Russian private equity investor Andrei Limonov assumed he would have his next meeting with Valeri Volodin at the Kremlin, so he’d been surprised when the car that picked him up at his apartment at the prearranged time took him not east to the president’s offices, but west, to Volodin’s private home, the palatial estate of Novo-Ogaryovo.
Volodin was famous for his late-night meetings, often conducted in his offices in Building One of the Kremlin complex, or even in sitting rooms in the Grand Kremlin Palace, normally reserved for ceremonial functions. But meetings in his private residence were exceedingly rare. Limonov had heard a few rumors from his friends working high in the Economic Ministry that the president had changed many of his habits in the past several months, giving them the impression he was becoming more paranoid about those around him. Limonov didn’t know any of this firsthand, of course, but he could well imagine that the Kremlin had become a difficult place to work since the recent economic downturn and Russia’s military forays of the past year.
The private equity manager was no fool. He had no doubt in his mind that his task of moving Volodin’s secret wealth was directly related to the president’s concerns about those around him.
Limonov was X-rayed and passed through a biometric scanner and his briefcase was searched, then he was led through the entrance to the property, and a few minutes later he sat alone in an ornate sitting room, looking out a window at a massive lawn. His eyes tracked a pair of guards and their dog walking at the edge of the property, and saw the sweep of a spotlight running across a wood line on a hill beyond the property’s outer fence.
Limonov thought once more about his plan, running over details in his mind knowing fully well this would be the last opportunity before he presented it to the president. He committed himself to its implementation, telling himself it was as close to foolproof as he could possibly make it.
Valeri Volodin entered the room, his gait fast and focused as he approached, his eyes locked on Limonov as if he might attack. He made no apology for his late entrance, but Limonov had expected none.
Volodin got right down to it. “When we last met you agreed to a plan to move my holdings to someplace out of the established network and into new secure accounts that will be invisible to not only those in the West hunting for them, but also those at home who might not have my best interests in mind.”
“Yes, Mr. President. I believe I have come up with an infallible strategy to remove your money from existing accounts where they might be monitored by FSB auditors and those who might report to FSB, then move it via a network of companies, banks, trusts, and special purpose entities to initiate the obfuscation of its disbursal, and then… suddenly, to make it altogether disappear.”
Volodin said, “You’ve lost the plot, Limonov. I don’t want my money to disappear.”
“Right, well it will reappear, only to you, and not tied to the chain of previous movements. It will not be money that was shuffled around. It will be money that existed, then ceased to exist. And then, as if by magic, new money will appear in different accounts, known only to you, all over the world.”
“You have my attention, Andrei Ivanovich.”
“The plan revolves around cryptocurrency. Bitcoin. Are you familiar with this?”
“I am familiar with it, but not familiar enough to give you eight billion dollars. Keep talking.”
“Removing your assets from their existing accounts, I will channel them through a network of shells to slow down anyone trying to track the transactions. Then I will use the money to purchase digital currency, which is untraceable. Once we have the digital currency we will use this to purchase fiat currency, that is to say government-backed money, and this money, completely distanced from your original assets, will be deposited in a collection of banks around the world. The beauty of it all, Mr. President, is that no one will know where your money is other than you.”
“This is your objective. That is not the same thing as a plan. Tell me how this will happen.”
Andrei Limonov spoke for the next ten minutes, taking small charts out of his stack of papers in his briefcase to use as illustrations. When Limonov was finished with his presentation, Volodin tapped his fingers together several times. It was an affectation that, in others, would likely appear thoughtful, but Volodin was so full of nervous energy it looked utterly manic.
Volodin said, “This man you mentioned. The man you will need the assistance of to ensure our little project’s success, do you think he will work with you?”
“For what we will pay him, he would be a fool not to.”
Volodin sniffed. “The world is full of such fools.”
Limonov was taken aback. He expected to have to defend some of the technical aspects of the plan, but not whether he could employ the services of someone by giving them an incredible sum of money to do the very job they were already doing.
Limonov said, “I will need this man to work with me for two weeks, no more. I will oversee him while he makes the trades, in increments of a few million at a time, so we do not draw more attention than we need. He is a businessman, and this is his business. The only change to his normal business is that I will require being present while he works, and the amount of money will be more than he has ever dealt with. He will be compensated for this alteration in the normal working relationship he uses with his clients.”
Volodin said, “Andrei Ivanovich, I foresee this as being more difficult than you expect. People might want information who don’t need it. People might try to find out about you and your client. I can’t allow that to happen.” Before Limonov could respond, the Russian president asked, “Do you know a man named Vlad Kozlov?”
Limonov’s stomach suddenly began to churn. His voice cracked when he answered. “I am aware of the name.”
Volodin touched a button on his desk. “Send him in.”
Limonov turned to look toward the door of Volodin’s private office. His heart pounded against his ribs.
The real reason Limonov had refused to work with the FSB was because of people just like Vladimir Ivanovich Kozlov. He’d never met the man, had no idea what he looked like, but the name Vlad Kozlov had been breathed by some of his banker friends who worked for the government. As the man entered and approached across the floor now, Limonov stood, suddenly feeling meek and small. The new arrival was forty-nine and athletic. He had gray hair so short it was spiked, and a surprisingly good sense of style. His suit and tie made him look like a Kremlin pol, but Andrei Limonov knew what the man crossing the room was.
He was an ex — operations officer in the FSB. Well known as ruthless and cunning, and also regarded as extraordinarily cold.
