Patty cried out as the cold wind slashed between her thighs.

The men were gathered around her in a tight circle, some of them playing flashlights up and down her body. At first Patty searched desperately for some opening, some hole she could dash through and escape. But, of course, that was impossible. All of them were careful now, waiting for her to try to get away. And even if she could bolt, she'd be naked, running stark naked through this farm country. It would be hard to explain to people how she got this way without ruining her aunt and uncle. She shuddered, throwing her arms around her tits. Closing her thighs, Patty crossed her legs to warm her cooling pussy. The wind increased in intensity, whipping her hair behind her. Even her cuntal curls rustled in the breeze.

"No, no," she murmured, brushing stray strands of hair away from her face.

The men were all leering at her, their eyes glowing with excitement. She knew what was on their minds. It was the same thing that had driven her cousin to rape her the night before. Breathing hard, she turned from left to right, her eyes widening, her breath shortening as her terror increased.

"Oh yeah, baby, we're all gonna have you one way or another," Jack said, laughing softly as he enjoyed her growing fear.

Then her cousin gripped her shoulders. His voice cut through the night air as he gave her a rough shove toward the encircled men. She stumbled, her arms flailing out to regain her balance.

"Now, walk in front of 'em, baby. Go on, walk and show off your fuckin' cunt… the one I fucked with my dick last night."

Patty felt shame and humiliation. If there were a hole in the ground, she would have crawled into it.

As it was, she could only fold her arms tightly around her tits and cower in front of them.

"Come on," Jack said, shoving her forward again and laughing as she fell.

The pound was getting colder. The wind chilled her nipples and her cunt. Fear was overwhelming her.

Jack was muttering, his footsteps crunching closer. She turned, throwing up one arm to protect her head.

"I said get up!"

He grabbed her by the arm, jerking her up. Patty cried out, her hair flying in front of her face while she swayed back and forth, fighting for her balance again.

"Move it!"

Pushing her hair back, she stumbled, got her balance, then stopped. She was feeling confused and terribly naked and shamed in front of all these young men. They were Jack's friends, all of them just as brutal as he was, if not more so.


Someone reached out, then laughed as she barely eluded his grasp. Another blast of cold wind made her shiver. She bent over slightly, rubbing her arms again.

There was more laughter and obscenities as Jack chased her toward the center of the circle. When she turned and tried to move away, he raised a fist. She dodged and ran back toward the center, her feet slipping along the wet grass.

"Oh, no! No!"

Her mind was whirling around. Nothing seemed to stay in one place. It was as if the entire world were suddenly on casters, wheeling around her as she fought the tightness in her chest for air. Whimpering, whining, Patty had managed to escape their clutching fingers so far.


Her tits bobbed, her ass and belly and thighs jiggled as she zig-zagged in the circle of men. Gooseflesh exploded on her body. At one point she back away just in time to escape the grip of a particularly ugly man who grinned a yellow-toothed smile at her. Backing away, she felt something warm trickle on her thigh. Oh, she was pissing on herself! She was fouling herself in front of these horrible men!

"What's the matter, Patty? Didn't you ever learn to use the toilet?" Jack asked.

She flashed her cousin a look of hatred, then she heard the others laughing.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

She couldn't stop running. The men wouldn't let her. They slapped at her asscheeks, tried grabbing at her tits. They threw clods of dirt, hitting her shoulders and her ass. Patty spun around, not certain which way to go. She was like a terrified, cornered animal. The cold air, the men, the shouting, the animal lust rising in her nearly brought her to her knees more than once.

"Come an, baby. Come on and suck my dick," someone said next to her.

Wheeling around, she saw a man unzipping his Levi's and pulling out a rigid seven-inch cunt splitter. Patty jerked away, staring wide-eyed at the cock jerking in his hand.

"Come on, Patty. You've seen something like that before. Shit, I thought you'd be down on your knees swingin' on that mother in a sec," Jack said.

The men roared as most of them unzipped their pants, getting out their huge cocks. Their dicks were erect. Patty looked around in horror as what seemed to be a sea of cocks threatened her.

