Billy glanced back at Hank as Margot led him into the ranch house and, seeing that his friend was engaged by the mayor and a young girl, Billy grinned wryly. He had been pretty smart to get out on the dance floor before his cock got hard. Poor old Hank seemed to be stuck in conversation now – and with a lump in his trousers, to boot. But there was nothing that Billy could do to help Hank – Billy had his own big hard-on to deal with. Nor did he recognize the girl, whose back was towards him, as the donkey-fucker. Why should he, without a close look, for who would ever suspect that the daughter of the mayor was the same big-titted girl who fucked burros?
Margot seemed to know where she was taking him as they went down the long hallway.
He wondered if the girl made a point of fucking strangers – or blowing them or whatever it was she was going to do to relieve him of the burden of his swollen balls and stiffened cock at the mayor's ranch. Had she been laid on to get laid by the guest? Not that Billy gave a damn, as long as he got his balls emptied.
Her lithe hip brushed against him and his cock got bigger and bigger and the cum-load in his balls was like a whirlpool.
Billy was not about to ask any questions.
He didn't look a gift horse in the mouth – even if that gift horse was a pretty girl with a very fuckable mouth, indeed.
In fact, Margot had never been inside the house before and didn't know the mayor at all. She had to come to the barbecue as the guest, and mistress, of one of the Ewings. She forgot which one, to be honest. There were so many of them that she always got them mixed up and sometimes she wondered if maybe half a dozen different Ewings might not be sharing her favors. But it didn't matter to her – a Ewing was a Ewing.
And a Texan was a Texan, too – as long as he had a great big prick like Billy Watson was showing.
Margot paused to look in a room, then moved on. She glanced into another room. Assorted couples were fucking in both of those rooms, for the barbecue was in full swing by this time. The third room she looked in was the library, and Margot hesitated. She had never read a book. Books made her nervous – they had words in them. But the library was not occupied and she guessed that it would do. She drew Billy in and closed the door behind them.
The bookshelves took up two tall walls and there was a fine stone fireplace with a stuffed buffalo head over it. The buffalo had horns shaped rather phallically and it caused the lewd girl to wonder what sort of prick a buffalo had. Margot, although a country girl, had never fucked a buffalo or a horse or even a burro – although once, when she was young and foolish, she had fucked a long-haired goat.
Now she drove such memories from her mind.
She had a man to fuck.
Margot didn't know that Billy Watson would have been thrilled to hear about the goat-fucking incident.
She moved away from Billy and walked to the wall beside the fireplace, then turned to face him. He waited and she regarded the huge, writhing lump in the front of his trousers. She smiled enticingly. Encouraged, Billy opened his fly.
His prick tame charging out like a crazed, one-horned bull into the bullring, looking for soft, warm flesh into which that solitary horn might be plunged.
"Oooooh," she sighed.
Billy's prick was at least half again as large as a Ewing prick and Margot was thrilled. Her pussy had started to simmer between her thighs, the way that it did when she was riding a horse – preferably a stallion – bareback. She always got hot on a horse and often had an orgasm. She was sorry that a horse's cock was so large, however, for the size of a horse-prick intimidated her and kept her from sampling it.
But Billy's cock was just the right size to fill her pussy without splitting her open or disjointing her hipbones.
Billy moved towards her, prick first. Margot opened her riding pants and let them drop down to her high boots. Billy saw that her naked hips and thighs flared out, and that she was just slightly bowlegged – just enough so that he would be able to slip his cock up her cunt while she was still hobbled.
She leaned back against the shelves, supporting herself with both hands and dislodging a book. The book was about Leda and the swan and was illustrated with colored pictures, but neither Billy nor Margot noticed this – nor had they much interest in a bird's prick. She tilted her limber loins out and up, so that her pussy rose into his view. Her cunt was open and juicy, the pink pussy lips streaked with cunt juice, and her clit was as stiff as a buffalo's horn – or as Billy's raging cock.
He poised before her and began running the head of his prick against her naked belly and hairy cunt mound.
Cum trickled out, inscribing his lust upon her flesh in creamy ribbons and curlicues. Margot gazed down, admiring the flared head of his cock and eager to have it fucked up her cunt. She could feel a great suction inside her belly as her pussy abhorred a vacuum and longed for the more natural state of being stuffed full of cockmeat.
Billy dipped his knees and slipped his prick in between the girl's lean thighs. The cock-knob lay flat against her crotch. He dipped lower and his prick angled up so that the cockhead was nuzzling into her creamy, smoldering cunt slot, ready to plunge in. Margot rose onto her toes, her shoulders tilted back against the bookshelves.
Her belly revolved like a belly dancer's.
Billy fucked the full length of his thundering prick into her cunt with an upward thrust, his ass grinding as it propelled the prickmeat. Margot gave a little cry of pleasure as she felt her pussy fill up with hard cock. She bit her lower lip and her eyes glazed with lust. Billy's fuck-tool was of a good size, larger than most at any time, but now – driven to new heights by the prolonged frustration of not having a woman to fuck after watching the girl with the donkey – it was larger than it had ever been before, hard as a stone and hot as a branding iron. His eyes glowed with possessiveness as he fucked his prick deep within her pussy.
