Shopping with her aunt that afternoon didn't help Patty at all. Every time a boy looked searchingly at her, Patty was certain he knew she'd been fucked, knew she was hot, eager to have a roll in the hay. It felt as if she were wearing some sort of badge letting men know her pussy was theirs for the asking. Chills swept over her body at those times, chills that made her pussy grow hot and tense, her clit pop out from the surrounding moist flesh and become eager for a man's touch. Oh, how hard it was for her to walk then, to talk casually to her aunt while her mind thought of only one thing – fucking! She pulled the packages over her tits like a shield, forcing herself to appear cold when actually her pussy was so warm, so wet, tensing every time a man gave her more than a casual stare.

"Are you sure you aren't coming down with something?" her aunt kept asking whenever Patty would lean against a wall and fight for breath. It was difficult to talk to her aunt, to hide her real feelings. Would she be like this all the time? Would her mind do nothing except center on her cunt and think about ways she could satisfy it?

All the way home she kept thinking about her cousin Jack – about his firm body. Sitting in the car, Patty watched the countryside speed by, her pussy spasming as she thought about Jack and the night he'd popped her cherry.

"Maybe I'd better call Doc Adams on over," Aunt Martha said as they pulled into the drive.

Patty caught sight of her cousin leaning against the barn, his flannel shirt tucked carelessly in the back of his Levi's. Patty blushed, then went white when she saw his crotch.

"You are coming down with something," Aunt Martha said, feeling Patty's forehead with the back of one hand.

"No, really I'm not," she protested.

"Now, now, no excuses, young lady. You just hustle yours up to bed. Your mother'd be screaming down the walls if she thought I wasn't taking good care of you. Now scoot!"

Patty avoided Jack's glance as she hurried from the car and into the old farmhouse. She could feel his glance shifting over her body. The tips of her tits were so hard that it felt as if they were about to pierce through the stiff material of her bra. Her pussy was twitching. Her cuntlips seemed to curl and tremble while her clit popped up again. She could barely walk to the stairs, holding tightly onto the banister and inhaling deeply to regain her strength. The creaking of the front screen door told her Aunt Martha was coming in. She couldn't let her aunt see her like this!

"I… I'm really fine. I just need a little rest. Probably a cold or something," Patty mumbled, dragging herself up the stairs.

Twice she had to stop, her fingers tightly gripping around the banister. The friction of her cuntlips slipping over her swollen clit nearly brought her to her knees. She panted heavily, feeling like a bitch in heat as she stumbled to her bedroom. Behind her she could hear her aunt's voice answered by Jack's. The thought of her cousin down there, only a few feet away from her, made her tremble. Oh, she had to get control of herself. She just couldn't stay here and move around like a zombie, wondering what Jack would do next, wondering if she could keep herself from revealing her terrible secret.

Quietly she lay down, keeping her arms at her sides, staring at the cracked plaster ceiling. For the next few hours Patty tried to think of her home, of her mother, of her school and friends. Whenever the image of Jack's face or body started drifting into her thoughts, she shook her head violently as if shaking them from her mind. Surprisingly it seemed to work. As the minutes ticked slowly by, Patty found she became more reined, less apprehensive about her surroundings. Surely she'd found an answer to her problems. Surely.

A creak outside her door made her stiffen. She sat upright. Her eyes opened wide as the doorknob turned slowly.

"Are you all right, honey?"

Sighing, Patty relaxed. It was her aunt.

"Yes, much better, thank you. I…"

"That's good," her aunt interrupted. "Your uncle and I are going into Oberlin for a while."

Aunt Martha pushed the door open and stepped into Patty's darkened room. The girl could see her aunt was dressed to go out.

"Oh, can I go? Please, I feel much better."

"Now you listen to me, young lady. You just get your rest. Now, get out of those clothes and under the covers," Aunt Martha said, arching her eyebrows.

There was no arguing with her. How could she explain her terror at being left alone? Slipping out of her dress, Patty pulled back the quilted coverlet and slid under the sheets.

Aunt Martha bent over and tucked her niece tightly in.

