Tyler’s glasses were falling up his nose. He was scared that at any moment they would drop into the void below. But worse, he could feel the rope slipping, especially down his left ankle. He was swaying and starting to feel giddy and totally disoriented.
Something tiny was crawling over his nose. A cold draught blew on his face, the air dank, musty and carrying the fainter, noxious odour of something rotting.
The rope slipped a little more.
Was the man going to come back?
Where was his phone? Was it in the car? How would anyone find him here without Mapper?
He began to panic, then felt the rope slip further. His glasses fell further, too. He froze, stiffening his legs and feet, pushing them against the bindings to keep them as tight as he could. The creature was climbing over his lips now, tickling his nose. He could feel the rush of blood in his head. Suddenly, something touched his right shoulder.
He screamed, the sound trapped inside him.
Then he realized he had just swung into the side of the shaft.
The walls had looked rough, he thought, in the brief moment he had seen them in the beam of the torch. The edges of the ladder would be rough, or at least sharp. As gently as he could, he tried to swing himself around, swaying, bumping into the shaft again, and again, then painfully against the ladder.
If he could rub the bindings around his arms up and down against the rough edge, maybe he could saw through them.
His glasses moved further up his forehead. The insect was now crawling over his eyelid.
The rope slipped further down his ankles.