Linda switched the vibrator off and placed it on the floor beside the bed. It had served its purpose and was no longer required. It looked forlorn and dejected on the floor, abandoned, but Linda knew it was silly to feel sorry for an inanimate object that couldn't come, anyhow.
Veronica was waiting eagerly, her legs spread. Linda was hungry for her cunt, but she didn't want to pounce on the tasty treat straight off, didn't want to seem greedy. Instead, she snuggled up beside the redhead and began to lick her thrusting tits and stiff nipples. Veronica purred and stroked the back of the blonde's willing head.
"I never did this before," Linda said.
"I know – neither have I, Linda. But I think it's time we did – and I'll do you, too. I've thought about it a lot – and wanted to."
That was the secret, thought Linda.
As long as they both did the same things to each other, neither of them would suffer embarrassment or regrets. And it wouldn't have to happen just this one time, once the ice had been broken. Their husbands were often away for weeks at a time, and the girls were horny as hell, and if they could take care of each other in this wonderful fashion it would be very handy. And it would even be good for Hank and Billy, since it would keep their wives from fucking other men.
Linda lifted her head and kissed Veronica on the lips.
Their mouths opened and they began swapping tongues back and forth, panting into each other's mouths.
"Oh, I want you," Linda gasped. "I want to suck your pussy! I want to make you come with my tongue!"
"Yes – yes – yes!" Veronica wailed.
Her whole long body was vibrating now, and she seemed to be humming and vibrating as if, like the vibrator, her loins were powered by a battery. Her sleek thighs flashed and she tilted her belly, lifting her flooded pussy and rolling her supple pelvis.
"Go down on me, honey," she pleaded.
Linda gave Veronica's probing tongue a last loving suck, then began to kiss and lick her way down that tall Texan body. She nursed on her nipples and tongued up her cleavage, then moved down to her shuddering stomach and dipped her tongue into her belly button and kept going down, inch by inch, descending the elongated expanse of those smooth curves. Her hot tongue rustled through Veronica's fiery pubic bush like a pink rodent scampering through a forest fire.
Crouched there like a wildcat over a succulent feast, Linda looked up at Veronica for a moment before she continued, wanting to see the passion on the redhead's face, her own face taut with desire. Her tongue slid slowly through Veronica's curly pussy triangle, rasping on the coils of hair as if she were using that cunt mound as a whetstone to sharpen her tongue before she began fucking it up Veronica's hot pussy.
Veronica gazed back, seeing the blonde girl's face framed between her widespread thighs and above her tilted cunt. She saw that Linda was actually drooling for her cunt. Saliva glistened in the red hair of Veronica's pussy.
The sight of that nimble tongue so near to her overheated cunt was making Veronica gasp and tremble.
She gave her hips and pelvis a suggestive little jerk, raising her knees higher and cupping her belly, hooking her thighs, spreading her legs for Linda.
Linda hesitated for another moment, not through any doubts, but merely to savor the pleasure of the anticipation for a further second, as one might admire a well-laid table before dining. Then she slipped down lower and used her fingers to spread Veronica's cunt wide open.
Linda took her first lick of pussy.
Her tongue slid up that open, creamy cunt slot, slurping.
"Ummm," she purred, like a cat with a bowl of cream.
She lapped again, her tongue running slowly up the length of Veronica's pussy slit and over her clit.
Veronica whimpered.
Linda stroked straight in then, fucking her tongue up the redhead's cunt as if it were a prick, tongue-fucking her pussy steadily. Her lips parted and clamped to Veronica's open cunt lips, sucking lovingly and hungrily. Cunt juice poured over her tongue and flowed past her lips. Linda gurgled with joy, drinking the succulent stuff and sucking for more. Her mouth was glued to Veronica's smoldering cunt now, plastered there like a limpet to a mossy rock, clamped there like a suction cup. Her head was buried between those trembling thighs, against that seething pussy.
"Come," she whimpered.
"Ohhh," Veronica gasped.
Veronica was trying not to come, in fact. She was holding back as best she could, wanting to enjoy the pleasure of Linda's divine cunt-sucking for as long a time as possible before she let her orgasm flow. But it wasn't easy to restrain it. Veronica had been as hot as a pistol to begin with. And Linda seemed to have an instinct for sucking cunt just right. Her talented tongue and clever lips were dragging the lusty redhead towards the peak of all sensation with every slurp she took.
Veronica began to shudder violently.
She arched her back, driving her cunt down into Linda's eager face and grinding her hips from side to side. She reached down and folded her fist in a lock of Linda's curly blonde hair, as if she were afraid that Linda might suddenly escape from the honey-baited trap of her pussy. The thrill was racing across her loins and darting electrically up her legs and sparking in her cunt. Her clit was going off like a stick of dynamite detonated by Linda's tongue.
