Denise Garland, LPN, Mercy General Hospital, lived in a one-bedroom guesthouse that had undoubtedly begun its life as a garage—as had many small rentals in the downtown and McAster College neighborhoods of Oak Knoll. The home had the squat build of a garage, though it had been dolled up with shutters and siding, and the driveway had been replaced with a concrete sidewalk and a little patch of lawn. A weak yellow bug light burned beside the front door.

The property sat on a corner lot, with the entrance to the rental on the side street around the corner from the front of the main house. Overgrown bougainvillea bushes offered privacy from the landlord’s backyard.

One person’s privacy was another person’s cover. He was able to approach and move around the exterior of the house with little concern for being seen.

He didn’t bother going to the front door. The front door would be locked. And if anyone happened by or looked out a window from one of the neighboring houses, their eyes would go to the front door. They would notice a man standing at the front door.

He wasn’t concerned that anyone had followed him there. Always watchful, he had been particularly so after leaving the sheriff’s office. He had not returned home and had gone through his usual maneuvers of circling blocks and doubling back on his own trail to make certain they had not put an unmarked car on the job of tailing him. They had not.

Eventually he had returned to Denise Garland’s neighborhood, finding a spot to watch her house until she left for her late shift at the hospital. Then he put on a pair of surgical gloves and walked across the street to begin his evening’s work.

The two windows on the south side of Denise Garland’s house were closed tight. The transom window denoting the location of the bathroom was cracked open several inches. It wouldn’t have been the first time he had gone into a house that way. He was tall enough to access the window and thin enough to slide through it like a snake, but it wasn’t his first choice of entrances.

He found his access on the back of the house, where a sliding glass door opened onto a little patio fashioned of inexpensive concrete pavers. Denise Garland had created a nice little entertaining area for herself there with a small, round, white plastic table with four white plastic chairs and a couple of white plastic lounge chairs for sunning. A short-legged Weber grill squatted off to one side of the patio.

Several Diet Coke cans had been left on the table. A striped beach towel had been forgotten in a heap on one of the chairs. A dirty ashtray sat on the concrete between the chairs.

He frowned at that. He couldn’t abide smoking. Filthy, stinking habit. He wouldn’t be interested in Denise Garland if she was a smoker. He hoped the ashtray belonged to the girlfriend who had come to visit her that afternoon while he had been watching the house from down the street.

He had followed her home from the diner and made note of her address, then gone home to catch a few hours of sleep, amused at the notion that Denise Garland was probably also in bed in her little converted garage.

He had imagined her naked in her bed fantasizing about the stranger from the diner, touching herself between her legs, then licking her fingers and sucking on them, imagining she was sucking on his cock. He had remembered the shy but flirtatious look she had given him from beneath her lashes. She would give him that same look as she knelt between his legs and took him into her hot, wet mouth.

The screen portion of the patio door was locked. But the lock was flimsy and easily popped with a credit card slipped between the door and the frame. The sliding glass door had been forgotten and left unlocked—as they so often were—and slid open without protest.

Denise Garland had left the fluorescent under-counter lights on in the tiny kitchen. They glowed bright white in the dark, illuminating the clutter of used drinking glasses by the sink, and clean dishes left in the drain basket on the counter.

To his relief, the house did not smell of cigarettes. There was a lingering aroma of grilled meat. Hamburgers. A bag of buns sat out on a table the size of a postage stamp along with a bag of potato chips. He didn’t eat meat, and he didn’t like the smell of it, but he didn’t find it as offensive as cigarettes.

He opened the apartment-sized refrigerator and took an inventory. Condiments, skim milk, Diet Coke, eggs, margarine, cans of chocolate Slim Fast. He would make note of these things when he got home.

On the counter between the kitchen and living room lay the caricature he had done of the nurses at breakfast. Pleased, he picked up a pencil from the notepad by her phone and added the day’s date beneath his initials. She would probably never notice it, but it amused him to leave a sign that he had been there in her home.

In the living area was a floral-print love seat, a pair of white plastic chairs that matched the ones outdoors, and a glass-topped coffee table piled with women’s magazines and catalogs. The television looked like a recent purchase. The VCR attached to it sat on the floor on top of the box it had come in.

On top of the VCR lay two videos in their rental sleeves: Working Girl and Big. Sweet movies. Sweet movies for a sweet girl.

He liked that. Sweet girl. Young girl. Younger than she really was.

The excitement began to stir in his blood.

She had left her bed unmade, a tangle of flowered sheets. He could picture her lying there naked, looking up at him with her heart-shaped face and shy smile, the dimple winking in her left cheek. He pictured her body moving, slowly writhing as she stared up at him as she touched herself.

He stripped his clothes off and went to the bed to join her. Naked, he rolled against the mattress, rubbing his body over the sheets, over the pillows. He breathed in the delicate scent of her.

Open-mouthed, he kissed her pillow as if it was her face, thrusting his tongue against it until the pillowcase was wet with his saliva. Then he pulled the pillow down his body and thrust his cock against the wet spot, fucking it the way he would fuck her—hard, fast, violently.

He dug his fingers against the mattress the way he would dig them into her small breasts, pinching the bedding between his fingertips the way he would pinch her nipples—hard, until she cried out in pain.

As the fear came into her eyes, his excitement built, taking him to a higher level, filling him with a sense of power. He would fuck her harder, as if his cock was a battering ram and his intent was splitting her in two. She would try to fight against him then. He would have to teach her a lesson. She wouldn’t like it. But he would.

His climax was explosive. He felt like a volcano erupting. Afterward, he lay on the bed like a corpse until the sweat had dried on his skin and dried on the sheets. A deep sense of calm came over him.

He didn’t question any of it. He didn’t wonder why he had the fantasies he had. They had been a part of him for as long as he could remember. He didn’t believe he was a freak. He didn’t feel ashamed of himself. He accepted himself entirely. In fact, he felt superior to most people. He felt that in fully embracing who he was, he was more fully alive than most people could ever hope to be.

He left Denise Garland’s bed the way he had found it—a pile of rumpled sheets. He went into her tiny bathroom and washed himself. He used her toothbrush to brush his teeth. Then he put his clothes back on and left the house the same way he had come in, a pair of her dirty underpants stuffed in his pants pocket for a souvenir.
