"Where are they taking him?" Frakes asked.
"Back to the temple," Paul answered. Come with me.
Dorland obviously hadn't meant for Paul to
literally join him as he went out to give himself up to the Sons of God. He hadn't given Paul a chance to do that.
What was he telling met
Elli had created a link between Paul and Dorland while they were communicating with her. Maybe that was what Dorland had been talking about. Could Elli provide a link over a longer distance?
"Keep an eye out here," he said to Selmer and Erich Frakes. Then he went into the inner chamber and explained to Sabastian what he was going to do. The silver disk was on the pedestal Dorland had been using. Paul had touched it to the protruding rod, then handed it to Sabastian. "Use this to bring Elli back when she fades out."
Sabastian nodded. Elli stood swaying above the chauka.
"Elli," Paul said, "can you link Dorland and me as you did before?"
Her sensor nubs waved back and forth.
Paul sat down on the pedestal in front of the chauka. "When we spoke to you, Dorland and I were ..." He searched for a word. "Joined. Can you do that again?"
*(Dorland/Paul) one kra'ith (?)*
Again, the problem of the concept of the individual. Paul tried again.
"I am here. Dorland is someplace else. Dorland/
Paul not kra'ith"
The chauka and the room faded. Paul felt himself being stretched out. There was an immediate contact—Dorland?—then a drawing away. For a moment he could feel the chamber's walls around him; then he was stretched again.
He remained that way for a moment, touching Dorland and at the same time aware of the hard pedestal beneath him and Sabastian's slow, steady breathing.
Then he snapped like a rubber band, and all at once he was with Dorland. Shock rushed through him—Dorland's realization that he was there. Nerves tangled. Then he felt acceptance and understanding, and he knew he wouldn't have to explain to Dorland what he'd done.
He was vaguely aware of a sense of movement, and of many people around him.
Time passed. Through Dorland's eyes he
glimpsed the boy with the deep scar across his cheek.
Dorland? Are you . . .
I'm here.
More time shifted; images formed and dissolved as if in a dream. He felt the soothing calm of Dorland, and he could also feel Elli. That part was warm and comfortable, somehow . . . fluid, as if she were constantly molding herself around Paul and Dorland.
Outside sensations were becoming more solid to Paul. He felt a chair under him. His wrists were bound tightly. On each side of him stood an armed boy, and in front of him sat High Elder Brill at a large wooden desk. Paul was surprised to see that Brill's eyes were only the eyes of an old man. But when Brill spoke, the power of his personality flowed with his words:
"I brought you here so I could explain what we are trying to do. With Lord Tern, I am shaping Clarion into a strong world. We must all unite 198 William Greenleaf
together to defend ourselves against outsiders." Brill paused, and his eyes bore into Dorland's. "I need your help."
He needs our helpl
Borland, he wants something. Otherwise we'd be on the God Wall by now. That's why they didn't attack us—Brill wanted you alive. Then: Whyl
"Why did you murder my parents?" Dorland asked.
"I am so sorry that happened," Brill said. His features changed to express intense sorrow. Selmer Ogram's words came back to Paul. He can make you want to believe him. "Our purpose was in danger from your father's influence—"
"My father threatened the stranglehold you have on the people of Clarion," Dorland said. Why are you trying to provoke himi Paul asked. Find out what he wants. Maybe we can still get out of here alive.
Dorland's reply was a soft sound inside Paul's head: 7 don't care what he wants.
"I regret even more what happened to Diana and Shari," High Elder Brill said. His eyes did not waver from Dorland's. "That was needless, an overreaction. I spoke harshly to Elder Jacowicz about it."
"Why did you bring me here?" Paul felt himself ask the question, even though he borrowed the tissue of Dorland's lungs and tongue and mouth to ask it.
"I wanted to say that I am sorry for what happened. I beg your forgiveness and ask for your help in holding our great Clarion together."
"Why do you need my help?" Paul asked.
"The heretics in your group have stirred up trouble," Brill said. "A false Godstone was displayed, and how my children are confused." He paused. "Perhaps even doubting. You and I must