Almost two weeks later, Candy still blushed every time she remembered the night of their first “official” date. She still had a hard time looking at his kitchen counter without being swamped by the memories of what had happened there.
And the shower afterward! She waved her hand in front of her face to cool herself off. She’d never showered with a man before and the experience had been earthmoving, to say the least. Lucas had made sure to soap every inch of her body. “Just to make sure that all the chocolate and honey is gone,” he’d assured her with a wicked gleam in his eye. Well, she’d gotten back at him for that, returning the favor.
They’d ended up tumbling, soaking wet, into his bed where he’d made love to her again. Honestly, the man was insatiable, but where he was concerned, so was she. They’d spent much of their free time together since then, as well as some work time. True to his word, Lucas had agreed to do some of the promotional events she wanted him to.
She’d set the first one up to coincide with the grand opening of the new Coffee Breaks. Lucas had been surprisingly charming to the reporter, answering her questions patiently. Candy had been pleased that the book would get a big write-up for the “Arts” section of the Sunday edition of paper, but she’d also been uncomfortably jealous of the easy way he’d interacted with the reporter.
At least she had been until Lucas dragged her back into the kitchen with him. There he’d pinned her up against the wall, kissed her senseless and in a growl reminiscent of a cranky bear had told her that he was only putting up with this publicity nonsense because of her and that she darn well owed him for it. She’d been thrilled to her toes and had eagerly shown her thanks later that night.
It had become a game between them from that moment onward and for every promotional event he did for the book, he teasingly told her that he expected something from her in return. Candy twirled in her chair and laughed as she remembered what had happened after he’d given an in-depth interview to a local interest magazine. They’d barely made it through his front door before he’d taken her up against the wall. It had been hard and fast and incredibly erotic.
She licked her lips in anticipation over what might happen after his appearance on a local cable talk show tomorrow afternoon. Her pussy contracted and her nipples tightened, making her groan. The man was turning her into a sex fiend. She shook her head and turned her chair back to face her desk. But it was more than that. Much more.
They’d spent a lot of time together over the past few weeks and the more time she spent with Lucas, the more she liked him. Liked him! Who was she kidding— she was in love with the man. Groaning, she lowered her head to her desk. She hadn’t meant for it to happen. Hadn’t even known that it could happen so fast. But it had and she had to deal with it.
Raising her head, she rubbed her temples and sighed. The man was playing havoc with her emotional well-being. Like someone on a roller coaster, her emotions kept swinging back and forth from happy to sad to frustrated. But she was an adult and had gone into this affair with her eyes wide open. She couldn’t cry foul and change the rules now just because she had to go and get all emotional.
But it was Lucas’ fault. Beneath that gruff, hard exterior lurked a man with a large heart. She saw it in the way he interacted with his employees, whom he treated more like an extended family than people he paid to work for him. She saw it in the obvious affection and caring he had for Katie and her husband.
The first time she’d seen Katie again after the storage closet incident had been initially somewhat awkward. They’d run into each other at the official opening of Coffee Breaks and it had taken all Candy’s determination not to slink away from the other woman. But Katie had smiled and simply asked, “Should I call you Candace or Candy?”
That had made her laugh. “Since nobody I know will call me Candace, I’ve given up on the idea. So, call me Candy.”
Katie had made no mention of finding them alone in the storage closet or about what they’d obviously been doing in there. But she had issued a subtle warning, telling Candy how special Lucas was and how those who knew him wouldn’t like to see him get hurt.
She pressed her hand over her stomach, trying to settle her jumbled nerves. As if she would hurt him. She was more likely to be the one to bear the scars from this relationship, as she was in far over her head. It had happened so quickly, she hadn’t had time to stop it.
But she wasn’t sure she would have stopped it even if she could have. Spending time with Lucas was soothing her ravaged ego. She hadn’t been truly aware of just how badly it had been damaged by her breakup with Gary. Lucas made her feel sexy and womanly and very beautiful.
But it was much more than that. He filled empty spaces within her that she hadn’t even realized were there. To their mutual delight, they’d discovered that they had a lot more in common then either one of them had anticipated.
They were both homebodies and loved to curl up in the evenings and watch movies. Lucas had taken to cooking them dinner almost every evening and she loved to work alongside him in the kitchen, helping him prepare their meal. They shared long discussions about everything from politics to books to views on life in general. She not only found him fascinating, but also loved the intent way that he always listened to what she had to say and treated her opinions with respect, even if he didn’t always agree with her.
It was a new experience for her. In previous relationships, she’d been guilty of hiding her true thoughts, not wanting to rock the boat or make trouble, but with Lucas she didn’t feel that restraint. Because she knew this wasn’t a forever kind of relationship going into it, she hadn’t held back at all. In fact, with Lucas, she was more herself than she’d ever been with any other man in her entire life. It was liberating and really brought home to her just what had been wrong in earlier relationships.
