Decker didn’t know where he was.
He didn’t know what day it was.
He opened his eyes and looked up and saw Felicia looking down at him.
“Oh, Decker. You’re alive!”
He frowned. The statement seemed silly to him. She wouldn’t have been talking to him if he weren’t alive.
“What happened?” he said. “Where are we?”
“We’re in an abandoned church,” she said. “Foxx brought us here after you rescued us.”
“When was that?”
“Two nights ago.”
“Jesus,” he said. “Help me up.”
“You can’t—”
“Help me sit up,” he snapped at her.
She reached for his arm and pulled him until he was sitting. There was a dull ache in his side, and when he touched it he found that he was all wrapped up with bandages.
“Where is Rebecca?”
“She’s outside.”
“And Brian?”
“He’s outside, talking to her. They’ve been talking ever since we got here.”
“Tell me again how we got here.”
“After you rescued us, Brian took us to where the horses were. He put you on one horse and me and Rebecca on the other and took us away from there.”
He looked around the church, recognizing it as the same one where he had first encountered the Foxx brothers.
“Where’s Brent Foxx?”
She didn’t answer.
“Felicia, where’s Brent?”
“Brian’s outside,” she repeated. “I’ll get him.”
“Felicia—” he called out, but she kept going.
He realized that he was lying on a pew bench and swung his legs off it and to the floor. The dull ache in his right side became a sharp pain, causing him to catch his breath.
“Are you all right?” Brian asked as he came up to Decker.
“Hurts like a son of a bitch!” he said through his teeth.
“I guess so. You were lucky, though. The bullet went right through.”
“You doctor me up?”
Brian nodded.
“I watched when the doctor in Stillwell wrapped Brent up. I got the bleeding to stop and bandaged you. Is it too tight for you?”
“I can’t tell,” Decker said honestly. “It hurts too much.”
“You should be okay in a few days.”
“We can’t stay here. We need supplies.”
“We have some.”
“From where?”
“I went back to the comanchero camp and did a little scavenging. I found enough to keep us going for a day or two more, if we ration it right.”
“What about the comancheros?”
“Well, we killed a few, and the others scattered, I guess. They never knew what hit them, so they didn’t know where to look for us. I guess they decided to cut and run.”
“The wagons—” Decker began. If they had a wagon, they could get started right away.
“I thought of that, but they took them with them.”
“All right,” Decker said, “now where’s Brent?”
Brian looked away.
“You let him go, didn’t you?”
“You only need one of us to collect your bounty, Decker.”
“To hell with the bounty. He’s a mad-dog killer and you let him go.”
“When it came right down to it, he was my brother. I couldn’t let him be executed.”
“I don’t understand—”
“You don’t have a brother. Even Rebecca understood, Decker.”
“Rebecca? How is she?”
“She came around. She went through a terrible ordeal, but she’s tough.”
“How did you keep her from killing you?”
“She knows I didn’t kill her brother.”
“How did she react when you let him go?”
“She was still in shock when I did that. It was the first night.”
“You let him go in the dark?”
“With a horse?”
“With a gun?”
“No…but he could have gone to the comanchero camp and picked one up. They were all over the place.”
“He’s going to try and kill us, Brian.”
“He’ll run.”
Decker grimaced and said, “You don’t believe that. He’s going to try and kill us, and he’ll probably save you for last.”
“He’s my brother—”
“Not anymore.”
Decker put both hands on the seat on either side of him and pushed. He rose to his feet and felt his legs shake, but they held.
“We’d better get started.”
“You can’t ride.”
“Your brother managed to ride with a bullet in him, didn’t he?”
“A small-caliber bullet—and your wound is worse. The bullet went in and out. You’ve got two wounds that could start bleeding.”
“You’ve got me wrapped up pretty tight. Let’s take a chance.”
“And where do you want to go?”
“I don’t know,” Decker said. “We’ll head back toward Arizona and take Rebecca home.”
“To Arizona?”
Decker nodded.
“I don’t think she wants to go. In fact, I know she doesn’t.”
“Where does she want to go, then?”
“I don’t think she knows. She’s still pretty shook up. I think she’ll just ride with you wherever you go.”
“All right.”
“Were you going to turn me in in Arizona?”
“If I was going to turn you in, it would be for something that you did.”
“In Wyoming.”
Decker looked at Brian and said, “Why didn’t you leave, Brian? Why didn’t you just mount up and leave?”
“You would have died, and that would have left the girls alone.”
“I don’t understand you.”
“Why? Because I robbed banks and trains, that means I can’t have compassion? I never killed anyone, Decker. I never even hurt anyone. I just stole from them. Believe me, they survived that.”
“Look,” Decker said, “come back with me and I’ll stand up for you. I’ll explain that there were two of you, and that the violent crimes were committed by your brother. I’ll tell them what you did here for the girls, and for me.”
“And then what? They’ll only put me in prison for twenty years?”
“Maybe not at all. You may get a clean slate, Brian. If you do, it would be up to you what you did with it.”
While Brian thought about it, Decker tested his legs by walking around. Now that he was on his feet, he was starting to feel stronger.
“Well?” he asked, looking at Brian.
“All right. I’ll go back with you.”
“Good. Let’s get the girls and get started. How many horses do we have?”
“Four. I managed to round up some of the comanchero ponies.”
“John Henry?”
“Your gelding? He’s fine. Felicia’s been looking after him.”
“Why don’t you go out and tell the girls we’ll be leaving.”
“All right. We’ll pack up and come and get you when we’re ready.”
Brian left and Decker walked over to a window. Looking out, he thought, Brent is out there somewhere, and his mind isn’t all there.
Suddenly he felt as if a Foxx was hunting him.