She wasn't surprised to find Todd with his nose in a book. He was a straight-A student, and even summer vacation was devoted to studying. He said he was getting a head start on next fall's classes. Terry had a hunch that the strictly raised kid just didn't know what else to do with his time.

He was at the kitchen table reading a physics text. Not for the first time, Terry noticed how cute he was, a tall lean boy with thick curly bran hair. He'd been even cuter without his glasses, but he hardly ever took them off. As Todd came bouncing into the room, he looked up from his reading.

"Todd, it's a beautiful day," she scolded, "why aren't you out catching some sunshine?"

Todd didn't answer right away. He was staring at her helplessly, his mouth hanging open. Terry knew how her bikini affected him, so she had put it on. It was a ridiculously skimpy pink suit that barely covered her nipples and her pouting mound. She stood there and let him have a good long look.

Finally he replied in a slightly husky voice, "I, um, don't have time for sunbathing, I wanta finish this book before fall."

"You've got three months," Terry laughed. "I want you to come to the beach with me, Todd. I don't like to go alone. I'm sure Mom will let us take the car. Please?"

She sensed that he liked the idea, although he tried to sound reluctant. "Oh, all right," he sighed, closing his book, "I'll just grab my bathing suit and a towel."

So far, so good. Terry had succeeded in luring her brother to a place where they could be alone. Her mother handed over the car keys willingly. Of course Mrs. Dawson saw nothing wrong in Terry going to the beach with her brother. "Be sure to take along some sun screen, and be back in time for dinner," she ordered. "Okay, Mom," Terry chirped.

She knew a private cove where she and Todd could be alone. They had to have total privacy, otherwise she'd never break through his inhibitions and hangups. He'd been raised a prude, just like she had. With Terry, it hadn't taken, but she wasn't sure about Todd. Maybe he was faking prudery, like she had, or maybe it was for real.

After they'd spread out their towels on the sand, Terry made her opening move. "Gosh, there's nobody else round," she exclaimed, "so we don't need our bathing suits."

Todd stared at her as slit untied her bikini bra and dropped it on the towel. His eyes got huge when he saw her gorgeous little tits, perfectly firm globes capped with small pointed nipples. He got very red in the face, and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. Then Terry dropped her panties and stood before him stark naked.

His mouth dropped open farther as he studied her cute little bush, and he got even more red in the face. Terry stood there grinning and letting him get an eyeful. The scene was turning her on. Her pussy began to steam and swell. But she knew she couldn't rush her shy bookish brother. She'd have to take his seduction in short easy steps.

"Well, come on, Todd," she smiled, "aren't you gonna swim?"

"Uh, yeah," he said, removing his glasses, "but I think I'll keep my bathing suit on."

Terry had expected that, and she taunted, "What's the matter, little brother? Chicken?"

That did it. "No, of course not," Todd snapped. "If you can do it so can I."

Blushing furiously, but determined not to be outdone, he skinned out of his swimming trunks. Terry's eyes moved eagerly to his cock, and to her delight she saw that he was nicely hung. His prick was just about identical to Duane's, in fact. She was glad to see that he was starting a hard-on. Books weren't his only interest after all.

"Good for you," she grinned, "let's go."

Todd hit the water before she did, even though she had a head start. He could hardly wait to hide his cock. Brother and sister paddled around for awhile, and when he thought she wouldn't notice, Todd snuck glances at Terry's body. Of course Terry was well aware of it, and she gave him plenty of chances to look.

Finally they began to feel chilly, and they went to lie on their towels and soak up some sun. It was time for Terry's second move. "Better let me put some sun scream on you," she said. "You haven't been tanning at all, and you could get burned real easy."

"Okay, thanks, Sis," Todd said gratefully.

Having her put sun screen on him seemed perfectly innocent to Todd. Terry knew better. She could hardly wait to get her hands on his hard young male body. He was lying face down, shyly hiding his cock and balls. She dumped some lotion into her palm and began massaging it into his shoulders and back. Todd gave a contented sigh and closed his eyes.

"That really feels nice," he muttered.

It felt nice to Terry, nice to touch a man again. It had been over a week since she and Duane made love, and her need was urgent. Her pussy felt like it was on fire as she ran her hands over her brother's smooth skin. Very gradually, so she wouldn't arouse his suspicions, she worked her way down toward his small trim ass.

Todd got drowsy as she worked on him, and he didn't seem to notice when she slid her lotion slick hands onto the rounds of his ass and began a sensual massage. All she heard from him was another sigh of contentment. She stared hungrily between the muscular rounds, at the puckered mouth of his shitter and at his lightly thatched balls.

Very slowly she eased a finger between his ass cheeks, over his shitter, between his legs. She could hardly contain herself by now, she wanted to touch his cock and balls so badly. But she knew the shy boy would be scared off by any sudden movements. She drew back and dumped some more sun screen into her palm, then used her hand between his thighs again.