"Oh no! No, I can't do this. It just can't be happening to me," she said, too frightened to move.

They were all going to fuck her. She thought of them falling on her, each man fighting the other for her pussy, all those dicks sliding over her body. First one, then another, would slip into her pussy, reaming her out, fucking her until she was nothing more than a piece of meat!

Suddenly Patty heard someone behind her. It was that ugly, filthy man who had nearly grabbed her moments ago. He rasped something she couldn't understand. He grabbed her, holding her tight, yanking at her blonde hair. Still holding onto her hair, he reached around and rammed three fingers into her cunt.


The sudden invasion was too much for Patty. Her knees gave way, making her rest her ass against his crotch. She could feel his dick pressing against her asscheeks, actually sliding back and forth, working toward her sweaty butt crack. Her eyes widened, her arms shot back as she tried to fight off her attacker.

"Nice, nice," he whispered.

Something strange was happening to her, something very unusual was making her respond positively to this attack. Besides the terror and revulsion she felt toward this man and his friends, Patty felt excitement, a sexual arousal as they chased her around the circle. Especially now when those fingers moved up and down her slot.


Patty yelped hungrily, her thighs grinding against his hand. While the men gloated, Patty found herself throwing her body against the man. "Yeah, yeah, you dig it! Just like you dug your cousin fuckin' you last night, eh?"

He was ugly, foul, dirty. She winced when she took a good look at him. And yet his very repulsiveness was an attraction. While his fingers probed her hole, she found herself spurting piss onto his hand.

Cursing, the big man jerked his fingers away and shoved his hand into her mouth. When Patty groaned, twisting her head away and refusing to take his fingers, he squeezed her asscheek hard with his free hand, shoving a knee into her belly.

Patty groaned, her mouth opening. Taking advantage of her, he shoved his fingers in her mouth.


Patty could taste her own piss. She licked his fingers instinctively, choking on the taste and smell. He laughed.

"Man, baby, you're hotter 'n most of the cunts around here," Jack said, his hands on his hips.

"Must run in the family," someone commented. Patty was holding her belly with both hands, bending over and spitting out the foul mixture of piss and spittle. Looking up, she recognized the man who spoke. It was Bobby, one of the occasional helpers her uncle hired to work the fields. So he was in on it too! Oh God, probably half the county was here, everyone down from central Ohio to take part in her degradation.

She spat out the last of the ugly mixture and straightened.

Jack stepped behind her. He reached down and unbuckled his belt. He slid the leather through the loops, doubling the buckled end in one fist.

Patty saw him undressing. Her eyes focused on the belt now dragging along the ground. He was going to hit her. She'd, heard about women who enjoyed this, enjoyed being tied up and hung like pieces of raw meat while men beat them with whips and belts. But that was something only for porno books and movies… or so she thought. Now stripped naked and cringing in front of these men in an open field, Patty realized those so-called fantasies could become real.

"Oh, Jack. Jack, don't do that to me. Please, you'll hurt me. Please, I… I didn't do anything to do you harm," Patty whispered, her eyes growing wider and wider as she stared fixedly at the thick black belt. "I didn't tell Aunt Martha about anything. I swear I won't, if you just… just don't hurt me."

Jack wanted her to beg, wanted her to plead with her hands clasped in front of her. He was breathing heavily, his big chest heaving. His fingers tightened around the buckled end of the belt, his arm muscles tensing as he readied himself to beat his cousin.


The night air was filled with Patty's sharp cry as Jack slapped her ass with the belt. She stiffened, stumbling forward, her eyes closed while she rubbed the red, injured area of her whipped asscheeks. Patty turned around to face her attacker.

Jack was so big, so threatening, more threatening than last night.

"Oh no! No!"

He snapped the belt like a whip over his head. Patty twitched, throwing her arms around her tits protectively, backing away. Jack moved quickly to one side, bringing the belt down again, hitting her asscheeks.


It was as if he'd lashed her ass with a thousand hot needles. A strange sensation raged through her cunt. As he struck again and again, Patty's knees buckled. Whimpering, gagging, she threw her head back, making her long blonde hair sweep past her shoulders. With each stroke, the belt drained more and more strength from her.

