You cannot take control of someone and have them take control of you at the same time. The clarity of this truth hit me. One or the other. Give up one dream to make room for another.
His ideal or mine.
I had to choose.
He would serve me. He would die for me. He would kill the spiders and stand toe-to-toe with a drunk who hit on me at a hotel bar. He would love me with every breath in his body until the day the light finally left his eyes and they closed for good.
There were many things he wanted from me, but they were his desires, not his cravings. He asked only one thing of me above all others. In his heart it was all he needed—the only thing he needed—from me.
He needed my control.
He needed me as his Domme.
If he had that from me, he knew he had the other, lesser cares. If I was willing to do this for him, he knew no matter what direction the play took that he had my love and faith and trust.
I closed my eyes and laid my glasses on the table next to my laptop. Hadn't we done this anyway? Except with me spending years trying to goad him into taking a more dominant role in our relationship while he silently ceded control over to me?
And didn't I owe him this? Not that he would demand it.
Even now he was proving to be a good sub. He would never demand anything from me. I could tell him to sit in a corner while I went out to have meaningless sex, and to be in that corner when I returned, and he would sit there.
He wouldn't like it or enjoy it, but he would do it.
Not that I would ever do anything like that. The thought that there were people out there who would prey on subs turned my stomach.
I opened my eyes again and looked at the screen. Because of his line of work he couldn't wear a collar all the time. But I liked the look of the lockable leather collar he'd sent me the url for. I ordered it.
I also ordered an inexpensive ID bracelet, a heavy one, and had it engraved. On the outside, the first letter of my name.
On the backside—OWL.
Owned and Well-Loved.
Discreet, and yet it would serve as a tangible reminder of who and what he was.
The regular collar arrived first. When he got home from work that night, after he stripped I called him into the living room and pointed to the floor. He dropped to his knees and looked up at me with...
Love. Devotion.
He wanted this. Could I really deny him? He was happier than I'd seen him in years, and we'd always had a great relationship to begin with.
"You said you wanted a collar, and you sent me a website."
He nodded. "Yes, Mistress."
I still couldn't get used to those words coming from his mouth, but I guess I needed to suck it up and deal with it. I held up the collar and his eyes widened.
And his cock hardened. I mean as if I'd snapped my fingers and poof, there was his woody. Pavlov couldn't have done any fucking better.
"This collar."
He nodded.
I'd also had a small tag made for this, with OWL engraved on it too, as well as my first name.
"You want this?"
He eagerly nodded.
I swallowed hard, fastened it around his neck and snapped the small lock shut.
It wasn't going anywhere.
He stared up at me with a broad, beaming smile. "Can I go look?"
I nodded. He jumped up from the floor and, his stiff cock leading the way, ran to the guest bathroom.
Behind him from the doorway, I watched as he stared at his reflection and ran his fingers over the collar, his smile etched on every inch of his sweet face.
"Do you like it?" I finally managed to ask.
He turned and hugged me hard. "I love it, Mistress! Thank you so much!"
I tried to stay in the moment and not break down and cry.
Here was my sweet husband, eagerly thanking me for collaring him like a dog.
I took a deep breath and tried to stay in character for him.
"Here's how this will work. Once your day collar gets here, you'll wear it to work. You won't wear this one to work. This one is for at home in the evenings and on weekends. When you get home every day, you will come to me so I can collar you, then you can take off your day collar. In the mornings, before you go to work, you can put your day collar on and I'll take this one off you. Otherwise, you don't take this collar off yourself unless it's an emergency, got it?"
He nodded. "Yes, Mistress."
His stiff erection poked my hip. "Go put your medium toy in and wait for me in bed."
He raced to do it.
I watched him run down the hall.
Run. Eagerly.
I turned and stared at myself in the mirror. I felt like a monster and yet I didn't look any different. I wanted to break down and cry and knew if I did it would hurt him. He would feel guilty, and that's the last thing I wanted to make him feel.
I washed my face, sucked it up, put on my metaphorical big girl panties, and went to go take care of My sub.