Candy stared around the room in dismay. She couldn’t believe that she’d missed Lucas Squires yet again. But the person she’d just talked to had told her that the object of her search had already come and gone. “Damn. Damn. Damn,” she muttered under her breath.
This was definitely not going as planned. Besides which, her new boots hurt her feet and she was starving. It was just after five o’clock and she hadn’t had time for lunch. Sighing, she thought about just hauling on her coat and going home to curl up with a pizza and about a gallon of vanilla ice cream. It had been that kind of a day.
“That’s a big sigh. Is there anything I can help you with?”
Candy glanced toward the voice and had to look up. Oh my! For the first time in her life, all ability to speak left her. The man standing next to her cocked his eyebrow, obviously waiting for her reply. Well, he’d have to wait a little longer. There was no way she could talk. It was taking all her concentration just to breathe.
Never had she been so instantly attracted to a man in her life. He was much taller than she was, and she was wearing high-heeled boots. But then again, she wasn’t very tall, so that wasn’t surprising. Massive— that was the first word that came to mind to describe him. His shoulders looked to be about a yard wide and his thick biceps strained the sleeves of the short-sleeved T-shirt he was wearing. Her fingers itched to touch them just to see if they were as hard as they looked.
His blond hair was cut short, but there was just enough for her to run her fingers through. Her hands curled into fists at her sides as she fought the impulse to just reach out and stroke it. His face wasn’t pretty. Instead it was compelling and tough, just like the rest of him. His nose looked as if it had been broken at least once, and his thin lips were set in a half-scowl as he continued to wait for her reply.
He was the kind of man you didn’t want to meet in a dark alley, the kind of man that made other men nervous. But Candy wasn’t the least bit afraid of him. For the first time in her life, she understood instant attraction. Everything feminine inside her was screaming out to jump this man’s bones. Her breasts were aching and she was glad that she’d kept her suit jacket buttoned or he’d be able to see her pebbled nipples through her blouse. She fought the impulse to squirm as she creamed her panties just looking at this sexy stranger.
She could feel the heat creeping up her cheeks as Missy’s earlier words rang in her head. Maybe she really did need to get laid. Sex with this man would be incredible. She didn’t know how she knew that, she just did. And, oh God, she couldn’t remember what he’d asked her.
Clearing her throat, she tried to appear nonchalant. “I’m sorry. What did you say?” The corner of his mouth kicked up in a half-smile and her heart skipped a beat as she fought the urge to fan her face. This man was lethal. If she reacted this strongly to just the hint of a smile, she didn’t even want to think about what she might do if he really smiled. He just oozed sex appeal.
“I asked if there was anything I could help you with.” The low, sensual sound of his voice strummed over her like a lover’s caress. Her entire body was tight and needy. She felt as if she’d spent the last half-hour engaging in intense foreplay and she was now close to coming.
“Ah,” she stuttered. “No, but thank you. I was looking for someone, but he’s no longer here. It’s not important.” She couldn’t believe the nonsense she was babbling. Not important. It was supposed to be the most important thing in her life, but she no longer cared about the elusive Lucas Squires. Right now, all her focus was on the mystery man in front of her.
“His loss is my gain then. What’s your name?”
“Candy.” He’d slipped that question in so smoothly, she replied before she thought. “Forget I said that.” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth.
“Why? It’s a great name.” He ran his laser-like, pale blue eyes up and down her body. “And it suits you.”
Candy gaped at him, stunned. Was this man flirting with her? She glanced down at the lower half of his body. Immediately her gaze shot back up to his face, only to find him staring down at her with a knowing expression. That was an impressive hard-on pushing against the front of his jeans. She swallowed hard. There was no doubt that he was attracted to her and wasn’t afraid for her to know it.
Oh God, what should she do? She could pretend she hadn’t noticed, excuse herself and just go home to her pizza and ice cream. Or she could let go of her control, just this once, and enjoy a steamy, sexual encounter with a complete stranger. There really should be no choice. Candy wasn’t the type of woman to indulge in a one-night stand, but the man standing in front of her was the kind of man who came along once in a woman’s lifetime— if she were lucky.