Drawing herself up straighter in her chair, she renewed her determination to enjoy her time with Lucas no matter how long it lasted. She wouldn’t allow her unrealistic expectations and her emotions ruin it. She would tuck her love away in her heart and in years to come she would always have the memories of this special time together. Her heart ached in her chest, but she ignored it. Yes, it was easier said than done, but she was determined.
Sexually, there was no doubt that they were compatible. Lucas seemed to know just how to touch her to bring her the most satisfaction. He’d spent hours stroking her skin, leisurely pleasuring her. At times he could be as playful as a large cat, tumbling her around his huge bed or hauling her onto the dining room table for a quickie. But other times, he would be serious and intense as he brought her to peak after peak of pleasure until she couldn’t bear it anymore.
He challenged her to try new things, encouraged her to take what she wanted and to not be afraid of her sexuality. But it was the times after sex that had changed her the most.
She’d had a live-in lover before, but sleeping with Gary had been nothing like sleeping with Lucas. Always before, she turned away, needing her own space. But Lucas had never allowed it. His favorite position seemed to be spooning up behind her with her bottom snuggled against his groin and her head tucked under his chin. With his forearm locked just under her breasts, he kept her close with him throughout the night. Either that or she’d wake up and find herself sprawled across him, using him for a mattress. Both of them liked that position, as Lucas always woke hard and ready for her. She’d almost been late to work twice this week because of an early morning quickie.
Her breath was coming faster and her nipples were puckered against her bra, making them ache. She straightened her jacket and moaned as the fabric rubbed against her breasts. Her whole body clenched and she gritted her teeth in frustration. She had to stop thinking about Lucas. Deliberately, she changed her thoughts, but all these musings about relationships brought her mother to mind.
Tapping her fingers on her desk, she stared at her phone. She’d been avoiding her mother for quite some time now— ever since the night she’d gotten the unexpected phone call from Justin. Her mother had left several messages on her machine, but for once in her life, Candy had ignored them. She’d needed the time to get over her feelings of betrayal.
But it had gotten to the point where she was just being childish and petty and she didn’t like that image of herself. The time had come to talk to her mother. Grabbing her phone, she dialed her mother’s number before she could talk herself out of it. She held her breath, half hoping her mother wasn’t home and she could just leave a message.
“Hello.” Candy slowly released her pent-up breath when she heard her mother’s voice on the other end of the line.
“Hi, Mom.” Leaning forward, she propped her elbows on her desk and eyed her empty coffee cup longingly. She should have gotten herself some coffee first.
“Candy!” There was no mistaking the delight in her mother’s voice, which made her feel all the worse. “Are you all right, dear? I’ve been trying to reach you for days.”
She squashed the feelings of guilt that welled up inside her, telling herself she’d had every right to take some time to think before calling her mother. But it didn’t quite work. “I know, Mom. I’m sorry, but I’ve been busy.”
“As long as there’s nothing wrong.”
Taking the opening, she plunged onward. “But there is something wrong. Justin called me.”
There was silence on the other end and then her mother sighed. “Oh?”
Anger stirred inside her as she realized her mother wasn’t going to say anything else. “He told me he was talking to you first. Why didn’t you tell me you’d heard from him?”
“That’s the reason, Candy. Listen to yourself. You’re so angry with him instead of just being glad to hear from him.”
“See, that’s what I don’t understand, Mom.” Righteous indignation filled her. “It’s just like with Dad. He’d disappear for days, weeks or months and you’d just forgive him and take him back. Now it’s the same thing with Justin, but he’s been gone years, not months. Years!” Her temples started to throb as the beginnings of a tension headache descended on her.
“What I did with your father is my business,” her mother snapped back.
“But it was my life too,” she retorted. “How do you think it felt to have a convicted felon as a father? That was bad enough, but you kept taking him back every time he got out of prison.”
“Right or wrong, it was my choice, Candy. And I did my best to be a good mother.”
Usually she dropped the subject, feeling guilty whenever she questioned her mother, but not this time. “Yes, you did your best, but it was still hard on your kids and that’s something you’ve never acknowledged. I think that’s why it was so easy for Justin to fall into the same pattern.”
“I’m not responsible for Justin’s actions.” Her mother’s voice was getting shriller and more defensive with every word she spoke.
Candy rubbed her temples, realizing this was futile. Her mother was who she was, and as she said, had made her own choices. She’d done the best she could, but like all humans, she had her shortcomings. It was a slight revelation to Candy to realize that her anger stemmed from the fact that she’d wished her mother had been perfect and more of the kind of mother she’d wanted growing up.
They’d never agree on some issues, Justin and her father being two of them, but it was time for Candy to let them go and move on. A weight lifted off her shoulders as she dropped her burden of guilt. She’d done her best, just as her mother had done, so maybe it was time to forge a new relationship, based on the here and now instead of the past.
