Chapter Six

Simon never thought of himself as the take charge type of guy. About the only time he got bold was if bullied, or if he saw someone else needing his aide, then he stepped up to the plate, even if it meant getting a smack in the face or two. Other than that, he preferred to sit in the background, a silent observer. But with Deena, all that changed.

With her, he turned into someone else, a sexual creature, who talked dirty, who grabbed her by the hair and force fed her his cock. And when she moaned, by damn, if it wasn’t the hottest thing he’d ever heard.

To distract himself from her eager sucking, he looked over at his friend. Big mistake. While he had no interest in Frank as a lover, he couldn’t deny the excitement that coursed through him as he saw his friend caressing her buttocks, palpating the firm flesh. Frank slid his hand down the crevice of her ass, and brought his fingers back out wet. He licked them and Simon couldn’t help thrusting his hips at her evident excitement. He gagged poor Deena, not that it stopped her. Instead, she got wilder, and Simon could only yell as he pulled away, not giving her what she so obviously wanted.

“Gimme,” she growled, craning to get him back.

“M-mark me,” he stuttered, finding it hard to think with his cock straining to come.


Her answer, not as adamant as earlier turned into a drawn out moan as Frank slapped her ass for the wrong reply.

“I think it’s time we changed her mind,” Frank said to Simon before lowering his face between her thighs, and while Simon couldn’t see, he could definitely imagine the lapping tongue by the expression on Deena’s face and her harsh breathing. Not to be left out, he moved, maneuvering himself under her chest and grabbing the tip of an erect nipple with teeth.

She screamed. “Yes. Yes. Make me fucking come.”

Instead, as they’d planned beforehand, they backed off, a hard task given Simon just wanted to make her climax.

“Don’t stop,” she cried.

“Will you claim us?” Simon asked.

“No,” she moaned. “Please, just fuck me.”

“Oh, we’ll fuck you all right,” Frank replied, kneeling between her legs. “But, you won’t be coming until you agree to make us your mates.”


Simon grabbed her nipple back in his mouth as Frank thrust into her, jerking her body forward. He pounded her a few times, then pulled out, his breathing harsh.

Deena didn’t speak, just mewled, gyrating her ass back at him, begging for more.

“Simon, I need a minute.” Rolling out from under Deena first, Simon took his friend’s place, kneeling between her thighs, basking in the visual glory of her exposed pussy, the pink folds glistening and her nub swollen with desire. He couldn’t help leaning in for a taste, his tongue flicking across her sex and feeling the shudder that went through her. He lapped at her several times, until the gyration of her cleft against his face told him she approached the brink again. Simon pulled back, his cock fairly bursting.

“Sure you won’t change your mind?” Frank asked as he moved to place his cock in front of her mouth. She just snarled at him, but not for long because he grabbed her hair and rammed his cock into her mouth.

Holy fuck. Simon in another time or place would have found himself shocked at the way they teased her, but even he couldn’t deny, she enjoyed it. Begged for it with her body and eyes.

Not to be left out, Simon guided his cock into her tight channel, closing his eyes at the beauty of it. In and out, he fucked her, slowly, enjoying every silken inch of her sex and how it suctioned him. Approaching his own brink, he seated himself deep inside her and stopped moving. It didn’t stop her from trying to push back against him. He withdrew again and moved away.

“Oh my god, that feels so fucking good,” Frank groaned before yanking his cock from her eager mouth.

“No,” she wailed.

“You know what we want,” Frank growled.

And so it went, on and on, with them bringing her to the brink, then backing off until finally, she said the words he thought they’d never hear.

“I’ll mark you, dammit,” she yelled. “I’ll make you both mine, if you just make me fucking come.”

Magical words said, they wasted no time. They pulled the cuffs off, cuffs which had she truly wanted to could have come off at any time. The fact she left them and allowed them to torture her said how much she wanted it.

Released, she flipped onto her back, hunger blazing in her expression.

“You first,” she growled beckoning to Simon. Her ardent gaze frightened him a little, and he gasped when her fingers dug into his arms to yank him down beside her. Then she latched her lips to his and he forgot trepidation, and lost himself in the wild strength that was Deena. She straddled him, and wasted no time impaling her pussy onto his cock.

Blazing eyes bored into his as she swirled her hips, and Simon could only try and hold on as she rode him hard.

“I hope you know what you’re getting into, little wolf. Because now there’s no turning back.” She swooped down, her teeth latching onto the skin above his heart. Hard, she bit down, claiming him, the pain and knowledge of what it meant making him shoot his load. She sucked at the wound, moaning as she gave in to her own bliss, her climax rippling through her frame and milking his cock dry.

Then she offered him her neck, and Simon, finished the ritual, marking her back and showing the world, and the packs, that they belonged to each other. And I couldn’t be happier.

* * *

Deena didn’t have time to recover or absorb the impact of what she’d just done when she found herself tossed onto her back and Frank between her legs. Slim and unassuming didn’t mean he didn’t own a bit of a forceful streak and while she enjoyed Simon’s demure side, she also enjoyed Frank’s take charge one. Hiking one leg over his forearm, he spread her, exposing her sex, then thrust hard into her. Still twitching from her climax, the added sensation of his thick cock proved too much. She threw her head back and a short howl emerged from her as Frank stroked her dying orgasm back to life with quick thrusts.

“You are so fucking perfect,” he growled. He didn’t wait for her to take charge and mark him, he dove in, his teeth worrying the flesh on the opposite side of her neck, the pinch of pain making her body bow as her second climax hit.

“That’s it, Deena. Come around my fat cock,” he murmured against her skin, licking his bite mark.

Her answer was to roll him until he lay under her. With a wicked grin, she ground herself against him as she sank her teeth into his chest. He yelled, his wide prick jerking inside her as he finally came to the still shuddering waves of her own climax.

Collapsed in a pile of sweaty limbs, Deena let a smile drift across her face. Talk about fucking amazing. She’d never come so hard in her life. And courtesy of two geeks. What were the odds?

“What’s so funny?” Simon asked, propping himself on one hand, letting his fingers trace her skin.

“You. Him. Us. I mean, where the hell did you guys learn to fuck like that?”

She knew her crass words would make Simon blush, a trait she really enjoyed.

“We, I mean, I, don’t usually. But when I get around you…” He trailed off and Frank finished for him.

“We go wild. You were made for us, just like we were made for you. And now that you’ve finally come to your senses and marked us, we can have this for the rest of our lives.”

Reminded of this, she rolled to glare at Frank. “That probably wasn’t the wisest thing either of you ever did. You do realize being my mate will mean more than just fucking, right?”

“Of course. It means we get to placate the pack when you go on a rampage.”

“It means helping you make decisions behind closed doors and acting like sounding boards,” Simon added.

“It means comforting you after you’ve had to do something for the benefit of the pack that’s hard, like executing a wolf gone bad.”

“It means reminding you after a day of kicking ass that you’re a woman with two men who l—”

Deena slapped her hand against Simon’s mouth. “Don’t you dare say what I think you are.” She still needed to absorb the fact she’d claimed her geeks. She didn’t think she could handle declarations of love quite yet.

“Fine,” Frank whispered from behind. “We’ll just show you then.”

Show her they did, making love to her with a sensuality that still had her screaming in delight. And again later after a shower that involved a lot of groping. In the end they exhausted her, leaving her no time to ponder or regret her decision to mark them. And for the first time ever, she didn’t sleep alone.
