention—to the pouting displeasures of the sluts trying to talk to them--—she almost walked into the bulky form that suddenly stepped in front of her.

Growling at Jeffrey’s scarred countenance, she went to sidestep him, only to have her path blocked as he moved parallel to her.

Annoyed, she didn’t coach her words into any semblance of politeness. “Move out of my way before I hurt you again.”

“Come on, Deena. It’s the eclipse celebration. Can’t we let bygones be bygones? You and I are the only unattached alpha’s here. What do you say we just enjoy ourselves? No strings, just some wild sex.”

A snort escaped her. “You want me to forget you tried to mark me by force and just have sex with you? Did the beating I give you destroy what little intelligence you had left?”

As taunts went, it had the desired effect. Jeffrey’s body bristled, his jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed with anger. Good, because she didn’t want any misunderstandings. She wouldn’t fuck Jeffrey if he was the last wolf left alive. She’d screw a human first.

“I am going to make you pay for that, bitch. Think you’re so fucking tough, let’s see how you fare against me and my boys when we corner you and take turns banging your precious cunt.”

“Try it and I’ll make each and every one of you in permanent sopranos,” she growled right back, livid that he would even think of threatening her, and with gang rape no less.

Things might have devolved into a fistfight except someone bumped into Jeffrey from behind, distracting him. Pivoting, Jeffrey lashed out with a fist, but his target had already danced back out of reach.

“Whoah. Sorry man,” said Simon, holding up his hands in a peace gesture. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your discussion with the beautiful lady.”

“That cunt is no lady,” spat Jeffrey.

“Now that’s not a nice thing to say about a hottie with a killer set of legs,” said Frank, arriving at her side with a shake of his head. “Talk about uncouth behavior. And this is why I betcha later on tonight you end up drunk and fucking some backwoods, hillbilly timber wolf.”

Deena fought not to laugh as they all glanced over at the corner where the wolves in question hung out, barely better than real wolves. They eschewed society for the most part, showing up only at gatherings to recruit fresh blood—A.K.A. mate with some unsuspecting wolves.

A moue of distaste crossed Jeffrey’s visage. “Never. I’ve got more taste than that.”

“If you say so,” Simon replied with a shrug. “But you’re the one calling the hottest woman in here nasty names, which makes me question your ability to judge.”

Deena wanted to groan at her geek’s intentional bait. He’s going to get himself killed if he doesn’t shut up. But even as she thought it, she couldn’t deny a certain pleasure at the elegant way he insulted Jeffrey while complimenting her.

As Simon ducked Jeffrey’s fist, Deena jumped as fingers tickled up her thigh to the hem of her skirt. She whipped her head sideways to see Frank wearing a wide grin. Positioning his body in front of her, he hid his furtive movement from view “Don’t mind me. Just checking to see if you were a good girl.”

“Shouldn’t you be taking care of your friend before he gets his ass kicked?” she hissed, embarrassment warring with excitement that he actually kept his word and checked her for panties. Frank’s head turned around to watch the ducking and dodging Simon. He shrugged even as his fingers kept climbing, dragging the hem of her skirt up.

“As the strong one in this relationship, isn’t that your job?” he whispered, leaning in close, just as his digits reached her cleft. She trembled at the gentle stroke of his fingers across her damp lips. His breath feathered across her lips. “Mmm. What a good girl you are. Now, why don’t you save your soon-to-be mate over there so we can blow this joint and get to work on rewarding you for being so hot.”

He plunged two fingers into her moist sex, pumping her once, twice before withdrawing and moving back. Then he licked his fingers with a wicked smile that brought on a mini quiver.

An “ooh” came from the crowd as a meaty smack sounded and she looked over to see Simon rubbing his jaw, his glasses askew, but that didn’t stop him from saying, “Is that the best you can do? My little sister used to smack me harder.”

Jeffrey roared and rushed him, but her nimble lover, sprang out of the way, speed making up for his lack of muscle and bulk.

With a sigh, Deena stalked toward Jeffrey and spun him before planting a fist in his face.

His broken nose spraying blood. Jeffrey roared. “Bitch! Mind your own fucking business.”

“They are my business, unfortunately.” When the idiot would have spoken again, she tapped him again, his strident scream as she pulverized his already broken nose halting the noise in the room for a moment.

Jeffrey went down clutching his face, muttering, “Cunt!” over and over. Like most bullies, he could give it, but couldn’t take it.

“Come. Now,” she barked striding away from the debacle. She didn’t bother turning to see if either Simon or Frank followed. Lucky her, when she arrived at the elevator she noticed both of them trailing behind her.

“Two of you at once, eh?” she queried with an arched brow. She’d never taken on more than one lover at a time before, but she knew of some who had. The concept intrigued her, and made her already soaking pussy tremble.

Simon blushed, but Frank met her gaze. “A woman like you is special. One man isn’t enough to give you what you need. It’s why fate chose us both as your mates.”

“But I don’t want a mate, or two. Although I will drain you dry,” she answered with a smirk.

“You’ll do more than fuck us, woman. Before we’re done with you, you’ll be begging to mark us. To make us yours.”

“Such cocky assurance,” she purred, backing into the open elevator cab, knowing that despite his brazen claim it would never happen. But she wouldn’t mind enjoying their attempts to change her mind. She crooked a finger at them. “Come along then, my geeky pups. Why don’t you show me how you intend to make me do anything.”

