‘I’ve got other things to take care of,’ he said and switched his phone from his right to his left hand as he got into the passenger seat of a uniformed Oslo Police car. ‘I’ve been at work since half past seven this morning, and now I’m going home.’‘You’re the best,’ the voice at the other end said. ‘You’re the best, Adam, and this is the closest we’ve come to anything concrete.’


Adam Stubo was completely calm when he put his hand over the mouthpiece for a moment and whispered to the driver: ‘Haugesvei 4, please. Off Maridalsveien, just before you get to Nydalen.’

‘Hello,’ the voice on the other end called.

‘I’m still here. I’m on my way home. You’ve given me the job of liaison, and I’m trying to do it to the best of my ability. It’s unprofessional, quite frankly, to then suddenly pull me into-’

‘Not at all. On the contrary, it is very professional,’ the Chief of Police, Bastesen, retorted. ‘This case demands that we use only the best people in the country at all times. Regardless of shifts, rank and overtime.’


‘We have of course cleared it with your bosses. You can take this as an order. Come immediately.’

Adam closed his eyes and let out a long breath. He opened them again when the driver braked suddenly at the roundabout by Oslo City. A young lad in a clapped-out Golf jumped in too fast in front of them.

‘Change of plan,’ Adam said, exhausted, and closed the conversation. ‘Drive me to the police HQ. Some people obviously think that today has not been long enough.’

There was a loud rumble. Adam patted his stomach and smiled apologetically to the driver.

‘And please stop at a petrol station,’ he added. ‘I have to eat something, a hotdog or three.’