"Coming!" Veronica wailed. "I'm coming! Oh, Linda – my cunt is melting for you!"
Linda's tongue went wild as she heard that. She went suck-crazy. Her lips slurped and pulled and her tongue flashed madly in and out, up and down, driving and stabbing and flaring in that sodden pussy. Her hands clamped on Veronica's flanks and she tilted her pussy up, as if her cunt were a goblet which she wanted to drain dry – and she was draining that overflowing goblet with enthusiasm.
Veronica came – and kept coming.
Thrill after thrill raced through her pussy.
Spasm after spasm jolted her body and her cunt juice was gushing out in a steady flood. Her whole long, smooth body jerked and jolted, thrashed and churned, her total awareness was being centered in the smoldering joy that was melting her cunt.
At long last she lay still, the wild ecstasy fading away into a sense of happy contentment.
Linda continued to lick her cunt for a few moments, to make sure she had sucked out every spasm and lapped up every drop of the sweet nectar of Veronica's relief.
Then she looked up, raising her head, jaws dripping, like a wolf from a carcass, lips coated with pussy cream.
"Nice?" she asked, smiling.
"Oh, wow – that was the best cunt-lapping I've ever had, honey!" exclaimed the horny redhead. Then a sly look came into her jade-green eyes.
"Are you sure you never sucked a cunt before?" she asked. "It sure felt like I had an experienced cunt-lapper down there."
Linda giggled, pleased by the compliment.
"No, never," she said. "I guess I must just be a born cunt-sucker. It seemed so – so natural." She grinned impishly. "I just tongued you the way I like to be tongued, myself."
"You seemed to enjoy yourself down there," Veronica said.
"Umm. Pussy is delicious," Linda said, licking her lips which were smeared with cunt cream.
Veronica cocked her head and said: "I'm looking forward to having a little snack, myself – I hope I like pussy as much as you do and that I do as good a job."
"I'm sure you will," said Linda.
The blonde began to crawl up the bed beside the redhead. Veronica still lay back, stretching contentedly, but her tongue had started to switch back and forth in hungry expectation. The idea of eating out a cunt was every bit as exciting as being eaten – maybe even better. She thought it was a very naughty thing to do, and that made it thrilling. Now that her cunt was satisfied, her mouth seemed to have become an erogenous zone. Her tongue felt as hot as her clit had, and her mouth was watering for her first taste of cunt juice.
Linda knelt beside her.
Veronica turned her head and began sucking the blonde girl's stiffened nipples. Her red hair spread out in a net over Linda's tits. Linda arched, purring. Veronica slipped a hand, palm upwards, between Linda's legs and began feeling her pussy. It was hot and soaking. Veronica's palm filled with foaming cunt juice. Then she drew back and brought that hand to her mouth and began to lap the cunt juice up. Linda whimpered with lust at the sight and Veronica began to really drool now. If cunt juice was so tasty, delivered by hand, she knew she would love sucking it right out of Linda's cunt.
"Want to sit on my face?" the redhead asked.
Linda nodded happily. Veronica lay back again, her head on the pillow, her lips parted and the tip of her tongue gliding back and forth. Her eyes were glowing with excitement and her big tits rose and fell as she began to pant.
Linda threw a knee across and straddled Veronica's face.
Her cunt was a few inches above the redhead's eager mouth and Linda didn't lower it immediately. She remained poised there, letting Veronica gaze up at the hovering delicacy, knowing that the sight was making Veronica hungrier with every passing moment. She could feel Veronica's heated breath billowing up into her pussy.
Veronica's mouth opened wider and her head tilted back like a baby bird waiting to be fed. She was making hungry sounds. A drop of cunt juice fell from Linda's pussy and splattered on Veronica's lips. She licked it up and let it slide over her tongue.
Linda slowly lowered her pussy onto Veronica's face.
Veronica's hot tongue was flashing away even before contact was made, slurping at the air – and then slurping at Linda's cunt as Veronica got her first taste of the sweet stuff and began to gurgle with pleasure as she discovered that cunt was even more delicious than she had anticipated. She cupped her hands on Linda's haunches, holding her pelvis steady as her tongue delved and drove, probed and flashed. Her lips parted, fitting themselves to Linda's cunt lips, beginning with a kiss that soon became a steady, greedy sucking.
Linda arched, then bowed.
Her hips heaved and her belly pumped as she worked her frothy cunt around in Veronica's face. Veronica was rubbing her head around in the cream bowl, relishing it. She was soaking with cunt juice, the thick pussy cream coating her face from chin to brow.
"Come, baby – cream for me," she panted.
Her tongue flared on Linda's clit.
Linda gasped, then began to moan steadily.
