If June only knew. For, at this very moment, Guy Donovan was indeed thinking of his young daughter very affectionately with love in his heart – as his long thick cock slid in and out of his red-haired wife's hotly grasping vagina.
"Guy! Oh Guy!" Dora Donovan gasped, working her hips desperately in order to milk his enormous blood-bloated rod of flesh of every last thrill and every last drop of scalding hot sperm. For even though Dora had been on the pill for years, she still delighted and felt an exquisite thrill when she felt that lust-heated semen squirting up inside of her. And now she wanted it more than ever – because there was a terrible fear in her chest that she was losing her husband.
It was nothing that she could put her finger on exactly; it was just that, for the last several months, he had been increasingly preoccupied and distracted when they were making love. As if he were thinking of someone else. They had always made love with the lights on, so that they could see each other's bodies moving, his shining penis slicking in and out through the caressingly passion-drenched folds of her yearning, burning cunt, in the mirrors that surrounded them on the walls at all sides. That was a part of their excitement, watching themselves fuck each other like this, in whatever position it was they were doing in – Viking ship, sixty-nine, or whatever. When she sucked on Guy's magnificent cock, she also liked to glance into one of the mirrors to watch herself. Often he would be probing his fingers into the warm, moist slit of her pussy while she sucked so lovingly on the rigid warmth of his desire-thickened penis. Gently, he would stroke the hot tingling lips of her vagina, and this would drive her wild, until she could hardly feel his cum come squirting out to flood deliciously against the back of her throat. Then too, she liked to watch when he licked and nibbled at the fiercely sensitive outskirts of her burning cunt, sliding his tongue snakelike deeply into her clasping vagina, in order to draw ecstatic little gasps from her hoarsely struggling throat. All this mirror-watching was a fiercely erotic part of their love-making and had lent tremendously to their mutual excitement all through the years. They could watch themselves, no matter what their position was or what they were doing.
But no more.
For recently, Guy had taken to preferring making love in the dark, and Dora knew what this meant. The fact that her husband now yearned for darkness was a sure sign to her that he probably wanted to imagine he was making love to someone else.
Not that there was any other indication of his straying interest.
Occasionally she thought she had caught a word through his passionate gasps -perhaps a part of a girl's name – but it was impossible to link those disjointed sounds with any illicit infatuation on Guy's part. It was all too unclear and imprecise.
Pushing these tormenting thoughts from her mind, the lewdly skewered wife worked her hips around and groaned, feeling the enormity of her husband's penis sliding so achingly in and out of her burning vagina.
It was like being dredged with an earth-mover when Guy was inside of her, his cock was so huge and dominating. It had always been like this, and that was part of the reason she had loved him and been so passionately devoted to him all of her life. Even when he was only seventeen, his penis had seemed so huge to her, with all those rough, vagina-rippling little ridges, that it had immediately dominated her every thought and consideration for the future.
Dora had never regretted her decision to devote herself wholely to making Guy Donovan happy. He had proved to be a husband and lover without equal, and her loins still ached from time to time, at the most peculiar of moments, when she thought of her handsome, dynamic and cunt-pleasingly hung husband. She might just be lingering over the kitchen sink washing dishes and daydreaming aimlessly, and her mouth would water and her loins begin to chum thinking of the wonderful fucking he had given her that morning or the night before. To live as his slave forever was surely the highest ambition she could have.
And then this. This terrible suspicion that he was closing his eyes and thinking of someone else as he fucked her, or when she sucked on his cock, was just too much to bear.
Why did this nagging suspicion persist so strongly, though? What other substantiation for it was there, besides her own intuitive feminine suspicion?
Guy's performance was as adequate as ever, even though he closed his eyes more and occasionally mumbled a name that she scarcely caught. Or was it a name?
Perhaps it was merely an obscenity breaking from his lips from time to time in appreciation of the way her loins were moving beneath him and around him.
Her suspicions were spoiling her enjoyment of sex. Several times recently, she had found herself straining more desperately than was normal for her orgasm and, indeed, for the last month, had missed several of them. She was becoming increasingly frustrated, at an age when any normal woman is more hypersexed than ever. And, if she didn't make it this morning, she didn't know what she was going to do.
Trying to elaborate her excitement, the troubled housewife thought back to the first time she and Guy had ever made love. She had been just fourteen then and obsessed with curiosity about sex, despite her puritan upbringing. Guy had been just seventeen but already known as a slick operator about school. Rumor was that he had bedded almost the entire female half of the junior class with the masterful domination of his sexual technique, and that his penis was of appreciable size and quality.
Naturally, talk like this had only served to titillate her, when she should have been afraid and cautious about him. So that, when the older student asked her for a date, she had responded affirmatively with almost bubbling eagerness, her heart racing frantically in her fulsome young chest.