"No, no!"

She fought Jack, she fought herself. She couldn't collapse entirely.

"She's pissin' on herself again!" someone shouted.

It was true. Once more Patty was fouling herself, the warm flow of urine trickling down her thighs and legs. Enraged, frustrated, she rose to her feet, her fingers clutched in a fist.

"Go on, go on, walk around again," Jack said, slipping the belt back through his pant loops.

Patty straightened her back, brushing her hair away from her face, trying to ignore the chilling wind still raising goosebumps on her flesh. The men grew silent, their fingers moving slowly up and down the lengths of their cocks, their balls tensing, rising against their cock roots as they watched her approach.

"Damn you all," she muttered, throwing her shoulders back.

The cold air made her stiff nipples even harder, making them turn a darker red. Someone was training a bright light on her jiggling tits. Yes, yes, let them see her, let them suffer. She wanted to tease them. Instinctively she knew this was the worst torture a woman could give a man – arouse him, then leave him high and dry.

She walked closer to the men, making her hips swing, making her tits bob while her ass jiggled seductively. One or two tried touching her. But she backed away successfully. Only peer pressure and respect and fear for Jack kept them from pouncing on her all at once.

"Look at that fuckin' slut. Man, it's like she's been workin' the streets all her life," Jack commented to Bobby.

"Yeah. I watched her all the time at your place and in town. She's a born whore, man," Bobby whispered back, his fingers running along the sides of his rigid, thick cock.

Just then one of the men bolted from the circle, grabbing her around the waist. She wanted this young man, wanted to feel him all over her, feel his cock slicing into her, feel his balls rubbing over the bottom of her cunt. And at the same moment she wanted to scratch his face off. Screaming wildly, she dug her nails into his cheeks.

At first stunned, he threw her off, kicking at her.

"Goddamned slut! Gotta teach you manners. You don't act like that with buddies of mine and get away with it," Jack snarled.

He moved forward, dragging her back. Patty struggled, her heart and pulse racing. The wind had increased now, blowing her hair all about.

"I'm sorry. I really am," she said ma begging tone of voice.

"Too late for that," Jack muttered.

The same fright that had struck Patty earlier that night when her aunt left assailed her now. Jack let her go, grinning hellishly as she wiggled away from him. There was a grotesque smile on his lips, a smile that made her flesh crawl. Jack moved toward her slowly, his boots crushing the loose dirt as she scooted backward. He unbuckled his belt a second time. Only now Patty could see that toying with her wasn't on his mind. He was going to teach her a lesson she'd never forget.


As long as she kept out of his reach, she was safe, the girl told herself. If he whipped her with that belt now… oh, he might permanently injure her, scar her body with that thing.

"Come here, baby. Come here, Patty," he crooned.

Patty looked at his crotch and saw his dick straining in his pants. His hand trembled. It was as if her worst nightmare had come true. Terror knifed through her, making her numb with horror.

"Oh no, no!"

She was whimpering, her cries growing louder, more desperate as he approached.

"You're gonna heel, baby. You're gonna jump when I tell you to. Lay down when I tell you to… just like a good little bitch mutt."

The men around him bellowed approval, their shouts echoing in the chilled night air.

"Please, Jack," she sobbed. "Oh please, don't. Don't do this. Oh, please."

Nothing in Patty's past experience had prepared her for this. To be used as a farm boy's whore was the furthest thing from her mind when she had first come to this place.

Patty slid backward, her terror-stricken eyes wide and focused on Jack's advancing hulk. He gained on her. Panicking, the girl turned and ran on all fours like a frightened animal. She was out of his reach temporarily. Her tits were hanging down low and jiggling, the nipples brushing the cold ground.


The wind blew against her round asscheeks. Patty tried crawling faster. She slipped, falling flat on her face. Behind her she could hear Jack. He came on her like a monster from hell, ready to overwhelm her. Patty shivered with terror as once again she side-stepped the swinging belt.
