Travis settled the helicopter on the road, not far from the SUV. Frank had wondered if he’d really be able to do it and reminded himself that Travis did contract work for the Forest Service in these mountains on a regular basis, but after seeing how close they had come to the trees, he still needed a minute before he trusted himself to speak.

“I don’t see anyone in the vehicle,” Jack said.

“Let’s go then,” Frank said, and they opened the cargo bay doors. Jack and Travis were going to help Ben get the dogs, but Ben shook his head.

“They won’t work well with all this wind. We may need them later, but right now I’d rather not expose them to the possibility of getting debris in their eyes.”

As agreed-after debate-the others waited while Frank walked to the Subaru.

Concerned that Parrish had set a trap with the SUV, Frank walked around the vehicle, then got down on his hands and knees and looked beneath it. He stood and peered inside it. Nothing bomblike, but there were some objects in the back. He pulled out the lock picks and went to work. In a matter of seconds, he had the Forester unlocked. He took a deep breath and opened the driver’s door. A dome light went on, and nothing more. He exhaled.

He pressed the button that unlocked all the doors, then went to the back. He heard the others coming toward the vehicle.

He found a topo map, a cell phone, a GPS tracker, and a large envelope marked READ FIRST.

He opened the envelope. The sheaf of documents inside were laser-printed but included one handwritten page. He began with the top page:

If this has been found by anyone other than Detective Frank Harriman of the Las Piernas Police Department, please call 911 and ask that he be contacted immediately. This is a matter of life and death, and concerns the safety of his wife and many others.

Frank’s direct number and the general phone number of the Las Piernas Police Department were written on the next line.

If you are a thief who has broken into the car, by turning in the car and the cell phone you will be eligible to receive a reward greater than the value of either, for you will be aiding in the capture and conviction of Nicholas Parrish.

The next page was the one that began as a printout and ended with a handwritten note:

Dear Detective Harriman,

My ten-year-old daughter, Miranda, and her grandmother Marguerite Page have been taken hostage by Nick Parrish, who is my biological father. Parrish is holding them at a location unknown to me in exchange for my cooperation in helping him escape from prison and in bringing your wife to his mountain hideout. If you have not already been to the location I told you about on the Ford Escape’s GPS, I have listed it on a separate page of properties owned and used by Quinn Moore, another of Nick Parrish’s biological sons, who has closely cooperated with Nick Parrish in a number of ways. (See attached.)

It is important that someone check on the well-being of Violet Loudon, Kai Loudon’s mother, at that location. Kai is a third son of Nick Parrish’s.

I have, on other pages, described all I know about their crimes.

You must be worried about your wife, so I will tell you that the GPS tracker in this vehicle will lead you to me, and I have a tracker that will be able to lead you to her. I warn you now that I may have Kai Loudon and Nick Parrish with me but will help you in any way I can to take them captive, or kill them if necessary. I have been trying to keep Irene alive, but since I’m the one who brought her to them, I’m sure that seems unbelievable to you.

Also, the topo map is marked where a cave used by Parrish as a hideout is established. I don’t think he plans to be there long. Be warned that he has firearms and plenty of ammunition there. Approach with extreme caution.

And then, handwritten, in a strong, clear hand:

The cell phone was stolen from Nick Parrish after he received a call from the person who has my child. I beg of you-whatever I have done, Miranda is innocent. Please take steps to have this number tracked down. The person who called is a male. He has my daughter. Please hurry.

It was signed by Donovan Cotter.

Jack helped Frank gather the papers and other items in the back of the car and carry them to the helicopter.

Thunder cracked overhead.

They closed the cargo door just in time to escape being drenched by a driving rain.

Frank asked Travis to set up a phone call to Pete. While Travis was doing that, Frank turned on the GPS device. It returned a cannot-acquire-satellite message.

“It’s the storm,” Jack said.

Next Frank turned on the cell phone and wrote down the number of the last call received.

Travis contacted Pappy and had them patched through to Pete.

Frank gave him the information he had, told him where they were, and asked for reinforcements. “It’s raining like hell right now, and I’m not sure how much daylight we’ll have left by the time it stops,” he said. “Obviously, the child has to come first. Let me know what you find out.”

While it rained, they looked over the papers Donovan Cotter had left behind. Included in them was documentation that he had gone to the Las Piernas Police Department to file missing persons reports on Miranda and her grandmother. But since his ex-spouse had died without acknowledging him as the father, and since he had never met the child and had nothing more recent than a five-year-old photo of her, officers had been skeptical of his intentions. Still, they had made a cursory check and, after talking to neighbors, believed that the grandmother and child had left voluntarily. One neighbor even attested to seeing them move out on their own.

Frank called Pete back and asked him to run that case down, to see who the neighbor was. Pete let him know that the phone number belonged to none other than Roderick Beignet. “Cell phone company is cooperating with us,” he said, “so we should be able to locate him soon.”

Frank flattened the topo map. Travis and Jack came down into the cargo section and looked it over with Frank and Ben. Frank read Donovan’s detailed description of the cave and its contents to the others.

As the others talked over possible approaches to the cave, Ben read through Donovan’s notes.

“According to Donovan, Kai is inexperienced in the wilderness,” he said. “Parrish is an expert, as we know, but it has been years since he’s been outdoors. Quinn-who may not be up here at all-is not the expert Parrish is, but he’s not a beginner.”

“And Donovan’s an expert, with skills none of the others will have,” Travis said. “So we have a sense of who we’re dealing with in terms of their comfort out here.”

“Right,” Ben said. “We’ve got supplies for going in even after dark, and if the rangers call in other SAR groups, they’ll be able to do the same. Given the dangerousness of the people out here with Irene and Donovan, they may be reluctant to send volunteers in until Loudon and Parrish are captured.”

“Understandable,” Frank said. “We don’t want to be giving them more hostages or victims.”

“That said, the terrain shouldn’t be too difficult to work with. It’s always possible to stumble over tree roots or trip over rocks, but we won’t have to tackle any steep trails, and probably won’t need climbing gear. No cliffs to fall from in the dark.”

An hour after it broke, the storm subsided. The rangers at the nearest helitack station had been in contact, as had several law enforcement agencies and emergency response units. The helitack unit could aid in the search within the hour. Others had units on the way.

Frank tried the GPS again. He got a signal this time. He watched as it acquired the other unit and displayed a split screen: half showing his current location with a numeral 1 in a circle, half showing the other unit’s location as 2 in a circle. The controls included two buttons that were marked, simply enough, 1 and 2. When he pressed 1, the whole screen was dedicated to his location. The other button produced a whole screen of the other unit’s location. He left that up and tried a minus button until both circles appeared on the screen. Travis, looking over his shoulder, said, “Cool. Not too far.” They all noted the locations on the topo map. Although Travis was unhappy about it, he agreed that he should stay with the helicopter, armed to protect it against Parrish-a former aircraft mechanic who knew how to fly planes and helicopters. This plan would also leave Travis in position to bring the helicopter to a rescue point if necessary.

The others started donning the gear they would carry into the forest. Although they all knew the dogs would be unlikely to perform well just after a storm had washed away scent, Ben got them ready, willing to do anything he could to help find Irene.

Frank kept watching the unit, then said, “One thing concerns me.”

Silence fell, and they all turned to look at him.

“The other unit hasn’t moved. At all.”
