Cracks in the Armor Clipped Wings - 2.5 Helena Hunting

Kat, thank you, friend. You’re an inspiration.


Filets, you are an amazing group of women. I’m so proud to be one of you.

Nina, I’m not sure how I would have gotten through this without you. You deserve a superhero cape. With sequins.

Alice, thank you for having faith in my words and for getting them into the right hands.

Micki, you are fabulous. I’m so lucky to have made my debut in the publishing world with your guidance. Tatiana, Diana, Marla, and the rest of the behind-the-scenes Gallery team, it’s been a pleasure.

Alex, as always, thank you endlessly for your willingness to hash things out, to push me and in turn my characters, and for being such an awesome friend.

Johnny B, one day I’ll use the Oxford comma correctly; until then, your red pen can pretty up my pages.

Deb, you are phenomenal. Thank you for your encouragement and for believing in me, just like I believe in you.

WC Crew—thanks for all the laughs and the tears and the hugs and distractions. And the cupcakes. I’m so fortunate to have people like you in my life.

Brooks, there were some unexpected potholes in the road, but we made it!

To the bloggers, a remarkable community who share my passion for the written word. Thank you to all of you who have read, reviewed, and jumped on the tour. Getting to know you has been a blast!

Heather Maven, massive love to you, your generosity astounds and humbles me.

Fandom friends, it was your positive encouragement and unwavering support that helped give me the courage to keep writing.

To my family, who taught me to always have a fall-back plan—you gave me the courage to take the leap and the wings to fly.

Husband, I adore you. You have the patience of a saint. Thank you for catching all the curve balls.