True to his reputation of being "fast," he slid his hand inside her brassiere with almost their first drawn-out passionate kiss. While his tongue fucked her gasping hot mouth, his fingers were suddenly grasping her nakedly stiffening nipple and the firm but resilient flesh of her tender young breast. Not wanting to give up his masterful, loin- drenching kiss, she didn't struggle overly to get rid of his gently squeezing hand. And then when he started pinching her throbbing nipple between thumb and forefinger, she became too aroused to do anything at all about this fiercely erotic fondling. Finally, he unfastened her brassiere and inclined his head, taking one of her bursting hot nipples into his mouth and much of her surrounding sensitive breast tissue as well, sucking hungrily on the virginal mounds rising and falling with increasing passion beneath his lips. The tickling of his tongue as it batted her nipple back and forth brought it up quickly to a loin- tingling hardness, and shivering little thrills seemed to pass in waves up the young girl's thighs, searing through her loins and belly, finally pouring like molten lava into the lust-infused roundness of her sensitive young breasts. So preoccupied did she become that she scarcely noticed it when one of his hands slipped up under her skirt as well, madly caressing her smooth cream-white thighs.
"No-oh, Guy, no!" she protested, sensing that she might not be able to hold him back in time.
But his hands had kept stroking her relentlessly, roving the full length of her aroused teenage body, over her crazily quivering stomach and on down to the nylon covered softness of her throbbing pubic triangle. Then he began stroking her there, lewdly insinuating his middle finger up under the tight elastic legband of her white nylon panties and into the moist virginal split of her pussy. This started an aching, yearning sensation that was totally unlike any other feeling the young redhead had ever known before in her young life. In reality, she knew of nothing to compare it with. Her mother had always severely forbidden masturbation and filled her pretty young head with terrible stories of what might happen if she practiced it – a slew of pimples on her face, a glint in her eyes that would be readily detectable by the most casual observer, perhaps even madness.
Dora struggled and protested fairly strongly against her ardent date's searching fingers, though with increasingly weaker resolve, as she squirmed around on the car seat beneath his maddening caresses.
"No, no Guy, not now. Oh please don't," she gasped excitedly into his ear.
Which only served to spur him on! Apparently paying no attention to her pleas, suddenly he was working with the crotch of his Levi's, and then there was a metallic rasp as he drew his zipper down. Then, with equal suddenness, there was a warm blunt pressure against the top of her thigh. She gasped. Dora had never seen or felt a man's penis before, and the muscles of her body contracted violently as she now felt its soft muscular heat against the smooth naked flesh of her upper leg.
She was about to pull away, despite her curiosity, but then, suddenly, his fingers were probing again between her legs, moving deeper under her panties and wetly upward through the passion-slick confines of her churning vagina.
This sent a shock of pleasure rippling through her loins which had no counterpart in living memory. The electric quality of that feeling fairly froze the young virgin to the car seat. She could not move for the moment as ecstatic pleasure raced around inside her inexperienced twelve year old body.
Guy took this to mean that he could have his way with his date, and immediately pursued further. Taking her slender little hand, he placed it over his obscenely revealed cock and forced her fingers to wrap around it. She clenched it tight out of instinct, hearing his answering groan of pleasure as she imparted an affectionate little squeeze to it, his groan mingling with her own little ecstatic gasps of joy. She had never expected it to be so enormous. It seemed as if her fingers could barely go around it. Without thinking, she began to massage the thick outer skin back and forth, up and down over the muscular young shaft.
Nothing else in the world had ever felt so nice or so complete. Now, with her panty leg band stretched uselessly over the back of his hand, he was digging his middle finger deep into her wide-splayed cunt, which was wet from the juices seeping so excitedly from its parted lips. He was stretching the tiny ring of her still-intact hymen so that she was almost afraid that he might split it and technically put an end to her virginity on the spot – but there was nothing she seemed capable of doing about it. The thrills he was giving her raced too wildly through her excited young body for her to attempt anything but the most feeble resistance. Dora relaxed her inner thighs in order to give him greater access to her open pussy, and, at the same time, increased the speed of her own hand fondling his desire-hardened cock. With each gentle pull, she could feel Guy's cock jerking upward toward a greater hardness than she would ever have dreamed possible. God, would he try to thrust it up between her legs, she wondered?
Then, suddenly, Guy tried to roll over on top of her, and, prudence at last taking firm hold on her morally straying mind, she managed, willy- nilly, to resist. Clamping her thighs tightly together, she trapped his rock-hard penis warmly between them on the outside of her panties. Guy struggled like a madman to lift up and get the hot rubbery tip lodged into the opening of her wetly throbbing vagina, but she struggled with all her strength against him -inadvertently, at the same time, tightening her grip on his straining young cock. Then, just as he forced the head of his instrument underneath the restricting leg band of her panties, its wildly pulsating nose poised between the splayed- open lips of her cunt, she felt a hot, thick stream of liquid come spurting out of it, drenching her pubic hair with his warm sticky sperm. It covered the insides of her thighs and dripped wetly down between her legs to moisten the car seat beneath her trembling and still pantied buttocks. Then Guy had emitted a final orgasmic groan and collapsed across her heaving breasts.
