
I know I’m going to forget someone, because I’m writing this in the pub and the deadline for this page was four days ago. So, in the order they occur to me as I work through my third Red Bull:

Miss Wurzel Tod, the inimitable Suzanne Gerber of Basel, who was the first person to put the words Godzilla and bukkake together in the same sentence. Susannah Breslin, late of New Orleans, and the late Leticia Blake of Los Angeles, whose (the former) writings on and (the latter) experience of the sex trade informed many scenes. Dr. Joshua Ellis (no relation) of Las Vegas, who put one of the settings in my head.

Margo Eve of Virginia, the original Pervert Academic. Lydia Wills of Manhattan, my literary agent, who basically bugged the shit out of me until I wrote the first ten thousand words of this book to make her go away, and then pulled on me the worst trick of my life by selling it in two weeks. Any factual errors in this book should be blamed on her: not because they’re her fault, but because it pleases me to do so. My media agent, Angela Cheng Caplan of Hollywood, for nagging me whenever Lydia paused for breath. Xeni Jardin of Los Angeles and William Gibson of Vancouver, for generally being help and inspiration.

And to my various hosts during my American tour of 2000, which gave me the framework for the book—New York, Columbus, San Antonio, Vegas, and L.A. (There was also a stop in San Francisco, but fiction will never top the Bay Area for outright surrealism.)

If there’s anyone I’ve forgotten, please accept my apologies and thanks, and blame encroaching senility. Or Lydia.

Warren Ellis

Rainy Southeast England

March 2007
