Trix came in. “I got the concierge to call the police. But the police beat Bob up, too.”
I was drinking. I have two drinking faces, I’ve been told. The Social Drinking face, and the I Need to Drink Until the Front of My Brain Dies face.
“What’s wrong?”
“We have an appointment with the Roanokes tomorrow at eleven.”
“How did that happen?”
“My client was here. He told me things.”
“He arranged it? Jesus.”
“You okay?”
I summoned a smile from somewhere. “Sure.”
“You want to come to bed?”
No. I wanted to get really fucking drunk and then stab myself repeatedly.
“Nah. We’re out of condoms. Forgot to buy any.”
She sat on the arm of my chair. “What makes you think we need any?”
“Not without condoms, Trix.”
“True. I don’t know where you’ve been. But not what I meant.” She rubbed her palm over the back of my hand. “I have hands. You have hands. You and me: it doesn’t always have to be about vanilla humping, Mike.”
“I like vanilla humping.”
“Come here. I’m going to rewire your vanilla little brain with my bare hands.”