She took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. She was creaming so hard, the molten liquid was running down her legs. If only she was on this deserted beach with Duane instead of her brother! They'd be fucking up a storm by now. As she carefully massaged her way towards Todd's nut sacs, she couldn't help thinking of her boyfriend and his nice hard cock.

"What have you been up to since I left far college, Todd?" she asked, her voice a little husky with longing. "Have you gone on any dates?"

"Me?" Todd snorted. "Naw, I don't have time for girls I'm too busy studying."

"Aren't you interested in girls?" Terry smiled.

"Well, yeah, I guess so," he replied, trying to sound cool, "but my grades are a lot more important."

"Are you a virgin, Todd?" she asked.

He turned red all over. "Yeah," he said quickly.

"Gosh, Todd," Terry purred, "you really oughta get laid. It's so much fun."

"Terry," he gasped, "you shouldn't talk that way. Mom and Dad would be shocked. Anyway, how would you know that getting laid is fun?"

"'Cause I do it all the time, little brother," Terry grinned. "I have a boyfriend, and we fuck whenever we get the chance."

She didn't think a human being could blush any harder than Todd did then. "Terry, you should be ashamed of yourself," he snapped. "You know it's wrong to have sex if you're not married. I'm going to have to report this to Mom and Dad."

"Okay, honey," Terry cooed, "and while you're, at it, report this."

In one swift movement she cupped his balls with one hand, while with the other she reached around him and fisted his cock. Todd gasped and froze. She massaged his sensitive nut sacs and pumped his cock with her lotion-slick hands.

She could feel his meat throbbing hotly against her fingers, and she shivered with excitement.

She quickly got the results she was seeking. In spite of his shock, her pumping fist gave Todd a cock-stand. She felt his prick lurching and swelling between her fingers, pushing them wider and wider apart. His cock grew long and rigid, ready for action. Terry gave a squeeze and heard her brother groan. He couldn't keep his cool any longer.

"T-Terry, what in the hell are you doing?" he demanded hoarsely.

"Now, now, little brother, you know it's not nice to swear," Terry grinned. "Why don't you just relax and let me make you feel good?"

Todd was torn. Letting his sister play with his cock and balls was against everything he'd been taught, but it felt so damned nice. And Terry was so pretty. He'd loved looking at her naked body, her luscious little tits and neat little bush. He loved having her touch him. Was it really such a big deal? Could touching really hurt anything?

"What do you mean, make me feel good?" he said dazedly.

"Just what I'm doing now," Terry said. "It feels nice, doesn't it? Don't you ever play with yourself?"

"How did you know that?" Todd cried, blushing holly again.

"Oh, Todd, everybody masturbates," Terry laughed. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Do you do it?" Todd asked, curious in spite of himself.

"Sure," she chirped, "wanta see me?"

Before he could reply, she'd let go of him and rolled onto her back. As he watched, she bent her long shapely legs and spread them wide, giving the boy his first glimpse of moist pink slit. Without realizing it, Todd had suggested something that was bound to turn him on like crazy. No horny teenage boy could fail to be aroused by watching a girl beat off.

Smiling, completely uninhibited, Terry folded back the furry lips of her pussy and showed her brother the hot pink lump of her clit. "You see that little thing?" she asked. "That's where a girl likes to be touched best. I always rub it when I play with myself like this."

She placed the tip of her index finger on her pulsating joy button and began to rub. She gave herself hot little jolts of pleasure, and thick cream ran from her excited cunt mouth and down the crack of her ass. Todd watched wide-eyed, unable to tear his eyes away from the naughty but stimulating scene.

"Mmmmmm, that feels nice," Terry crooned. Masturbating with her left hand, she reached out with her right and gently pushed Todd onto his side, facing her. She was delighted to find his cock hugging his belly in a fierce hard-on. She curled her fingers around it, and he groaned and shivered. His eyes were glazed with lust.

"Feels nice, doesn't jt, honey?" she smiled. "Don't you enjoy it when I play with your cock?" Todd admitted hoarsely, "but gosh, Sis, we really shouldn't be doing this. You know it's wrong."

"If it's wrong, how come it feels so great?" Terry countered.

"But Mom and Dad wouldn't approve," Todd protested.

"Todd, didn't it ever occur to you that they might be wrong?" Terry said gently. "Maybe it's okay to have fun with your body, no matter what the folks told us. Think about it?"

He did, though it was hard to think with her hot fingers pumping up and down his cock. She was rubbing the tip of her finger in a circular motion around her clit and she was gurgling with enjoyment. Todd found it very hard to keep his mind on anything but the wild excitement he was experiencing. Terry smiled lazily at him, thoroughly enjoying herself. Duane had talked her out of all her inhibitions and shown her all kinds of kinky ways to have fun. She didn't feel at all shy or embarrassed about masturbating in front of her brother, and she loved pumping his cock. It looked as if Todd was finally starting to relax, too.