"You don't have to worry. Jack's going to be around. He has some chores to do. I told him you weren't feeling well and he said he'd come up and look in now and then," Aunt Martha chortled, bending down and kissing her niece on the forehead. "And it's a good thing you're staying in. You're burning up!"

Jack coming up here? Jack coming up to look in on her? Patty could guess what was on his mind!

"No, please, I want to go. I…"

But Aunt Martha was firm, not listening to any of Patty's vehement protests. Even when the girl tried struggling out from under the sheets, Martha pushed her back in. Patty wished she could tell her about her son, about the terrible things he'd done and what he was probably going to do to her tonight.

Scooting back under the sheets, Patty watched with terror-stricken eyes as her aunt said goodnight, switched off the lights and closed the door.

The minutes ticked by like hours. She heard her aunt's fading footsteps, the sound of the front door opening and closing, the roar of her uncle's car as it rumbled from the drive and out to the main road. Then came silence.

Patty lay stiff as a board, her fingers still gripping the sheet so tightly that she nearly tore the material. Every sound, every little creak made her start. She stared at the door, her gaze fixed on the doorknob. At any second she expected to hear Jack coming in.

But nothing happened. For what must have been a half hour Patty lay quietly, expecting the worst. Then she felt herself dozing off. Twice she caught her eyes closing and she shook her head, stretching her legs, trying to keep her awake.

But the strain of the last two days was simply too much for her. Her head sank into the soft pillow, her fingers relaxing around the edge of the top sheet. In the distance she could hear crickets chirping peacefully. Oh, it was so relaxing, so sleep inducing. Once again the girl fought to stay awake.


Sleep came as her fears cased even more. Maybe Jack didn't want to mess with her any more. Perhaps seeing her go off to town this afternoon made him worry about the possibility that she had told his folks about the brutal way he'd fucked her in the barn. Then images of the young man as he pistoned his dick into her wet, clenching cunt drifted across her mind's eye.

Patty had no idea how long she'd been asleep. She woke up with a start. At first she thought Jack had kicked down the door. Something had roused her quickly from her sleep. But no, the door was still shut. Then the girl realized what had awakened her. There was the sound of motorcycles, several of them, coming through the closed windows.

Carefully Patty swung her bare legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, padding softly to the window. She pushed back the curtain and peered down into the yard. Jack was there, leaning against the barn door with a can of beer in one hand. Ten, maybe twelve other boys were there, some of them drinking beer, others riding around on their bikes, jerking back while holding tightly onto the handles and wheeling around the yard. It was the strangest thing she'd ever seen in her life! She instinctively put one hand to her throat, watching the scene of confusion with wonder.

"Hey, man, when you gonna show us your cousin. We seen her in town a couple, of times. She a good fuck?" someone shouted out.

Patty was mortified. It was as if someone had pulled a trap door open under her. Had he told them? Had he explained in detail how she had moved, how she had begged him to fuck her in the end?

"Yeah, she ain't bad. I just had 'er the other day, though. Maybe you guys oughtta work 'er over… you know, kinda tender 'er up. Then I'll try her again and see how she fucks," Jack slurred, tilting his head back and taking another swig of beer.

Patty backed away from the window, letting the lace curtain drop over the glass. She let out a cry when she touched the bed with the backs of her legs. She had to get away from here. Those men out there were crazy! Her aunt and uncle would be gone a long time. God only knows what would happen to her.

Patty stumbled around in the dark, frantically searching for her clothes. She didn't dare put on a light.


She stubbed her toe on the dresser leg. She managed to find her dress. Gathering it up in one arm, she carefully opened the door. They were still outside shouting and bragging about how many times each one was going to fuck her. She crept out on tiptoe, every sense alive to the slightest disturbance. Slowly she moved down the carpeted corridor. Patty had a plan. She'd slip out the back while they were still outside and run like mad until she was well away from the house. Then she would put on her dress and run to town. There she'd call her mother and father. They could deal with her cousin, her aunt and uncle. She'd had enough of this madhouse. Surely her parents were intelligent enough to detect the note of hysteria she would be sure to put in her voice.

