Chapter 4

The grave wasn't really Shakespeare's, of course, but merely a little marker of the site where a North Short Railway man had been buried about a hundred years earlier after a disastrous collision of the four- forty with a neighborhood cow of those days, at that time the greatest transportation catastrophe in the history of the North Shore. But the marker had been faithfully tended all these years – by Evanston Township Council after the railway made them a present of the land – and the shrubs around it were all-concealing of the little bench next to the marker where not a few North Shore couples had come to 'spoon' and get to know each other better over the decades.

And Ronald now made ready to get to know his younger, but voluptuous blonde cousin better. Dragging June down onto the bench, he pressed his mouth against hers and quickly forced his tongue in between her tightly clenched lips. The twelve year old girl's sexual anxiety had reached such a fever pitch that the feel of his tongue laving the most sacred inner portals of her warm moist mouth gave her an electric start which made her loins turn over violently. It was by pure instinct that her hands came up and grabbed his square bony shoulders, holding them tightly as she returned his kiss with fervid desire, her own tongue snaking bashfully forward and licking at his, her lips then sucking joyously on his tongue.

And, if that had been all there was to it, it probably wouldn't have mattered so much.

Except that then Ronald did just what she might have expected him to… he put his hand up under her skirt…

"Oh! Arggggghhhh!"

Not letting her mouth escape and beating off her struggling hands as best he could, Ronald slid one of his hands underneath her skirt, moving it smoothly up over the smooth soft warmness of her inner thighs until his young cousin jerked away from his embrace.

"No – oh! You mustn't!" she babbled, knowing that stopping was the very last thing she wanted him to do.

But it was no use protesting. His mouth gripped hers again, and she couldn't resist for an instant the terrible instinct to suck lavishly on his tongue, which in a sense came to feel like a penis in her mind's imagination, the little taste buds becoming like the ridges she remembered seeing on her father's penis.

Ronald took complete advantage of her temporary surrender, his fingers quickly inserting their way up under the snug elastic leg band of her snow-white panties, pressing forward to locate the quietly sleeping little slit between her legs.

Oh my God, she thought as his middle finger thrust downward through her throbbing cuntal flesh, that feels so good – oh God, I can't help myself.

Giving up all thought of resisting, June's hands came up to grasp his head. His finger, which had at first encountered only quiet softness, was now rewarded with a flow of vaginal moisture which seeped in a fierce, excited rush from between June's tender cuntal folds. A soft sigh escaped her parted lips and she closed her eyes. I'm doomed, she thought. He's got me now.

His experienced middle finger worked around and around her moist warm pussy flesh in an insane attempt to drive her wild. For a moment she felt as if she were dying, drowning in a quicksand whirlpool of purest carnal desire. She had never before had anything in her starving young cunt besides her own fingers, and now her tongue was being sucked on as well while Ronald's tongue lapped at the inside of her mouth with urgent need. For a moment it was easy to imagine that his tongue was a penis committing unnatural sexual intercourse with the inside of her burning hot mouth, and this thought made the adolescent blonde's loins squirm all the more.

By now, Ronald's entire hand had disappeared all the way down inside her panties, the tight elastic leg band encircling his gently moving wrist as his finger wormed around inside her quivering sex-hungry loins, drawing a rush of heated wetness with every slightest movement, until his hand was pressed firmly up against her throbbing pubic region, his palm warm on her sparse young pubic hair, his middle finger almost all the way into her virginal vagina and actively finger-fucking her.

"Oh no, you mustn't," she panted momentarily, breaking away from his kiss, but this was very temporary, for he smiled in that winsome male way, and she fell headlong into his kiss again, as if hypnotized, pressing her full-lipped red mouth to his with an urgency that overwhelmed even her youthful seducer.

Her defenses totally down, the blonde girl's pelvis began lewdly undulating over his raping middle finger. I'm lost now, she thought.

Totally, totally lost…

And she would have been – had there not suddenly been a warning growl from the throat of the neighborhood's most menacing German shepherd…

"Brute!" she gasped, tearing herself away from her cousin Ronald's soul-kiss.

The Donovan family pet glowered at Ronald, his eyes menacing and dangerous. The boy's finger slid heatedly from June's passion-drenched pussy and out from under the leg band of her soaked white panties.

"Hey, go home!" Ronald yelled angrily. "What are you doing here!"

The moment of respite was just long enough for June to jump to her feet and race out of the small circle of concealing shrubbery. Ronald attempted to get to his feet and follow her, but Brute's warning growl came across so bone-chilling that the fifteen year old froze in fright and dropped quickly to the bench again.

"You bastard son of a bitch," the boy cursed. "I'll get you for this.

You rotten son of a bitch dog."

But the only reply from Brute was a slight curling of one side of his lip as the boy sat there angry and disgusted. And, for a moment, the general impression he had of the German shepherd's face was that the dog was smirking at him.

June raced home sobbing, partly with excitement and partly with dismay, bursting in through the kitchen's Dutch door and slamming it behind her. The car was out of the driveway, so her mother was probably out shopping and it wasn't necessary for her to dry her tears immediately.