“What did Justin have to say?” She was curious to see if he’d said more to their mother than to her.
“Just that he wanted to see me and to see you, of course.”
“You’ve seen him?” She knew the answer even before she’d asked the question. Candy could tell from the tone of her mother’s voice that she’d seen him.
“Yes. He’s been over for supper several times.”
Candy swallowed the lump of emotion that welled up from deep within her. “How—” She broke off, cleared her throat and tried again. “How does he look?”
“He looks good. The years haven’t been easy ones, but he looks good.” Her mother paused. “He looks a lot like your father.”
She rubbed her throbbing temples and scrunched her eyes tight to hold back the tears. “Yeah, well, Dad always was a good-looking son of a—”
“I was going to say, gun, Mom.” That was the one thing that James Logan had had going for him. He’d definitely been a handsome and charming devil. “Did Justin say anything else, like how long he was staying or what he’s been doing?”
“Not really. He mostly asked about me and my life.” She paused. “And you, honey. He asked a lot of questions about you. I wish you’d agree to see him. I know it would mean a lot to him.”
“Did he ask you to plead his case?” That was definitely something her father would have done.
“No. He actually did the opposite and asked me not to say anything at all to you.” She could hear her mother’s growing impatience. “But I still think you should see him, Candy. At least once.”
“I’m still thinking about it, Mom.”
“I didn’t think you’d be that cold and unforgiving to your brother.”
The criticism hit Candy hard. “Well, he didn’t seem to care how I felt all these years he’s been away. Why should I care about his feelings now? He’s a stranger to me.”
“He’s your brother.” Those three simple words broke Candy’s heart because although she knew they were true, she felt as if she’d lost her brother years ago. He hadn’t died, but it was as if he had, because in all the ways that truly counted, he had been dead to her all these years. But what had hurt the most was that he could have been dead in truth and she might never have known.
“I said I was thinking about it and that’s the best I can do right now.” It was time to change the subject. “Did you get the money I deposited in your account last week?”
“Yes, I did. You know I really appreciate it, Candy, but you don’t have to give me money anymore. I’m getting more hours over at the market.”
But Candy could hear the weariness in her mother’s voice. For more than thirty years, her mother had worked mostly minimum-wage jobs. Married and pregnant young, she’d barely finished high school and had no other training. Her mother was a hard worker and never complained, but she’d made sure that Candy had stayed in school. They hadn’t had much while she’d been growing up, but they’d always had food and a roof over their heads. And for that alone, she figured she owed her mother.
“I don’t mind, Mom. I just wish it could be more.”
“It’s more than enough, Candy.”
In spite of their many differences, Candy didn’t doubt that her mother loved her. In the end, that was what mattered the most. They might never have a really close relationship, but they’d always have that between them.
“Talk to your brother, Candy, just in case you never get the opportunity to do it again.” She softened her voice. “You don’t want to have to live with regrets.” Back to her brisk self again, she hurried on. “I have to go or I’ll be late for my shift at the market.”
“Bye, Mom.” She barely heard her mother tell her goodbye before the line went dead. It was the buzzing in her ear that finally broke her out of her thoughts and she slowly hung up her phone.
Regrets. That’s what it all boiled down to, and Candy finally began to understand why her mother had taken her father back all those times. She hadn’t wanted to live with the regrets she might have had if she didn’t. Candy didn’t necessarily agree with her mother, but she felt she did understand her a little better.
After all, she didn’t want to have regrets either. That’s why she was willing to let her relationship with Lucas run its course. But, unlike her father, Lucas wasn’t lying to her and pretending to be something he wasn’t. And therein lay the big difference for Candy. It was the lies her father had told over the years, always promising that things would be different and that he wasn’t really a criminal which had hurt the most. She much preferred Lucas’ bluntness to pretty lies. Lucas wanted her sexually, plus he respected her and genuinely liked her. And that was good enough for her.
As for Justin, well, she’d just have to think about that a little longer. She went back to work, but her mother’s words kept ringing in her ears.
The phone rang again and she pushed her personal problems to the back of her mind. “Good morning, Candy Logan’s office.”
“Good morning, sugar.”
His low voice slid over her like hot caramel over an ice cream sundae and just like that, she felt better, happier. “And what can I do for you, Mr. Squires?”
He laughed, the sensual sound skittering across her skin, making goose bumps rise on her arms. “I can think of several things at the moment.”
“Lucas.” His name came out as part admonishment, part moan as several fantasies of her own flitted through her brain.
“You shouldn’t ask me such provocative questions if you don’t want me to answer them.” She could hear voices in the background and knew he was calling from work. “But that’s not why I called.”
Candy squirmed in her seat, trying to ignore her growing arousal. “Why did you call?”
