THE BIG MAN swept off his hat and ambled forward to the table where Stone, Danny and Abby were sitting. He had the smooth gait and perfect build of the natural athlete. Along the way he shook the gnarled hands of some of the customers and patted many a back like a politician scavenging for votes.

"Hello, Abby," he said as he stopped at their table. He eyed Danny. "Thought you were heading out to make your way in the world, young man."

"Got sidetracked, Sheriff. You know me, short attention span."

The policeman gave him an easy grin. "That include getting your face busted up? Girl or guy?"

"If it'd been a girl I'd have a little bit of lipstick on me," Danny said slyly. "Before she got pissed and slugged me."

"He'll be heading back out soon," Abby said. "So he says."

The sheriff turned his attention to Stone. "Who we got here?"

"New friend of mine," said Danny quickly. "Ben, this here is Sheriff Lincoln Tyree."

Tyree put out a big hand. "Just call me Tyree, everybody does, Ben. Got a bunch of Lincolns in my family. Like most folks round here the Tyrees fought for the Union. Pleased to meet you."

Stone shook his hand. There was great strength in the man's fingers, he noted. But he didn't attempt to crush Stone's hand. The grip was measured, confident but not aggressive.

Tyree pulled up an empty chair and sat down, laid his hat on the table and motioned to the waitress to bring him a cup of coffee.

"When'd you get back, Danny?"

"Late last night or early this morning, depending on how you want to call it. Got in a little tussle on the train. Some fellers jumped me. And Ben helped me out. In fact, he laid all three of them out without any help from me."

Tyree nodded at Stone, a new level of respect on his features. "Thank you for that. We were all worried when Danny told us he was leaving. We're pretty insulated here. Outside world's different from our little town."

"Places are different and also the same," Stone said. "Some bad and some good everywhere you go."

Tyree chuckled. "Well, I hope we've got more good in Divine than bad, right, Abby?"

She fingered her coffee and nodded absently. "Nice town, good place to raise a family," she said.

"Hell, yeah," exclaimed Danny. "I mean, look how I turned out."

Abby's face flushed and Tyree silently drank his coffee that the waitress put down in front of him.

"You gonna be staying around, Ben?" Tyree finally asked. "We don't get many visitors up here. Most people here have been here all their lives. Unlike Danny here, they tend to stay in Divine till they die."

Danny snorted at this comment.

Stone shook his head. "Just wanted to see that Danny got home okay. I'll be heading on soon."

"You're welcome to stay," Danny said. This comment made both Abby and Tyree stare uneasily at him, something Stone was quick to note.

"I doubt he'd find much to keep him here," Abby said.

"You never know, Ma. Ben here might be looking for a little peace and quiet."

Stone stared at Danny for a moment. Was the kid a mind reader? "Thanks, but I'll be moving on soon." Stone wasn't going to stay and he didn't like sitting next to a lawman, small-town or otherwise.

"I do appreciate what you did for Danny. And you can stay in the room upstairs tonight, if you want," Abby said.

"You've done enough for me," Stone said. "Bed and a good breakfast."

"Ben needs some work to do," Danny said. "Needs some cash because he got thrown off that train along with my sorry ass."

"I'm sure I can find something for you to do, Ben," Abby said.

"I appreciate it."

The sheriff said, "You know, you're welcome to stay over at the jail."

"Behind bars?" Danny said, laughing.

"On the cot in the back," said Tyree with slight annoyance. "Probably keep you okay for one night. Real quiet. No prisoners in lockup now."

"Yeah, they're all up at old Dead Rock," said Danny. "We passed it coming up. Looks real pretty at night," he added sarcastically.

Tyree nodded. "Put it on a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere, and for good reason. City folks don't want supermaxes in their backyard. But they'll dump them here. Not complaining, it brings jobs to folks, and Lord knows we need them." He motioned to the door where two burly young men in blue uniforms walked in and sat down at a table. "There're two of them right there. Probably be heading up to the prison after they fill their bellies."

"If you ain't working in the mines or the prisons, you ain't making a living 'round here," said Danny. "Because everything else is for shit."

Tyree scowled at him. "Now, Danny, you know that's not true. We got us a whole line of shops up and down that street outside that are doing real good. Folks can earn a decent living in Divine, hold their heads up and take care of each other. It's not like that in most places."

"I can vouch for that," Stone said.

As there was a pause in the conversation the picture on the TV hanging on a wall behind the counter caught their attention; Stone's more than anyone else's. It was about the murders in Washington. The FBI had leads they were running down. Several persons of interest were being questioned. And though no one at the Bureau would be specific, apparently there was a theory tying together the killings of Simpson and Gray.

Tyree said, "Hope that they catch the bastard. I think it's some terrorist plot."

"Towelheads on the run," said Danny, chuckling. "Well, if they come here they'll be pretty easy to spot."

"No laughing matter, Danny. These crazies are trying to take over the world." He touched his gun. "But I tell you what, if they do show up in Divine, they can expect some good old American justice."

Stone turned to Abby. "What sort of work do you need done?"

Tyree stood, the rubbed leather of his gun belt squeaking slightly. "Danny, come see me later, boy, okay?"

It really wasn't a question.

Danny grinned, nodded and went back to his over-easy eggs and grease-fried bacon.

"Supplies need to be brought in from the back," Abby told Stone. "Storage room picked up. Windows washed, floor mopped. One of my dishwashers called in sick so you can pitch in there too."

Stone nodded, wiped his mouth with his napkin and rose. "Just give me a quick walkthrough and I'll get to it."

"Don't you want to know your pay scale?"

"I'll leave it up to you."

"You're a trusting man," chuckled Tyree before he left.

No, I'm not.

As Stone followed Abby to the back room Danny's grin eased off his face as he looked at the dirty, tired men staring back at him. He finished eating, slurped down his coffee, jumped up from the table and made his way to the door. Before he got there, a lanky man rose from his table and blocked his way. He had greasy hair, three days of beard, a coal-dusted face, and eyes that were just begging for trouble.

"Hey, Lonnie," said Danny. "You're looking like shit just like always."

"What you doing back here? Heard you bought yourself a ticket on the train. Had enough of Divine. Ain't that right, Danny boy? Had enough of us?"

"Didn't you know? Got the FBI on my ass for robbing that damn train. Came here to hide out. You'll cover for me, right?"

"You think any of that's funny?" said Lonnie as he slipped a wedge of chew into his mouth, pushing his fingers so far in it was a wonder he didn't gag.

"I try to find the humor in everything, Lonnie. Makes life a lot more bearable."

"You staying this time or not?"

"Why, you gonna miss me if I leave again? Best watch out. People might think you got a weird-ass thing for me, dude."

Some of the men at the other tables laughed at this. Lonnie's hands balled to fists, but Danny gripped his bony shoulder. "Just joking around, man. Ain't made up my mind whether I'm going or not. Soon as I do you'll be one of the first I tell. Now, I got to go. While I'm standing here flapping my jaw with you, I could be making millions of bucks out there in the big city of Divine."

He skirted around Lonnie, who suddenly became aware that all eyes were now on him. As the door slammed shut behind Danny, Lonnie quickly sat back down and with a defiant look shot a wad of chew into an old coffee can sitting on the floor.

Behind the bar, Stone set down a load of boxes. He had heard most of this exchange. Divine was turning out to be quite a peculiar town.

Get the cash and hit the road. Before twitchy trigger finger Tyree finds out I'm the towelhead.