She almost regretted her challenge as they pressed in on her, their ardent gazes and heated bodies almost making her cave in to their demand, making a mockery of her inner assurance. And they haven’t even touched me yet.

For the first time, trepidation and uncertainty flooded her, because despite her words, she wondered if she would prevail, or end up mated to a pair of geeks. Scarier, a part of her wanted to throw caution to the wind and let them so she could continue enjoying the pleasure they brought her.

The doors to the elevator slid shut and her breath hitched as she waited for them to kiss her. However, while their bodies hemmed hers, neither made a move, which drove her wild.

“What are you waiting for?” she growled.

Shy Simon with the glasses she wanted to rip off, quirked a smile. “Haven’t you heard the expression ‘good things come to those who wait’?”

“I’m not a patient woman.”

“What a shame,” Frank replied with a shake of his head, mirth dancing in his eyes. “Because, while we are going to tease that delicious body of yours, we won’t give you the ultimate prize until you admit you are our mate.”

“You’ll wait a long time,” was her dry reply, at odds with her soaking pussy.

“Such a stubborn babe.”

The elevator arrived at her floor. They disembarked and in short order found themselves in her room, the door locked behind them.

“Strip,” she ordered, her own hands impatiently tugging at the buttons down the back of the dress.

“Stop. We want to be the ones to take it off,” Frank said grabbing her hands and stopping her attempt to disrobe.

It occurred to her to protest the delay, however, Frank slid around to her back and, sweeping her hair aside, placed a warm kiss on the nape of her neck. A shiver coursed through her, then a full-body tremble as a motion at her feet made her look down to see Simon kneeling in front of her. He shot her that shy smile of his that squeezed her in the area of her heart. She couldn’t help returning his smile, which made his eyes light up even further. Simon placed his hands on her calves, stroking the firm muscle before sliding up, the simple touch firing up her nerve endings. It didn’t help that behind her, Frank kept pressing light kisses on her nape, his warm breath fluttering across her skin, creating goosebumps in its wake. Caught up in the dueling sensations, she barely noticed when he parted her dress at the back and slid it down her arms. Below her, Simon caught the fabric when it snagged around her hips and tugged it the rest of the way, lifting her feet one at a time, until he’d removed it.

Standing there only in her bra should have proved unnerving, especially since both of them remained fully dressed, but the look of reverence in Simon’s face made her feel like a goddess—a sexual one. He stood, just the right height for their lips to meet, his clothed body pressing on hers, while from behind Frank pushed back, his groin grinding against her buttocks. Talk about sensory overload. Quivers in her cleft made her moan.

Two pairs of hands maneuvered her onto the bed, on her stomach, which surprised her. She opened eyes made heavy with passion, and saw Frank kneeling beside the bed, pulling off his tie.

“Are you ready to submit to us?”

“Make me,” she replied with a husky chuckle. She knew they couldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want. Problem was, she wanted them to do those things to her, dirty, dirty things.

“I love a challenge,” he said with a cocky grin that made her wonder why she’d thought him weak. In appearance perhaps, but his attitude screamed anything but.

She flipped her head to the other side as she felt light kisses on the inside of her forearm and watched Simon, his tie also loose around his neck, nibbling her flesh. Her shy geek didn’t stop his embraces, but he did blush a bit at her intense perusal.

“And do you think to make me submit too?” she teased.

“No, I intend to make you come,” he answered, his cheeks brightening even further, but despite his embarrassment at his statement, the hunger in his eyes grew.

He leaned forward and kissed her, his soft lips sliding over hers, distracting her with his sensual embrace until the soft click snapped her out of it. Yanking at her arms, now shackled to the sturdy head board with fabric lined cuffs, she growled. “Tricky bastards. Let me go.”

“Are you ready to claim us as your mates?” Frank asked moving to stand beside Simon, who shrugged helplessly.

“No. And don’t think these puny cuffs will hold me. Take them off now or I will snap them just like I’m going to snap your scrawny neck.”

A smack as Frank’s hand hit her bare, exposed backside made her suck in a breath, not in pain but incredulity. “What do you think you are doing?”

“We told you in our note, that while in public, you might give the orders, when you’re alone with us, naked, you will obey.” His hand smoothed over the flesh he’d smacked, delving between her thighs and discovering her moistness.

“I won’t claim you,” she repeated, unable to stop the shudder that went through her as he pinched a cheek. Why does this excite me? She didn’t know but she couldn’t help moaning when he smacked her again, and again.

“You’ll do whatever we tell you to, woman.” Frank actually growled it at her.

“I think she talks too much,” Simon added. “And I can think of much better uses for her mouth.”

Had her shy geek actually said that? Astonishment made her turn to find him, and she caught him in the act of shucking his pants and underwear to reveal his long hard cock. This time his smile for her held none of the embarrassment, but plenty of hunger. He knelt onto the bed and positioned himself between her outstretched arms, his bobbing prick in line with her face. He grabbed her by the hair, only to release her when she made a noise.

“Again,” she panted.

As if unsure, his fingers threaded through her strands again and tilted her up. She gazed hungrily at his cock, but couldn’t do what he obviously intended with her stomach flat to the mattress, she lacked the right angle. As if sensing her dilemma, Frank’s hands left off stroking her backside to pull her up on her hands and knees, scooting her forward so her forearms rested on Simon’s thighs. And then her naughty geek shoved her face down on his cock.

And damn her if she didn’t like it.