Dora hadn't let the terror of the junior class fuck her that first time, but, God, when she did, it was so great! She had never regretted her initial rejection of Guy's first advances, for this had served to work him up to a fever pitch and win him for her in the long run Eventually, he became so wild to get between her legs, he would have done anything to get her… even marry her, as he did.
And now, lying beneath her husband of nearly thirteen years, she was using these exciting scenes from the early days of their courtship to work her loins up to an excruciating peak from which she could not fail to tumble headlong into another of her many Guy-inspired orgasms that she had come to know and love and be devoted to over the long years of their married life.
But then again, the interfering thought… who was he thinking of? With his eyes closed and that endless, unintelligible murmuring which might be obscene, but which might not be? Who was her beloved husband thinking of these days when he fucked her?
Dora gasped and shut her eyes. She had almost been there, but her suspicions were destroying it for her. It wasn't fair. Why was she cursed so? Why did human beings have such complex minds and emotions that such small distractions could interfere with their most basic – and base – desires?
The unhappy redhead sighed and groaned. Her vaginal walls clung hungrily to her husband's swiftly moving cock, and her nostrils were still flaring, but she had become too distracted and couldn't concentrate now on achieving her so-longed-for climax.
Why couldn't life be simpler? Other animals than man didn't suffer from these complexities. Take Brute, for example, their handsome German shepherd.
She was certain that Brute was never thinking of anything else when he had sexual intercourse with one of the many bitches in the neighborhood who continually sought him out. Brute was never bothered with jealousy, was never limited to a single bitch, and so on.
She could remember several weeks ago watching him out the window when he had fucked that Dalmatian from down the block. How the Dalmatian had stood there, apparently unmoved, her tongue lolling out of its spotted head, while Brute screwed her furiously, his great haunches jerking powerfully, his forelegs gripping snugly about the other dog's shoulders, his longish red tongue hanging out of his mouth, wet and dripping with thick saliva, his slick red penis sliding lewdly in and out of the other dog's body to an alarming length.
That was one of the few times Dora had ever paid much attention to Brute's sexual proclivities. She had known that he tended to be somewhat rambunctious around the neighborhood, and not a few people had complained; but, after all, it was nothing much to make a fuss over.
Dogs, after all, would be dogs.
But that particular morning she had been left peculiarly frustrated from Guy's furious, hyper-fast fucking, which he had excused on the grounds that he was late for work. Consequently, her loins were still swarming with desire as she watched Brute mount the female Dalmatian.
And what a splendid beast he was! She could scarcely believe the length and thickness of his dog's penis as it escaped from the soft furry covering beneath its belly. Somehow she had always imagined that dogs had very tiny penises.
Brute's certainly had always seemed normal – although, obviously, when he was aroused, it became anything but that.
She had been quite taken aback, and, remembering rightly, her breath had whooshed out of her lungs as she gaped in amazement at the furious quality of Brute's fucking.
Was it only her imagination that his eyes seemed to fasten on her as well, as he moved in that savage sexual embrace? Those big beautiful brown eyes with their long dark lashes?
And she could remember how she had blushed meeting his gaze, innocent as that meeting was, as she found herself wondering somewhat obscenely what that longish tongue of his might feel like if it ever approached her tender pussy flesh the way Guy's occasionally did…
"oh! Oh! Oh my God! Brute! Guy!"
What was that? Had she mentioned Brute's name? Well, it really didn't matter.
All that mattered was that, as she closed her eyes and imagined Brute mounting the Dalmatian, Guy's fucking her became all the more excruciatingly lovely. She could feel every last blood-filled ridge of his masterful cock pumping into her joyously clenching vagina, drawing the folds of her pussy with it in ecstatic surrender. Everything seemed so wonderful… and wonderful… Brute furiously fucking the other dog, his beautiful eyes on her… Guy's thick lust-engorged rod of flesh dredging her loins so burningly… and then she was there! There!
"Brute… oh darling… darling… no, Guy… oh… oh, oh… oh!"
Guy continued to pump her ravagingly, his penis twisting this way and that, bumping savagely at her sensitive little clitoris. His hands gripped her firmly mounded breasts and squeezed them without mercy, his face and neck straining toward his own orgasm.