Margot felt as if this tall Texan were burning his brand into her womb with his white-hot iron, rustling the mistress of another man for his own spread. She began to wriggle her hips and belly just a bit, so that her cunt was moving on his cock, but only through a distance of an inch or two, and most of the deep penetration was retained.
She was arched out from the bookshelves, her vibrant body bent backwards. Billy was standing tall with his pelvis tilted out and pushed up. He reached down and slid his big hands under her ass, lifting her a bit higher. She rotated her hips, gyrating her pussy around and around on the focal point of his prick.
This fuck, the lusty girl decided, was going to be far too lovely to perform hobbled and hindered.
Without dislodging her pussy from his cock, she began to kick her riding boots off, running the high heels along the floor and arching her foot as she drew it free. Billy liked the idea of having those muscular, horsewoman's legs free to kick and tumble. He held himself steady, his prick buried in her cunt, as she removed the boots and then dragged her feet from her riding pants.
Her feet and legs were free then.
She braced herself, her feet flat on the floor and spread widely apart as she straddled him and rested her shoulders back against the shelves so that her lithe, athletic body was almost parallel with the floor. She was mounted on his prick just as if he had been flat on his back and they had been fucking in the woman-dominant position, except that position had been turned through ninety degrees – and it was a vertical ride.
Billy began to pour the prick to her then.
He drew back until only the flared head of his prick was buried in her pussy slot and her hot cunt hole was pulling through every inch of the withdrawal. Then he slammed the whole hunk in again, going balls deep. Cunt juice sprayed out as he stuffed her pussy. Her cunt was grinding away on his hard prick as if she had a whetstone inside her, sharpening his fuck-tool, honing an edge on his iron cockrod.
Billy steadily pumped prick to her, drilling for the hot oil of her loins as his own gusher threatened to blow.
His Stetson fell off.
Her legs came up and wrapped around his hips, clinging to his driving pelvis, so that her body was suspended in the air, a swaying bridge that spanned the void between his groin and the wall. Billy was trying to fuck her right through that wall. Her head twisted and jolted and dislodged a few more books.
The learned volumes contained no knowledge that interested the wanton woman – she wanted only the knowledge that the Texan was going to spill his cum-load into her. One of the heavy books fell on his hat, flattening it. Billy didn't even notice. He was not concerned with something he would later put on his head – he was absorbed by the juicy cap that was sucking away on the head of his cock. Her cunt was like a churn, a blender, a mold that flowed around the breadth of his cock and clamped tightly to the contours so that every inch of his prick was being massaged.
He began to groan.
She stared at him, wanting to know the moment that his impending climax registered in his eyes so that she could let her own wild orgasm come at the same instant.
"Gonna come!" he rasped.
Margot cried out with joy.
Her pussy melted, flowing like hot wax around his stiff wick and Billy fucked the cockmeat to her violently as his balls blew and he began to hose her cunt with his jism.
He shot the hot stuff into her pussy under such pressure that, had she not been braced against the bookshelves, he might have blown her right off the end of his prick.
They ground it out to the end.
"That," said Margot, appreciatively, when he had pulled his cock out of her, "was just about the best fucking that I've ever had – and I've had plenty!"
His prick had come out softened somewhat, but still semi-hard, and greedy Margot was hoping that, by paying him such a nice compliment, she might inspire him to another effort. He stepped back, his cock still sticking out. His prick was no longer angled up in absolute hardness, but it was not drooping, either. She leaned back against the bookshelves, her legs spread, cum and cunt juice pouring down her thighs. She was eyeing his cock speculatively, wondering if she might be able to suck it up to perfection so that she could have another cuntful of prick.
"Why, thank you, Ma'am," Billy said.
"You must have been really horny," she said.
"I sure was," said Billy.
And then, because he had a pretty good idea that a girl like this one would not be shocked by much of anything, he told her why he had been so horny. He told her about watching the dark-haired girl with the big tits fucking the burro.
Margot listened with interest.
"You liked that, huh?" she said.
"Sure did," Billy admitted.
Then randy Margot knew exactly how to get that splendid prick nice and hard again.
"I fucked a goat, once," she said.
Billy gasped, eyes widening.
Margot saw, with satisfaction, that his cock was starting to elevate like a field gun, ranging in on her hairy target.
"I hadn't even fucked a man, yet. I didn't really mean to fuck the goat, either. But I got carried away. He was an awful pretty goat. Had long, silky hair and a neat little beard – and what a prick! I was only gonna jack him off, at first, but his cock kept getting bigger and bigger and harder and harder, and it's pretty difficult not to fuck something that horny."
Billy was every bit as horny, all over again.
"I fucked the goat face to face," said Margot. "I grabbed hold of his beard when I came."
Billy moved towards her with a new load of cum to drain.
How jealous Hank was going to be when he heard about this!
But, in fact, Hank had done even better…