Okay, no need to jump the gun. He hadn’t even made a motion toward her. Maybe this was just her overactive imagination and her unruly hormones both running amok. She’d just play along and see where the situation led. And if it did happen to end in the two of them having wild sex, well then, that was okay. They were both two healthy, unattached adults.
She paused and glanced at his ring finger, which thankfully was bare. But she made a mental note to check that out for sure if she did decide to indulge with him. She was no poacher.
She thought about asking him his name, but decided against it. If she did choose to indulge her passion with him, it was definitely going to be a one-time thing. Better for both of them if they remained two strangers that passed in the night, as it were. Yes, she’d told him her first name, but he’d probably forget it in no time.
She consoled herself that if it did indeed happen, they’d probably never see each other again and they’d be nothing more than a pleasant memory to one another. Why her stomach turned over at the thought, she didn’t know and there was no time to examine the feeling.
“Would you like to have a tour of the place?” He swept his hand out to encompass the coffee shop.
“Sure. If it’s okay, I mean. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble with the owner or anything.” Candy slammed her mouth shut. She couldn’t seem to stop making an idiot of herself every time she opened it.
But luckily her handsome stranger didn’t seem to notice. In fact, he seemed kind of amused. “No, it’s fine.” Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he turned her and guided her toward the kitchen door. “Let me show you the kitchen.”
The weight of his arm felt good around her. Not heavy, but protective. Her legs felt like jelly, making it hard to walk, but somehow she managed to get through the swinging doors. As the door swung shut behind them, the sound of the party faded away. Even though the light was on and a room full of people was right next to them, it felt incredibly intimate with just the two of them standing there.
She got the impression of a large, clean room, gleaming with stainless steel appliances and cooking utensils before she was swung around. Her back was against the cooking island that dominated the center of the kitchen. Gasping, she glanced up and swallowed hard. The lustful gleam in his eyes assured her that he not only wanted her, but he was more than ready to take her.
Candy licked her suddenly dry lips. His eyes followed their movement and he groaned. Had she been responsible for that? She did it again, just to be certain. Sure enough, he closed his eyes and a deep, rumbling sound rose from his chest. Well, she liked this. She’d never felt like a sexy siren before. Certainly none of the men she’d ever dated or been with had ever reacted quite like this before. It was heady stuff.
When he opened his eyes, they were so hot, she felt scorched by their intensity. He began to slowly lower his head toward her, leaving her no doubt that he was about to kiss her but giving her plenty of time to protest or change her mind.
Candy went up on her toes and met him halfway.
Lucas could hardly wrap his thoughts around the fact that he was alone with the woman who looked as if she’d stepped right out of his most erotic fantasies. She was nervous. He could tell by the way her eyes darted around the room and the fact that she kept chewing on her bottom lip. Damn, but he wanted to taste her mouth. Candy. His mystery lady had a name now, and somehow it suited her. She looked sweet and somehow innocent, with her big chocolate brown eyes staring up at him.
He had to taste her. Ever so slowly, he leaned down, giving her every opportunity to change her mind, all the while praying that she wouldn’t. He fought the urge just to grab her and sweep her upstairs and into his bed. Flattening his hands on the countertop on either side of her, he effectively caged her in without touching her. His nostrils flared as he moved closer, and the sweet scent of peppermint drifted toward him, mixed with the smell of soap and aroused woman. He took a deep breath, imprinting her unique scent on his brain.
As if he’d ever forget it.
Then she stretched upward to meet him and he was lost. His lips skimmed hers ever so gently so as not to frighten her. Her mouth was soft and her lips parted as he stroked his tongue across them. Taking advantage of her invitation, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth and was immediately surrounded by her warmth. He groaned and slid his tongue into the recesses of her mouth, savoring the peppermint flavor. His cock was throbbing now as it pushed against the zipper of his jeans. It was almost painful, but it was a good kind of pain. The kind of pain that made a man feel vibrantly alive.
It was a feeling that had been missing from his life as of late.