At the same time, Guy Donovan was struggling to get his daughter June out of his mind. Only twelve years old and already driving him crazy! He had become obsessed with her young buxom blonde beauty. Once the lights were out, he saw her continuously as he made love to Dora. He cursed himself for it, but he couldn't help himself. The way she paraded around the house, that cock-teasing walk of hers… her long blonde hair… the occasional glimpses of her naked breasts as she ran from bathroom to bedroom, breasts just waiting to be touched and suckled… everything combined to make his daughter the central figure of his sensuous thoughts.
Guy gasped as Dora's warm wet vaginal walls slid over his desire- swollen rigidity like melted butter. This was June's cunt, June's beautiful blonde vagina, caressing and kissing his urgently pummeling cock… His head fell loosely forward and back, like the head of a puppet, as his loins buffeted forward and his thick rock-hard cock speared his wife without mercy. He could hear her whimpers of approaching climax as they seemed to be June's. His penis raced up between her trembling legs like a fast whirring drill boring through the depths of the earth, battering and smashing all before it in great waves of warm moist flesh, his pelvis smacking into her and flattening her upraised buttocks with a hard, sharp slap that reverberated through the bedroom like a flat-handed blow across the cheek He reached forward with both hands and grasped her shoulders, pulling her whole body tightly against him. His thick hard cock had sunk to its fullest length in her quivering white belly, and she could feel the hardness of its caplike head pressed snugly against the sensitive end of her cervix deep inside.
Dora shuddered through her first shattering orgasm, groaning all the while and hung onto her husband as she began working toward a second.
Somehow, she realized, thinking of Brute fucking the Dalmatian had distracted her from her other morbid thoughts and left her free to work upward toward an overwhelming fulfilling climax. She held the handsome German shepherd strongly in her mind's eye as she continued to work her pelvis all around her husband's pummeling hard cock-thrusts.
She felt his hands slide down to the rounded curves of her hips as he began a slow, teasing rotation of his rigid cock deep inside her spasming womb. Her muffled sobs of delight mingled huskily with his passionate gasps while his hands ran down the fullness of her quivering breasts. Then he began shifting to a series of hard, cruel thrusts, the fluted pink flanges of protective flesh around her cunt drawing back with each out-stroke, then being swallowed inside again as Guy thrust forward into her open cunt with a powerful in-and out rhythm. Squeezing all around her soft jiggling buttocks, his fingers dug cruelly into her cringing little puckered anus, then clasped her hips and pulled her back over his bursting cock while he continued to skewer and ram her with increasing abandon.
His body was now a ball of sheer uncontrolled lust unleashing itself completely against the squirming, tender twelve year old blonde daughter beneath him in his imagination. He could feel his heated cock growing thicker and thicker in her belly as he ground his bloated penis savagely into her with a wave of tremulous delight flickering across his lust-contorted features. He had never had anything as tender and young as his lovely blonde daughter before, so helpless beneath his rippling urgency – not even Dora had felt so good at that age. His penis inflated and burned as it never had before. He was almost there now, almost there, and he continued to ram her eagerly with long hard strokes.
He had to end it before he went insane.
Dora's whimpers stretched into a long, low continuous whine that filled the master bedroom like a distant siren. Through the dim haze of her tortured mind, she watched Brute racing across an open field, his great furry coat rippling so sleek in the bright summer sunshine, his handsome canine features full of life and excitement. Inside her, Guy's penis felt as if it were expanding wildly and that his rampaging instrument might split her ecstatically in two. Oh yes… yes… he was going to cum in her… her wonderful lover… Brute's face…
Sobs began to rack her passion-drenched flesh, her voluptuous body shivering all over. Then, as her warm wet vaginal muscles clamped snugly around Guy's hard-driving cock, her husband suddenly threw back his head and let out a ferocious cry, his pelvis shaking volcanically as his lewd hot sperm shot deep into Dora's wide-swept vaginal passage.
She groaned in helpless submission, working her cuntal muscles furiously in order to climax again before he became soft. Spurt after spurt of fiery liquid sperm he emptied into her, filling her womb and belly to the very bursting point.
"Oh God! Beautiful!" she whined as she felt it ricocheting around in a warm wet pool far up inside her vagina. All that lovely lust-quenching semen being squirted into her felt so warm and heavenly.,.
Brute… she thought. Brute… Working her undulating muscles up and down around Guy's swiftly depleted rod of flesh, struggling for yet another really magnificent orgasm, she knew already that it was too late – that pussy-satisfying hardness was gone, and the only vision left in her beautiful head was Brute's face, laughing at her.
She flung her arm up over her head, sobbing out bitter tears of frustration.
How was it that she had so suddenly forgotten her preoccupation with Guy's supposed infidelity… so suddenly become so hypersexed that one orgasm was not enough for her, after so many weeks of utter frustration?
And, why did she keep seeing her dog's face?