Chapter XXV
The next town Brian and Brent Foxx came to was called Stillwell, and Brian decided that they’d wait and ride into town after dark.
“We want to attract as little attention as possible.”
“Why don’t you let me go in myself, get patched up, and then meet you here?”
Brian gave his brother a glare and said, “Because I can’t trust you not to try and rob the bank before you leave.”
Brent didn’t have an answer to that, and a low moan escaped his lips just at that moment. Brian wondered if he was really in pain or just looking for sympathy.
After dark they rode into town at a leisurely pace, hats pulled down low over their faces.
A townsman was crossing the street and Brian stopped him.
“Can you tell me where the doctor’s office is?”
“It’s down another block on the right, friend, but the doc will be asleep right now. You got an emergency?”
The man was squinting up at Brian, trying to see his face through the shadow.
“No,” Brian said, “no emergency, friend. I’ll just see him in the morning.”
“Have a good evening,” the man said, and continued on his way.
“We gonna wait until morning?” Brent asked.
“Hell, no.”
They rode up to the next block and located the doctor’s office. Brian helped Brent off his horse and to the front door, and then knocked firmly but quietly until a light came on inside.
“What in the blazes—” the man said, opening his door. He was gray-haired, of medium height, and in his fifties. “What the hell are you knocking on my door at this time of night for?”
Brian had thought of several explanations, but the doctor seemed so irate he decided to do it the easy way.
He drew his gun and pointed it at the doctor’s nose. It was the sight of the two identical men as much as the gun that kept him silent.
“Inside, Doc,” he said. “You got a patient.”
The doctor lived alone, which was good. They wouldn’t have to deal with a wife and children.
He led them to his examining room, where Brian instructed him to help Brent off with his shirt.
“You gonna tell me how to take the bullet out, too?” the doctor asked.
“No, you’re gonna do that one all by yourself, Doc—and if I see you slip even a little, you’ll be dead long before my brother is.”
“Young man,” the doctor said, discarding Brent’s bloody shirt, “my job is saving lives, not taking them, no matter whose.”
“Keep that in mind, Doc.”
“My name is Petrie, Dr. Petrie.”
“I don’t care what your name is, just get that bullet out of my brother’s side and patch him up good. We’ve got to get moving.”
“Obviously you’re on the run,” Petrie said, examining Brent’s wound.
“Stop talking, Doc, unless it has to do with my brother’s wound.”
“It was a small bullet, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Brent said, grunting as the doctor probed and prodded.
“Still,” Petrie said, straightening up, “after I’ve removed it he really shouldn’t ride.”
Brent looked at Brian and shook his head.
“How long should he stay put?”
“Any period of time would be helpful, but I wouldn’t want him Tomove for at least a week.”
“Forget it,” Brent said. “Get the bullet out and patch me up, Doc. We’re leaving tonight.”
“No,” Brian said.
“Whataya mean, no?” Brent asked.
“We’ll spend the night here.”
“You can’t stay here,” Petrie said.
Brian raised his gun and said, “This gun says I can stay anywhere I want.”
“You have a point. I’ll need my instruments.”
“Get them.”
“And some hot water.”
“Get that, too. I’ll just tag along.”
The doctor said to Brent, “Don’t move from that table.”
Brian followed the doctor to another room, where he filled a pot with water and set it to boil. When the water was hot, he picked up his instrument bag from a corner and looked expectantly at Brian.
“I’ll need that water.”
“You want me to carry it?”
“You’d have to put the gun down to do that, but if you’re afraid of me—”
“You’re not that dumb, Doc,” Brian said, holstering the gun. “If you make a move I’ll scald you with this water.”
“I understand.”
They went back to the examining room where Brent sat slumped on the table.
“How you doing?” Brian asked.
“I feel pretty weak.”
“It’s natural that he would,” the doctor explained. “He’s lost a lot of blood. Put the water down here.” Brian obeyed. “Lie down, young man, and we’ll get that bullet out.”
While he worked, he talked to Brent, as if trying to keep his mind off the pain.
“I’ve never seen such a perfect set of identical twins,” he said. “Usually even the most identical ones have something to distinguish them. I can’t find anything at all that would help me tell you apart.”
“Ahhh,” Brent said, and his head slumped to one side.
“Doc?” Brian shouted.
“Relax, your brother has passed out. It’s just as well.”
“He better be all right.”
“He’s fine,” Petrie said, and then added triumphantly, “and here’s the bullet!”
He held it up to show Brian and then dropped it into the basin. He wet a cloth with alcohol and cleansed the wound and the area, then applied a bandage.
“He can rest there for a while.”
“We’ll keep an eye on him.”
“There’s no need, really, I assure you,” the doctor said. “He’ll be fine, as long as he doesn’t get a fever.”
“We’ll stay here and watch him,” Brian said. “I got nowhere else to go.”
The doctor sighed, pulled a straight-backed chair over, sat down, and promptly went to sleep.