"Come on, be honest with me," Terry grinned, "don't you ever think about girls?"

"Yeah," he admitted, "when I jack off. But I always feel kinds guilty about doing that."

"Don't," Terry said, firming her grip on his throbbing cock. "Just relax and enjoy yourself, and forget what Mom and Dad taught you. They've got some real bad hangups about sex, Todd, but that doesn't mean you and I have to be that."

She pumped his cock a little faster, and she rimmed her cream-soaked clit with increasing speed. Thick bubbles of juice began to ooze from Todd's piss hole, and Terry smeared the sticky stuff all over his blue-veined boner. He had a really handsome cock, and she loved playing with it. But Todd was starting to look nervous again.

"Sis, maybe you better quit doing that," he said. "I might come!"

Terry couldn't help laughing. "But that's the whole point, Todd," she said. "I want to make you feel good. I want to get you off. There's nothing wrong with that."

He didn't look totally convinced, but he didn't protest any more, either. Terry went on pumping his hot pulsating prick in her cream slick fist, and she continued rimming her joy button with her fingertip. Her excitement was reaching the boiling point. She needed to come very badly. Her twirling fingertip was soaked with her helplessly gushing cunt cream.

"Mmmmmm, isn't this fun, honey?" she murmured.

Todd gave her a shy smile and admitted, "Yeah, this is about the most fun I ever had. Could I touch you, Sis?"

"But of course," Terry smiled, "touch me wherever you want."

He reached out and cupped her tits. They were a perfect handful for him. Gently he squeezed and molded the hot little globes, and Terry felt his cock give a horny jump in her fist.

"There," she said, panting, "just stick it all the way into me, then jerk it up and down. Got it?"

"I think so," Todd said hoarsely.

He was practically shooting his load as he eased his finger into his sister's smoldering pussy hole. At last he knew what a cunt felt like inside and it was fantastic, all clinging and juicy and hot. He could imagine how great it would feel to cram his cock in there. He shoved his stiff finger into her as far as it would go.

"Unnnhhhh, yessss," Terry hissed, her pretty face contorting with pleasure. "Now move it, Todd, fuck me with it."

Todd began to jerk his finger up and down in her slippery little cunt, and she gurgled with delight and deluged his finger with a huge load of sizzling cream. That pumping finger felt like a miniature cock in her love-starved box. In her rapidly mounting excitement she pumped his prick faster and harder, and he groaned with pleasure.

"Ohhhhh, yes, baby, keep doing it to me just like that," she moaned, "make me come."

Lying naked on their towels, sister and brother feverishly masturbated each other to the very brink of orgasm. Todd could hardly believe this was happening to him. He'd figured he'd never get a girl, always be a virgin, yet here he was making out with his own beautiful sister. Well, he was still a virgin, but he was sure having a hell of a good time.

"Ahhhh, yeah, Sis, just a little more," he groaned, "I'm almost coming."

Todd felt his prick throbbing powerfully in her fist, as if it was just about to explode. Each deep thrust of his pumping finger in her greedy little cunt gave her a hot blast of pleasure. She deliberately tightened her strong young cunt muscles to get even more red hot friction.

"Oooooo, shit, yes," she panted, "do it to me real fast now, Todd, I'm almost there."

She could have come at any second, but she greedily held back, wanting the fun to go on and on. Poor Todd was frying to hold back, too, waiting for her, but she knew it was just a matter of seconds before he shot his load all over the place. His prick throbbed harder and harder in her pumping fingers, and he groaned steadily.

"Awwwww, Christ, Sis, I gotta come," he said.

"Yes, baby, let's do it," Terry moaned.

She pumped his cock with lightning speed, and he matched her tempo with his deep-thrusting finger, reaming deep in her fiery hot little box. Terry closed her eyes and let a gigantic climax rattle her body. It began deep in her cunt and radiated out to engulf all of her.

"Ohhhhh, fuck, shit, little brother, you're doing it to me, I'm coming!" she howled.

Todd felt her cunt clamping like a velvety vise around his finger. He felt her molten come cream sizzling out. Her slim body bucked and writhed, and her cute little tits wobbled like jello. Watching her come was just too much excitement for the frantically horny kid.

"Awwwwww, yeah, I'm coming!" he bellowed.

Terry watched dizzily as her brother's thick come jetted into the air and got carried off by the stiff breeze from the ocean. They lay there moaning and writhing and masturbating each other like crazy. Terry was really pleased with her little experiment so far. Seducing Todd had been a piece of cake. He looked at her adoringly when they finally stopped coming.

"Did you like that, Todd?" she smiled.

"I sure did," he grinned.

"That's good," Terry purred, "because that was just for openers. Now we can get down to some really serious stuff."
