reach a compromise, or there will be needless violence."
He's afraid to kill us! Paul said with sudden realization. The people from the temple—they followed us out there because they saw the Godstone. Paul remembered some of the words he'd spoken from that bench in the courtyard. They had been trite and meaningless to him, but to people in awe of the silver Godstone in his hand, they must have been very real. He knows his position has been weakened. He's afraid he'll create a martyr!
"It doesn't matter," Dorland said aloud. What do you mean, it doesn 't matter? He'll kill us if he thinks we won't go along. Say whatever it takes to get us out of here. We'll sort it out later. Fear was a hard knot inside Paul.
"They're looking for you," Dorland said. "Both UNSA and the Fringe Alliance."
"The Fringe Alliance?" The puzzled look on Brill's face was not contrived.
"The Alliance is a group of planets under the control of a man named Hans Maiar. He wants the secrets of the Tal Tahir, and he'll destroy Clarion to get them."
"You have brought this trouble!" Brill snarled, his supplicating tone turning instantly to fury. He pointed an accusing finger at Dorland. His hand doubled into a fist. "Clarion is free, and Lord Tern will see that it remains that way. We will tolerate no interference from outsiders."
"You won't have a choice," Dorland told him.
"They're coming. Knives and dart guns won't stop them. They have warships that can destroy
Fairhope and Chalcharuzzi with one blow." What are you trying to prove by antagonizing him? Paul asked. He's an old man. Tell him what he wants to hear.
I can't. I am a kra'ith leader.
"Our strength and faith in Lord Tern will give us 200 William Greenleaf