"Hey, man, come on. We wanna see this little bitch you fucked last night," someone called out.

"Yeah, I got a hot dick just waitin' for a pair of lips to swing on!" another guy shouted.

Sick! Oh, they were all sick, sicker perhaps than her cousin. She moved quickly, running down the stairs just as she heard footsteps clattering on the porch.

"Come on. She's upstairs. My old lady trusted me with her," Jack said, leading the pack into the living room.

Patty had slipped by just in time, ducking into the darkened kitchen and flattening herself behind the swinging door. She was almost sure they could hear her heart pounding loudly as they trundled up the stairs shouting and cursing.

When the last of them had gone up, she bolted from her hiding place and headed for the door.

"Hey, man! She's not up here!"

It was Jack's voice. Gripping the doorknob, she pulled open the kitchen door and scurried out, her heart beating like a trip hammer. She heard the young men scrambling down the stairs and shouting. The night air was cold against her flesh. Her dress flew out behind her, the material whipping at her moving thighs as she ran into the darkness.

"Look around the yard. Shit, my old man's gonna be on my case if she starts talkin'!" Jack shouted.

Patty ducked behind a clump of bushes. She could see the men running around the yard, some of them heading into the barn. When most of the young men disappeared from the yard, Patty backed away, turning around slowly and starting to run once more.


She tripped on some thick ground cover, and she pitched forward, sprawling on the ground. The sound of her cry echoed through the night. She felt her courage slipping when she realized someone had heard her.

"Hey, I heard somethin' out there!"

Patty felt her flesh crawling. Desperately she struggled to get her feet untangled. But the vine-like plants held onto her. Gasping, tearing at the leaves, Patty felt panic rising quickly in her chat when she heard pounding footsteps.

"Over here!"

It was Jack! With a wail Patty finally managed to disentangle herself and scramble to her feet.

"Hey, shit, come over here!"

Patty left her dress behind, stumbling an all fours. They had spotted her! There was little hope she could get away.

"Let's fuck 'er here!" someone shouted.

"No!No! Help!"

Her feet slipped along the dewy pound, her hair streaming behind her.

Jack stretched out one hand, curling his fingers around several blonde strands of her hair and yanking back.


Jack brought his cousin screaming to her knees.

"Try to get away from me, eh, cunt?" The sudden fall knocked the wind from her. Patty would have pitched forward again on her face if it hadn't been for Jack pulling on her hair. She knelt there, panting through flared nostrils like a terrified animal. She shivered both from the cold and the fear penetrating her like a knife. A breeze rustled her hair, making her flesh pucker up into goosepimples. Behind her, she could hear the others running up, their heavy leather boots stomping on the ground. One or two of them had bright flashlights.

"Come on. Come on and dance for us, baby," Jack said.

He let go of her hair and bent down, slipping his hands under her arms.

Patty sucked in her lower lip and bit down, straightening her legs, feeling as if she were going to faint from fright as she gradually stood in front of the chuckling, drunk crowd.

"Nice, nice," someone muttered.

A bright light flashed in her face. She turned her head, squinting her eyes and putting up one hand defensively.

"Come on, we wanna see her naked… just like you did."

Naked! They were going to strip her!


Patty backed away and found herself running into one of the men. She felt his fingers toying with the elastic legbands of her panties. Jerking forward, she slapped back with one hand, her face reflecting the, anger and fear she felt.

"Come on, baby come on," Jack said, circling his arms around her waist.

"No, no! Leave me alone!" she cried, clutching her fingers into two fists and beating his chest. For the moment he laughed. Then, his face darkening, Jack moved his hands up and gripped her tiny wrists tightly.

Patty winced, her mouth opening and letting out a scream. She felt pain shooting down from her hands to her shoulders, then radiating to her chest and cunt. Her knees bent and she rested against her cousin's body.

"Don't cross me, bitch. You had a good time last night, don't lie about it. Now you're gonna have a better one if you play your cards right."

Jack reached around her and slid his fingers under the elastic band of her bra. With several deft moves, Jack ripped her bra off. Then her panties were torn off and thrown to the ground by her feet.