Veronica's mouth filled with a cascade of cunt juice. She gasped and gulped and sucked voraciously. Linda's cunt was so hot it seemed to be burning Veronica's face. It was like looking into the open door of a blast furnace. She sucked and tongued with gusto, loving every aspect of cunt-sucking, adoring the tasty treat.
Linda trembled at the crest.
Then she was crying out wildly as the thrill ripped through her pussy and she came in Veronica's mouth.
And she kept coming.
Wave and wave of ecstasy coursed through the blonde bombshell, racking her with spasms of joy as she curled and twisted, churned and pumped, working her climax off to the dregs.
When she finished she stayed where she was while Veronica lapped up the cunt juice that had overflowed onto her hairy crotch. And she even slipped her tongue up into the crack of Linda's ass, to gather up a creamy trickle that had seeped into that taut crevice.
Linda dismounted, smiling.
The two tall Texas gals lay side by side, on their flanks. They were belly to belly and tit to tit. They kissed, not passionately now, but with pure affection and gratitude.
"I love to suck cunt," Veronica said.
"So do I – I adore your cunt, darling."
Veronica giggled.
"Just think of all the time we've wasted," she said. "We've been friends for years and we could have been sucking each other off ages ago. How silly we were!"
Linda looked demure, lowering her long lashes.
"I always wanted to eat you," she admitted. "When I used to watch you getting fucked, my mouth watered for your pussy. And I was too shy – I didn't know if you felt the same way."
"Oh, yes! I sure did. I always wanted to drag the guy's prick out of you by the balls and replace it with my mouth!"
"I'm sure glad we found out."
"Oh, yes! Now we can go to bed together whenever we like! It won't matter how long our husbands stay away on business, as long as we have each other's tongues – and pussies."
They kissed again and there was more passion in it.
The were both thinking that it might be pleasant to have a repeat performance.
Veronica said: "Just think how it would have turned our boyfriends on, to see you and I eat each other out! They would have gone wild! I'd like to do that, sometime, Linda – if you want to. Pick up a strange man, or a couple of men – guys that don't know who we are and who we will never see again – and let them watch us suck each other off. Then fuck us, of course. Would you like that, too?"
"Ummmm – that would be great!"
They kissed yet again, and tongues were exchanged, twining together from mouth to mouth.
"Want to sixty-nine?" Veronica suggested.
"Ummmm – that would be lovely."
"Let's see if we can make each other come at the same time. Okay? So that we're both drinking cunt juice and creaming together!"
Linda was enthusiastic about that idea.
She started to twist around into the sixty-nine position, long limbs gracefully gliding into place. The two tall girls were perfectly matched for this act of mutual love, long and leggy. They cupped each other by the ass and buried their eager faces and began to tongue and suck pussy with hearty appetites.
They got the timing just right.
Both of their hot cunts melted at the same instant so that they were knowing ecstatic joy at both ends cumming and drinking cunt juice, their tongues every bit as thrilled as their clits.
It lasted for a long time.
And it was so wonderful that they wished it had lasted even longer, and they were impatient to get hot so they could do it yet again…
The sun had angled over the house now and the room was darkening. Veronica got up to open the curtains. She wanted to see what she was eating.
Linda watched her luscious ass sway as she crossed the room, wondering if Veronica might like to have her asshole tongued. The depraved thought thrilled her. She was feeling naughtier than she ever had before. She guessed it was because she had been inspired by the thought of that girl getting fucked by a donkey, to begin with, and now was added the thrilling idea of having a man watch while Veronica and she sucked each other off.
Veronica had been filled with fuck-lust for the same reasons.
Now that gorgeous redhead drew the curtains aside and gasped.
"What is it?" Linda asked. She hoped that it wasn't someone coming to visit, for she didn't want their fun to be interrupted.
But Veronica was smiling – and looking amazed.
"You'll never guess!" she said.
"What?" Linda asked.
"You'll never guess what is walking across the yard!"
"Tell me!" Linda squealed, curious as to why her friend was looking so amazed – and so thrilled.
"A handsome young man with a hard-on!" said Veronica.
"Oh! Shall we?"
"But that isn't all!"
Linda sat up, bursting with curiosity.
"He's walking a dog!" cried Veronica.
Linda sprang to her feet and dashed across the room, her big tits bobbing up and down. She stopped beside Veronica at the window, looking out. It was true! The young man had a big cock-bulge in the front of his pants, and he had a dog on a leash.
The dog was a huge Great Dane!
Linda and Veronica turned to took at each other in awe.
"It must be fate," Veronica whispered.
"It's sure a wonderful coincidence," Linda agreed.
"Shall we invite them in?"
"Oh! Do you think we should?"
"It would be awfully naughty," Veronica murmured, fluttering her long eyelashes and lowering her gaze.
"It sure would!" exclaimed Linda.
How could they deny the workings of inexorable fate?
"Let's!" said Linda.
And so they did.