Her tongue began a slow duel with his and he retreated from her. Sure enough, she followed him, her small tongue darting into his mouth. He sucked it deeper and she moaned low in her throat. The sound was much like a kitten’s purr. He wondered what she’d sound like when he was buried deep inside her, fucking her hard, bringing her to climax.
Damn, he felt hot. His entire body was shaking with need and he could feel perspiration making his shirt stick to him. His fingers dug into the edge of the counter. He wanted to strip her naked, lift her onto the kitchen island and lose himself in her heat. Her pussy would taste sweet and she’d be so damned wet and ready for him. He groaned and broke away from her. Burying his face in the curve of her neck, he inhaled deeply as he tried to steady his breathing.
Her small hand grabbed the front of his T-shirt as she swayed toward him. Immediately, he wrapped his hands around her waist to support her. Her curves felt substantial beneath his questing fingers and he couldn’t resist sliding his hands behind her and gripping her bottom, molding the soft globes with his palms. “You’ve got a great ass.”
She froze for a second and then her gaze flew to his as she emitted a shaky laugh. Way to go, Squires, he berated himself. You certainly know how to charm a lady. But she seemed strangely pleased rather than offended.
“Ah… thank you.” She shook her head and he was afraid she was going to tell him it was time for her to go. He wasn’t quite ready for that to happen yet. So, before she had a chance to speak, he nuzzled the curve of her neck and left a trail of kisses behind him as he worked his way toward her earlobe.
Nipping the lobe between his teeth, he tugged slightly on the discreet gold hoop that adorned it. Everything about her turned him on, from her minimal jewelry to her oversized business attire and her ridiculous boots. The woman definitely had class written all over her.
Her breathing quickened and she shifted closer to him. He could feel her breasts pushing against his chest even through the material of her suit jacket, but it wasn’t enough. Sliding one hand between them, he slipped the two buttons of the jacket open and pushed the lapels back, revealing the silky blouse beneath. He didn’t pause, but kept his hand moving upward until his palm was between her breasts. She sucked in a deep breath, her heart pounding beneath his hand.
Lucas shoved one of his booted feet between hers, urging her closer with the hand still plastered to her backside. The skirt rode up slightly as his leg slid further between her thighs until her pussy was hard against his leg. He traced the whorls of her ear with his tongue. “I want you, Candy.”
Leaving her straddling his thigh, he framed her face with his hands, tipping it up so that she was looking right at him. Her face was flushed and her lips parted as she gasped for breath. Her eyes were deep, dark and filled with desire. With her hair hanging down her shoulders in tousled curls, she looked like a woman in the throes of sexual release.
“I want to taste you, to touch you.” He slid his fingers into her hair, tangling them in the cinnamon-colored locks. “I want to bury my cock in your pussy and fuck you long and hard. I want to hear your voice in my ear as you beg me to fuck you even harder.” He leaned down until their lips were almost touching again. “And I want to hear your screams when you come.”
“Ohmigod,” she gasped.
He could feel her hips shift slightly, seeking better contact with his thigh and he almost howled with pleasure. She wanted him too. There was no doubt about that. But would she let him have her?
“Let me have you.” His words echoed his thoughts as he untangled his fingers from her hair, sliding them down her back until he was gripping her ass once again. Pulling her closer, he lifted her higher on his thigh. Her whimper of need was music to his ears. “It’ll be so damned good, Candy.”
“Yes.” She sprang to life suddenly, practically climbing him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hooked her leg over his thigh.
Lucas lifted her right off the floor, groaning when she rubbed herself against the hard length of his erection. He was going to come in his jeans if he didn’t get inside her soon. The sounds of the party just beyond them filtered through his muddled brain and he had sense enough to know he couldn’t take her here.
Walking was pure torture as her heated mound moved over him with every step he took. Her hands were busy, too, and she was stroking his chest and shoulders as she leaned into him and placed hot little kisses on his neck.
He’d never make it to his office. Half stumbling, half walking, he managed to get them the few steps necessary to reach a large walk-in storage room. Kicking the door closed behind him, he shut the world outside.