BEING PROCESSED into Dead Rock included standing bent over naked with your butt cheeks spread as painfully as possible while a group of men and one woman looked on. The woman was also videotaping the proceedings, which added considerably to the dignity of the event. The body cavity search completed, their heads were then shaved.

Suspicion of lice, Stone heard one guard say, while another chuckled about a weapon perhaps being concealed in their hair roots.

They sat crouched in a corner naked while men scrubbed them raw with stiff brushes that felt steel-tipped. After this a fire hose blasted them with such force that they were pinned against the wall like ants at the mercy of a berserk garden hose.

Dressed in orange jumpsuits, cuffed and shackled, they were led down a stone hall to a cell. Guards held stun guns an inch from their prisoners' sides, seemingly just praying for a reason to hit them with a 50,000-volt tickle. The cell door was solid two-inch steel with a food and cuffing slot cut into the bottom half and a small viewing window in the upper half. They were pushed in, the shackles removed, the jagged links stripping at their skin, and then the door slammed shut and was loudly bolted behind them.

Knox and Stone slumped down next to each other as their gazes drifted dully over the eight-by-twelve-foot space. There was a steel toilet and sink unit bolted to the wall with no knobs that could be fashioned into weapons. There was also a steel slab for a desk and two steel slabs on the wall with a thin plastic mattress and pillow on each. A six-inch vertical slit in the thick concrete block and rebar wall constituted the sole window.

For the next half hour each man groaned and moaned and rubbed at innumerable bruises, cuts and bumps on their bodies.

Knox finally sat back against the wall, wiggled a loose tooth in the back of his mouth with his finger and looked over at Stone. "Whatever the hell happened to due process?"

"It seems to be growing less popular these days," Stone replied as he rubbed at a knot the size of a quarter on the side of his head.

"I'm surprised they put us in here together. I'd assumed we'd be segregated."

"They did it because they don't care what we tell each other."

"You mean because we're never getting out?"

"We don't really exist. They can do anything they want. And he murdered a man right in front of us. That shows he doesn't expect us to be a witness anytime soon. You think the cell is bugged?"

"I doubt they care that much, but you never know."

Stone drew closer and lowered his voice to a whisper and tapped his shoes against the walls to disrupt any audio surveillance. "Any chance your agency will find you?"

Knox joined in the wall-tapping. "There's always a chance. Looks like the only one we've got right now. But even if they do, you realize how many places there are to hide us here. Like you said, we don't exist."

"And they can always kill us. Invisible in life, nothing in death. Who sent you after me?"

"I guess it would sound pretty stupid to say that's classified under the present circumstances. Macklin Hayes."

A tiny smile crept across Stone's face. "I guess that makes sense."

"You served under him."

"If you want to call it that."

"What would you call it?"

"I didn't serve under him, I survived him."

"You're not the first to tell me that."

"I'd be surprised if I were."

"You earned that medal. Why didn't you get it?"

Stone looked surprised. "How'd you find out about that?"

"Did some digging. You were a slam dunk for the big one."

"Every soldier in my company would've done the same for me."

"That's bullshit and you know it. I was over there too. All soldiers are not created equal. So why didn't you get it? I looked at the paperwork. It stopped at Hayes."

Stone shrugged. "I haven't given it that much thought over the years."

"You did something to really piss off the man, didn't you?"

"If I did, it doesn't matter now, does it?"

"Tell me."

"No, I'm not going to tell you!"

"Okay, next subject. I know you killed Gray and Simpson."

"Good for you."

"Is that a confession?"

Stone picked up the intensity of the tapping. "Right now we need to come up with a way to get out of here. Because if we don't it won't matter to either of us what I did or didn't do."

"Okay, I'm listening," said Knox.

"And I'm still thinking. But if we do escape, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

Stone's eyes flashed. "You know what the hell I mean. About me?"

"If I had to answer you now I'd say I was going to complete my assignment and turn your ass in."

Stone took this in and finally nodded. "Okay. Fair enough. Just so we know where we stand."

"So fill me in on the events leading up to us ending up here."

Stone started talking. A half hour later he was finished as both pairs of shoes continued to drum against the wall.

"Damn!" Knox said. "You weren't kidding about picking the wrong town to hide out in." He rubbed at a cut on his face. "I talked to your buddies, by the way."

"Which buddies?"

"You know which."

"Are they okay? Tell me the truth. No bullshit." Stone looked Knox directly in the eye.

"I didn't do anything to them. And as far as I know, they're fine."

"They don't know anything and did nothing. If we manage to get out of here you put that down in your report. This is about me, not them."

"Okay." He leaned close to Stone and whispered in his ear. "But they still managed to follow me up here."

"You're sure? You saw them?"

"Not exactly, but it couldn't have been anyone else. At least the chick is up here. Susan, not that that's her real name. Pretty sure she spun a story at a local diner that almost got my ass handed to me."

"If she did, it was only out of friendship to me, Knox. She's not worth going after. You've got me. That's all Hayes wants anyway."

"But still, you think they might figure out we ended up in here?"

"I'm not sure because even I can't believe we're here."