“Two things. First, are you coming over for dinner tonight?”
“Do you want me to?” She wondered if he wasn’t beginning to get tired of having her around every single evening.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t,” his rough voice growled over the phone.
“I’d love to come over for dinner. Should I bring anything?”
“Just yourself, sugar.”
“Okay.” She glanced at her watch, knowing she had to cut this short. “What was the second thing?”
“Check your purse. I slipped a little something inside this morning before you left.” She heard someone calling him in the distance. “I’ve gotta run, but I’ll see you tonight.” The phone clicked in her ear and she pulled it back and looked at it. What was it with people hanging up on her this morning?
Curious now, she opened her bottom desk drawer and dragged out her large leather handbag. She hadn’t really looked in it this morning, she’d been in such a hurry when she’d left his place to get home and change in time to get to work. Thankfully, Lucas was always up at the crack of dawn, but still, she’d barely had enough time. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep that up, but for now, she was managing. And the payoff of spending all night snuggled up in bed with Lucas was reward enough for any minor inconveniences.
Unzipping her purse, she rummaged around inside and found the small plastic container that had worked its way to the bottom. Prying off the lid, she peered inside. Nestled on a napkin was a masterpiece of layers of light, fluffy pastry separated by a cream and chocolate filling. A light drizzle of chocolate decorated the top layer.
Candy groaned even as she carefully plucked the treat from the container and laid it on the lid. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to put on a ton of weight. Lucas did seem to enjoy feeding her. Now she definitely needed coffee.
Glancing at her closed office door, she decided she wasn’t taking any chances. Stowing her purse back in the bottom drawer, she yanked open the top one and shoved some papers aside. When she had enough room, she placed the pastry and the container inside and pushed the drawer closed.
She sniffed the air carefully and decided it was probably safe. Ever since word of the brownies had gotten out, many of Candy’s coworkers had started stopping by unannounced to check and see if she’d gotten any more of them. Unfortunately, Missy had been quite vocal in her praise of them and some of the other women in the office were jealous that they hadn’t gotten any.
But Candy only had one pastry and she wasn’t sharing.
The phone rang again just as she reached for her mug. Casting a longing stare at her empty mug, she sighed as she picked up the receiver. “Candy Logan’s office.”
“Ms. Logan, this is Barbara Bates from Jasper Publishing in New York.”
Candy straightened in her chair. “Yes, Ms. Bates. What can I do for you?” Her curiosity was piqued. It wasn’t every day she got a call from a big New York City publisher. Okay, so she’d never had one before. This was her first.
The other woman laughed. “Maybe we can help each other. As you may or may not know, we recently signed a former writer of TK Publishing, Karissa Fields.”
“That’s wonderful. I always knew that Karissa would make it big.”
“Well, Karissa speaks very highly of you as well. In fact, according to Karissa, you’re very good at what you do, Ms. Logan.” The other woman paused briefly before continuing. “We have a position opening up in our publicity department and would like to interview you if you’re interested.”
Candy had to close her mouth, which had dropped open. “Uh, this is quite a surprise.”
Ms. Bates laughed again. “I’m sure it must be. But we’d really like you to think about it. I’ve chatted with other authors you’ve worked with and they all speak very highly of you. I know that you were officially the assistant on these earlier jobs, but according to everyone I talked to, there was really no doubt in anyone’s mind who was really doing the work.”
“I’m very flattered by your offer,” Candy began, not really sure how to respond. On one hand, it was a fantastic offer. But, on the other, it meant packing up and moving away from her friends and family and a job that she was comfortable in. It also meant leaving Lucas.
“You don’t have to say yes or no right now. I realize this is very sudden and you probably want to think about it,” Ms. Bates continued briskly. “Why don’t I give you my number? Take a week and think about it, then give me a call.”
Candy yanked a notepad in front of her and jotted down the phone number. Her mouth dropped open again when the other woman listed the beginning salary. “I’ll definitely give your offer some thought.” She tossed her pen down on top of her desk. “And thank you, Ms. Bates, for the offer. It really is quite generous.”
“I hope to hear from you soon, Ms. Logan.”
Candy was sure she said goodbye to the other woman, but she wasn’t exactly sure what else she might have said. Her mind was spinning with the possibilities. New York City, a big publishing company and more money than she had ever made in her life.
She pulled open her desk drawer to look for her calendar and came face-to-face with the exquisite pastry that Lucas had made for her. She couldn’t believe she’d actually forgotten about it.
Coffee and sustenance first. Then she’d think about the job offer.
Picking up her mug, she walked to the door, but glanced back at her desk. She thought about taking the pastry with her, but didn’t want to risk anyone smelling the chocolate or cream. Easing her door open, she slipped out, closing it behind her. She was smiling as she hurried to the break room for a refill.