She took the stairs two at a time, sniffling and brushing the wetness on her pretty young face with her sleeve as best she could.

In the bathroom, she washed her face of all telltale frozen tears and toweled it completely, so that she was clean again. Slut! the blonde girl cried at herself in the mirror, hopelessly ashamed. She had behaved terribly. But somehow, once Ronald had slid his finger up into her pussy and worked it around a little bit, she had become totally helpless and enslaved. Particularly when he had worked it around the sensitive little pleasure button of her clitoris.

Oh God, that had felt so good! Then she had tingled with electricity as if her loins were on fire.

Oooh, if her parents only knew what she'd just let her cousin do to her in the park. How ashamed they'd be of her. She couldn't bear it if her darling father ever found out she had let a boy do that to her.

Especially when she loved only him and couldn't bear to think of anyone else touching her like that.

Distraught and gasping, the twelve year old student made her way back to her bedroom, swinging her long blonde hair around her shoulders.

Somehow she would have to manage to get a hold on herself.

Once in the bedroom, June took off all her school things and went naked into the shower. There she let the water rush luxuriously over her still trembling young body, washing away all the telltale wetness of the furious excitement she had felt when Ronald plunged his finger in and out of the moist confines of her hotly pulsing cunt.

Her hands gripped her breasts tightly, as if offering them to the water, feeling that warm needle spray prickle at the glowing pink areolas which topped her succulent young breasts. She ran her thumbs over her tender hypersensitive nipples, feeling them ache with longing, and, looking down, she realized that Ronald had excited her more than she had realized, for she seemed unable to slow the rapid rise and fall of her tingling breasts. It seemed to her as if the soft mounds of milk-white flesh were actually alive – they had never felt so sensitive before.

Uttering a tiny sigh and a groan of purest desire, June squeezed one breast until it hurt, then ran the fingers of her other hand down into the tender tendril-capped region of her pubic mound. Finding the quiet little slit between her legs, she tickled evanescently while continuing to knead her naked breast with her other hand. Her long blonde hair fell wetly backwards, dropping down over her back and the tops of her buttocks, as her face contorted and her neck strained through an uncertain, unquenchable agony of desire.

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it ended, the wild flash of desire remaining between her trembling legs – but now unresponsive in any degree to the gentle, loving tickle of her masturbating fingers.

Sobbing with frustration, the voluptuous twelve year old blonde turned off the shower taps and stumbled from the shower, staggering as if controlled by her loins alone, across the bathroom, through the connecting door and into her bedroom. Everything in her body quivering with unsatiable lust, she fell across the bed with a whimper and buried her face in the coverlet. Shaking with sobs, she covered it with her tears of sexual frustration, the rage continuing unabated and flaming in her loins, regardless of any attempt on her part to masturbate it out. And the aching young adolescent probably would have lain there for a long time, too, if she hadn't felt the cold nose on her shoulder.

"Brute! Why…"

June sat up on the bed. Before her stood the family German shepherd, his tail wagging with happiness to see her, his canine face open in a cheerful smile -except where his teeth were holding onto the leather strap that was wrapped around her school books.

"Brute! Why, you darling! You brought my school books home from the park for me. I completely forgot about them, darling."

She took his face in her hands and accepted an affectionate lick from his lengthy pink tongue. Giggling, she closed her eyes as he washed her face with it. "Oh, Brute!" she laughed gaily.

Jumping up to put his forepaws on the bed, the big dog lapped at his young mistress' milk-white thighs as well. June was still fresh from the most ennervating, debilitating feelings of desire, and the feel of Brute's roughly-skinned but gentle tongue on her sensitive leg heightened slightly the discomforting flutter in her loins. But she was not alarmed. She bent down to pick up the books from where the dog had dropped them.

Only to have Brute take a long, swiping lick at her nakedly dangling breasts!

Alarmed now, she drew back swiftly. "Brute! Darling, whatever's come over you?"

Instinctively, she drew the thin cotton coverlet up over her vulnerable breasts. Brute's hot wet tongue had started them burning again, and now they felt as if they were expanding in all directions, fairly bursting with licentious energy.

But did she have any right to blame that on the dog? Why, darling Brute loved her! He would never do anything intentionally to make her uncomfortable!

Of course not. How silly of her. She let the coverlet drop again, revealing the rounded firmness of her panting young breasts with their high, hardened nipples. It was silly to behave as if Brute were a human male. He just didn't know what he was doing. When he licked at her breasts he was just trying to show his affection and friendliness.

Darling Brute could never mean any harm.

"Come here, sweetheart," she said affectionately, and the dog moved closer.

Taking his great head in her arms, June cradled his happy face so that his tongue lolled out wetly along her forearm and his big brown eyes looked up at her full of ecstatic delight that he was in his beautiful young blonde mistress's arms.

She stroked the sleek furry crown of his head and kissed him, murmuring,

"June's sorry, Brute. You forgive her, don't you?"

His big brown eyes spoke volumes of affection, and he tried to lick her face again.

"You saved June in the park, didn't you, darling? June wants to know how she appreciates that. But at the same time I'm a very unhappy girl.