Knox slapped his hand against the hard wall. "So how do you think they're running a drug op from a supermax prison?"

"Haven't gotten that all figured out yet. But it's not like they have to worry about witnesses. They sort of have a captive audience."

"And the prisoners might not even know. But I guess all the guards are in on it."

"That's not necessarily true," said Stone thoughtfully.


"There was one guard who used to work here. He was killed in a deer hunting accident that I don't think was so accidental. His name was Josh Coombs and I believe he stumbled onto what was going on here and paid the price for it."

"Coombs? Also the name of the folks who got blown up."

"Yeah. Willie knew Debby Randolph hadn't killed herself. His mom's in on it, I'm pretty sure. They used her to try and kill him with an overdose. When that didn't work, they went for essentially a homegrown IED."

"Mother killing her own son?"

"In a town called Divine. Yeah."

The door to the cell was hit with a massive blow. Both men staggered to their feet and backed away.

"Shut up in there!" a man screamed through the door.

"Okay, we're shutting up," Knox said.

"I said shut up, assholes."

Knox and Stone said nothing, just stared at the door.

"One more word and we're extracting your asses."


"Okay, you asked for it. Walk over to the cuffing slot, turn around and extend your hands through the opening. Now!"

Stone and Knox looked at each other. Stone went first, extending his hands through the slot with his back facing the door. He was cuffed hard, his bony wrists slammed together and cut by the edge of the slot. Then Knox did the same.

"Now move away from the door," the same voice barked.

Knox and Stone retreated to the back of the cell.

The door was opened and what happened next was only a blur.

Five body-armored men with face masks poured in carrying two huge inch-thick Plexiglas shields. They hit Knox and Stone hard, slamming them against the stone wall. Pepper spray hit them both in the eyes, even as Taser shots paralyzed them. They went down, wanting to claw at their eyes, but with limbs electrified stiff as a corpse and cuffed hands that wasn't an option. They were stripped of their clothing, lifted into the air and hustled down the corridor. Thrown in a shower, they were hit with blasts of water, which at least helped ease the agony of the eye spray.

Picked up again, they were carried to a room that had two steel slabs covered in what looked to be urine and feces. They were smashed down on these hard cots and put in five-point restraints. Before the guards left they were Tasered once more.

"What the hell was that for?" Knox managed to scream as the current pounded him.

A guard with one stripe on his sleeve hit him in the mouth with his fist. "Not obeying orders. This ain't like other prisons, old man. This is Dead Rock. Don't know what prison you come from but you get no warnings up here, boy. No damn warnings. And just so's you know, I can Taser your ass just for the hell of it. 'Cause my old lady didn't blow me, or 'cause my dog shit on the rug."

"I work for the CIA."

"Sure you do. Hey, fellows, we got us a spy right here. Bet your friend is KGB."

He walked to the next slab and smacked Stone in the face. "You KGB, Grandpa?" The guard reached a gloved hand down to Stone's crotch and squeezed. "I asked you a question, old man."

Stone didn't say anything; he just looked at the guard, remembering every detail of his face through the clear mask. And he suddenly recognized him too. He was one of the men with the baseball bats who'd beaten up Danny and then come after him. This was the third one, the coward who'd run for it, but Stone had still managed to nail him in the back with one of the bats.

"You ever tell your buddies you ran out on them?" he said quietly as the Taser sting wore off.

The guard gave a nervous, hollow laugh under the burn of Stone's gaze, glanced at the other guards and took his hand away. As he was leaving the room with the other guards, Stone managed, despite the restraints, to turn his head just enough to keep his eyes on the fellow. Then the door closed.

"I guess they're trying to break us quick," groaned Knox.

"They'll have to work harder."

"You think so, do you?"

"Yeah, I do."

Something in his voice made Knox glance over at him. "Were you ever a POW?"

"Six months. This place is actually pretty nice compared to what the Viet Cong thought was humane. All I had there was a pit with a sheet over it, beatings whenever they felt like it, along with an interrogation technique that would make waterboarding seem like dunking for apples. And the food they threw down once a day would not be considered edible by any stretch of the imagination."

"But we're not twenty years old anymore, Carr."

"Call me Oliver, Carr is dead."

"Okay, but we're still not twenty."

"It's all in the mind, Knox. It's all in the mind. If we don't believe they can break us they never will."

"Yeah, sure," Knox said, clearly unconvinced of this.

"You got any family?"

"Son and daughter. My boy's in the Marines stationed in the Middle East. My daughter's a lawyer in D.C."

"I had a daughter. But she died. How about your wife?"


"So's mine."

" Brunswick, Georgia? Claire?"

Stone didn't say anything.

"Guy named Harry Finn said that Simpson admitted to having her killed. That he ordered a CIA hit on you and your family."

Stone stared at the ceiling, slowly flexing his limbs against the thick leather bindings. "Harry's a good guy. Knows how to cover your back."

"I'm sorry about your family… Oliver," he murmured.

"Get some sleep, Knox. Just get some sleep. You're going to need it."

Stone closed his eyes.

A few minutes later an exhausted Joe Knox did the same.