He wasn’t the man to pull the trigger himself, not anymore, but Vlad Kozlov was the type of man who got a lot of people killed on both sides.
He had been internal security previous to Volodin’s rise to power, but once the man on the other side of the desk from Limonov took over in the Kremlin, Kozlov had left the intelligence services and gone to work for Volodin personally. People around Moscow whispered that he had orchestrated the assassination of a couple of prominent journalists here in the city in the past few years, and his name had come up in a recent ruthless and effective hit of a popular Volodin opponent on a bridge right outside the Kremlin.
Limonov knew all this through rumors and inside gossip, but looking at the man in the flesh now, he had no reason to doubt any of it. He looked like a cross between a gorilla and a snake.
Limonov stood to shake hands with Kozlov, and when both men sat down, Limonov looked back to Volodin. “I do not understand.”
Volodin nodded. “Which is why Vlad will be your guide through all this. He works for Grankin at the Security Council, but I’ve had him tasked to me personally. You are the private equity manager. He is the facilitator. When you need something, he will get it for you. When you need someone, he will get them for you. When you run into trouble, he will spin you around and run you right out of trouble.”
“With due respect, what sort of trouble do you think I will get into? I will be setting up a business network, I will be acquiring digital currency, and I will be establishing offshore accounts. I have been doing this sort of thing for a dozen years without anyone there to guide me.”
“There will be people in Russia who do not want you to liquidate assets, people overseas who will require information you are not allowed to provide. It is the nature of the world that sometimes certain pressures must be applied to influence outcomes.”
Limonov glanced at the man seated next to him. Kozlov looked straight ahead, at his president. “May I ask if Mr. Kozlov is also responsible for keeping watch over me? Exerting this pressure you speak of on me to ensure I do what I am supposed to do?”
Volodin replied matter-of-factly, “I find it is better to trust two men partially than one man wholly.”
He said nothing else. Limonov did not know whether he should follow up that comment with a protest about the arrangement — sitting here with Volodin and Kozlov, he quickly determined the better course of action was to hold his tongue.
But despite himself, words flew out of his mouth.
“What if something should happen to me?”
“Like what?” Volodin asked.
Like you have your man slit my throat as soon as I set up your new accounts, Limonov thought. But he said, “I fulfill my end of the bargain, and then an accident befalls me.”
“You see monsters in every dark corner, don’t you, Limonov?”
The young financier did not reply.
Volodin said, “If you do not trust our arrangement, I can’t depend on you to fulfill our agreements, can I? You will be paid what I told you I would pay you, and you will have a job for life.”
Limonov knew what Volodin meant. Limonov would know all about Volodin’s money. He would always know, as long as he lived.
“I know you could have me killed.”
“And I know you could have me destroyed in the event of your untimely death. You must already be thinking about your dossier.”
“My what?”
“A secret file, hidden, but with an automatic launch mechanism. You die, you are threatened, and my account numbers are handed over to my enemies.”
A clock ticked somewhere outside the room.
“I wouldn’t do that.”
“I would,” Volodin said.
Limonov didn’t feel much better about the arrangement, but he let it go. He said, “I need to relocate to London. I will require an office outside of Moscow to be certain I am not monitored by FSB.”
Volodin said, “You don’t think I can reach you in London?”
Limonov said, “Of course you can. But it would be an annoyance for you to do so. I plan on making you incredibly satisfied with my work, and I plan on you putting your trust in me for years to come. I only ask that you assure me of my protection.”
It was a shrewd demand, especially considering the fact that Andrei Limonov was scared shitless at the moment, but once Volodin thought it over for a long time, silently, letting the tension build in the room almost to the point where the equity manager told his president to forget the whole thing, Volodin smiled. “I only hope you treat my money as cleverly as you considered this arrangement.”
“Your money will be safer the moment we shake hands to begin the deal, Mr. President.”
A minute later Limonov found himself out in the hall, with Vlad Kozlov in front of him.
Kozlov said, “Mr. Limonov, the president has conveyed to me the importance of your task. You can expect to find me at your side throughout the entire process.”
Limonov could not hide his discomfort. “Very well. But…” He searched for the right words.
Kozlov helped. “You are in charge. I am here as a problem solver. Nothing more. Will we be traveling soon?”
We? Limonov’s concern increased even more. “I will need to set up the London office. I will then begin the preliminary work of setting up the network. This will take some weeks, and not a single ruble will move until the entire structure is in place. There are bankers and lawyers and registration officials in several places throughout the world I will need to speak with. There is a man in Luxembourg I know who can make the introductions I need to the Bitcoin expert. I really don’t think it’s necessary for you—”
“I am coming with you. These men you speak of. Do you know them already?”
“Some of them, yes.”
“Find other men. Volodin wants no existing network used.”
“He was clear on that, but I can tell him you have doubts about his plan. See what he says.”
“No… let’s not do that. I’ll need some time to find suitable replacements, but I will go to London immediately.”
“Of course,” said Kozlov. “I will pack my bags. Then I will meet you at your office in the morning. We will go over the logistics of your plan, and then I will wait until you are ready to go.”
Limonov cocked his head. He was going to ask why Kozlov needed to sit in his office day in and day out, but he didn’t bother. He realized the ex — FSB operative was part of the deal, and he needed to just accept it and move on.
He told himself he should not be at all surprised that $120 million came with a few strings attached.