Sit down on the floor and I'll explain it to you."

Brute, being very well trained, padded off to the center of the bedroom floor and circled the carpet briefly before he settled in a circular furry heap, looking across the bedroom at her affectionately.

June sighed and lay back on the bed totally naked, squeezing her aching breasts briefly and then spreading her long blonde hair out in back of her on the pillow like a fan. Maybe talking to Brute would help, she thought. He always had such an understanding look in his sorrowful-but- sexy eyes.

Had she thought that? But it was absurd to regard Brute's eyes as sexy – they could only be that to another dog. Anyway, he was someone to talk to.

"My hero," she smiled, remembering how he had saved her from her cousin Ronald's obscene fingering inside her love-hungry pussy lips. He had really come to her rescue, just like knights of old in the storybooks rescuing a damsel in distress.

She looked across the room at him, sitting there in the center of the room.

Brute, who always understood her and was a friend of great depth and warmth to the entire family. Seated as she had ordered him to, his pointed ears slightly devilish in character, his strongly masculine snout underlining a handsome, intelligent face of considerable character. His long red tongue was hanging out, panting with urgency, wet with his saliva. She looked into his lovely, soulful eyes. What did they see, when they looked at her? Her newly ripened breasts, her long blonde hair? Or what? His mistress, whom he adored. Who wouldn't be flattered to be so worshipped?

June sighed. It was nice having Brute here with her. With one hand she cupped her swollen right breast, looking down at the rosy aureole around its passion-puckered peak and the tiny stiffened nipple in the center. It was nice when Brute lapped at her breast, she had to admit it. No one had ever done that before. It was almost as if that was what they had been waiting for – to be kissed, fondled, squeezed, perhaps even hurt.

The twelve year old coquette looked at Brute again and smiled. "You do love me, don't you, darling? I know you do. Daddy's never licked at my breast like that, or even seen me naked, darling. Yet I think of him all the time. Why can't he love me as I love him, Brute? Is it so terribly wrong? Why can't daddy see how I love him and love me, too?"

Brute made a little sound of understanding and rested his head on his legs looking at her all the while.

She ran her fingers down into her tremulous young pussy in another futile attempt to dispel the terrible ache there. "See how I put my fingers in my pussy, Brute? Sometimes I stick them inside of me and make myself cum, with them, thinking of daddy. That drives me wild, only lately it hasn't been as good as it used to be." She lifted one leg and let two fingers slip in and out of her well-lubricated young cunt. Her eyes became heavy-lidded and her nostrils flared momentarily.

"Why can't I make it like that anymore, Brute? Why can't I cum anymore on my fingers? It always used to work thinking of daddy. Now its getting harder and harder. I used to think of his great big cock – that's what I said, cock.

That's a naughty word – his great big cock sliding in and out of my cunt and fucking me, and that drove me wild!"

She giggled and put her hand up to her mouth. It was strangely exciting talking dirty like this in front of Brute, but safe too, since he couldn't understand any of this anyway And even if he did, he wouldn't be able to spread stories about what she'd said and ruin her reputation as a nice girl Brute was the perfectly discreet individual. He could never tell.

The twelve year old blonde looked at her pet again, her dully-lidded eyes narrowing. Just how much did he understand? Was she talking too much?

No, that was silly. Brute was her best friend; he was everybody in the house's best friend. He was affectionate, kind and loving, and he would never do anything to hurt her. He'd never dream of it.

June sighed with increasing sensuality, wiggling her fingers just inside the sensitively tingling mouth of her seeping vagina. It was very pleasant to just lie here, playing idly with herself, with understanding old Brute to talk to.

She went on, "He never comes to me, Brute. Daddy never comes to me. If he did, I'd probably do anything he wanted me to, but he never even bothers. I'll bet he doesn't even like me. I tried to sit on his lap the other day, and he knocked me right off. What do you think of that?"

Brute growled understandingly.

"God," she breathed, squeezing her hotly throbbing breasts, "if only I could do something – anything I'm burning up, Brute, and I can't seem to get any satisfaction. I'm miserable all the time."

Brute perked up, looking at her keenly. What was in his eyes? Something significant or – what?

"Darling," she breathed, rubbing her fingers into her pussy. "If only I had some way of stopping this horrible burning feeling. Gosh, it's killing me, Brute. I know you'd help me if you could, though, Brute. I know that."

Almost as if something in her words had cued him, the big German shepherd suddenly got up and moved swiftly over to the bed, rising up on his haunches and putting his forelegs boldly on her naked silky- sheened thighs. He barked twice, slavered and wagged his tail energetically.

She ran a hand affectionately over the soft dark fur of his head. "What is it, darling? What are you trying to tell me?"

He barked again and her legs fell open mindlessly, her fingers still working in the moistly glistening outer flesh of her soft pink cunt. It was somehow very exciting to pet Brute while she played with herself.

And then suddenly the eager dog leapt gracefully up onto the bed!

"Brute! Darling, what are you doing here? You know you're not supposed to be on June's bed. Now, get off!"

And then slowly, a soft canine smile sweeping across his handsome German shepherd features, he began to show her what he was doing there.
