
It’s a scary thing to be taken as a patient in an ambulance. Scary too, to send off a loved one in an ambulance. I know. I’ve been on both sides of the fence, along with riding with patients on helicopters and ambulances as a nurse in the Air Force.

So, to all those folks I dedicate this novel, in hopes that all turned out perfect and this story, Pauline’s story, can add some humor to your lives. All of our lives. Nothing is better or healthier than a laugh (except, of course, maybe chocolate).

To all my readers: Thank you so much! Needless to say, without you all, there would be no Pauline Sokol Mystery series, and what would poor Goldie do without the gang?

To my fantastic agent, Caren Johnson, who has more energy than I had at her age-no, at any age-thanks so much!

To May Chen, my wonderful editor, whose input keeps making my work better and better: I’m thrilled to be on your team.

And thanks go to all the workers at Avon who weave their magic to produce fabulous, eye-catching covers and book-selling blurbs, and to the copy editors, who more than likely have a good laugh when I write locks for lox. Yes, I’ve done it…er…a few times.

To Cecile H. Custer, RN, real-life fraud investigator who has given me ideas along with helping with my research and being a dedicated fan: Thanks, Cecile!

And thanks to my family-Greg and Mario, my kids, who make life worth living and even hang posters of their author mom in their dorm rooms. Have you guys no shame?!

And a blanket thanks to anyone I’ve forgotten. You know who you are, or at least can claim to.
