Terry had a nice well-fucked feeling in her pussy as they drove home, but she knew it wouldn't last long. With her it never did. The more she fucked, the more she wanted. So why not continue her little experiment in liberating the family? Why not seduce her youngest brother, Matt?

Matt was a real hard-core case. He parroted everything Mom and Dad said, and even though he was a junior in high school he'd never shown any interest in girls. His thing was computers. He spent most of his free time holed up in his room with the personal computer he worked to buy. He lived and breathed computers.

He acted like a machine, not a kid, but Terry sensed that he might be hiding his real feelings, just as Todd had done. Deep down there somewhere, there was a normal horny adolescent boy, and she intended to find him. But of course she'd have to get him out of the house to do that. It would be too risky trying to seduce him with the folks around.

Both her parents were there when Terry and Todd got back from the beach. Glen Dawson, a burly trucker in his mid-forties, frowned as the kids hurried into the house with only five minutes to spare before dinner. Irene Dawson, a pretty blond who'd just turned forty, sighed with relief.

"You kids had me worried," she said. "I thought maybe you'd had an accident."

"You should have been here to help your mother with dinner, kids," Glen growled.

Terry and Todd exchanged glances. It was the same with their folks all the time criticize, fuss and worry. Glen and Irene never seemed to relax and have fun. Fun seemed to be a dirty word to them. Terry felt sorry for them, but she wasn't going to let their scene dictate hers. She wasn't going to adopt their Victorian attitudes and give up sex not by a long shot.

After dinner she changed into a skirt and skimpy halter. She preferred jeans, but the skirt went along with her seduction plans for her brother Matt. She didn't bother with stockings or a bra, and her firm tits quivered slightly under the halter as she moved. Any normal teenage boy would notice that and get turned on by it.

But was Matt normal, or had their parents' grim and strict teachings made him into a real prude? She'd soon find out. She went to his worn and tapped on the door. She got the expected response, an impatient groan. Matt hated anything to interrupt his sessions with the computer.

"Yeah, come in," he sighed.

Terry entered and strode across the room making sure he got a good look at her bouncing tits. He didn't even blink. "I need somebody to go to the movies with me," she said, "and I pick you."

"Aw, why can't you take Todd?" Matt pouted.

"He already went to the beach with me today," Terry said, "so he's done his duty. I wouldn't bother you, Matt, but you know Mom and Dad don't want me to go out alone."

"Shit," Matt muttered, "I got a complicated program going here."

"The movie's a sci-fi," Terry coaxed. "In fact I think you mentioned wanting to see it. And I'll pay."

He looked more interested now. "Well, all right," he said, "but just this one time. I'm not gonna be giving up my evenings for you all summer."

"Right," Terry smiled, "just this one time." If things went as she'd planned, she wouldn't have to beg him again. He'd be begging her. She got the car keys from her father, and she and Matt drove to the drive-in movies at the edge of town. The first feature was the sci-fi, and Terry knew better than to interrupt Matt when he was watching that. When the second feature, a comedy, came on, he turned to her impatiently.

"Could we skip this one?" he asked. "I'd like to get back to my computer."

"Uh-uh," Terry said, "I watched your movie, now you have to watch mine."

There wasn't much Matt could do about that, since she had the car keys. He sat there and fumed. Terry inched closer to him, pretending to be absorbed in the movie. Suddenly she slipped her hand onto his crotch and started giving his cock a rhythmic massage. Matt let out a gasp.

"Sis, what in hell are you doing?" he cried. Terry looked at him and giggled. "Oh, silly me," she said. "I forgot where I was. I thought I was with my boyfriend. I always play with his cock at the movies."

"You do?" Matt said, his eyes lighting up.

"Yeah," Terry grinned, "like this."

She went on playfully squeezing his prick through his jeans. Matt was definitely interested. He sure didn't ask her to stop. Pretty soon she felt his cock swelling and stiffening, till there was a big obscene lump at the fly of his pants. He was watching her with hot interest.

"Like it?" She smiled.

"Yeah," he said, his voice a little husky with arousal. "What else do you do with your boyfriend when you're at the movies?"

"Kiss," Terri said. "Have you ever kissed a girl, Matt?"

"Naw," he sighed, "it's just too much of a hassle to date. You know how Mom and Dad are. If I asked a girl out, they'd have to come along. I figure I'll just have to put off sex till I get away to college."

"And that's why you're so wrapped up in that computer?" Terry asked, still petting the hot lump at his fly.

"Yeah, it helps keep my mind off sex," he said.

"Well, Matt, tonight you can think about sex all you want," Terry grinned. "In fact I could teach you a few things that you can use when you get to college."

"Like what?" he asked eagerly.

"Like how to kiss," Terry said. She was still squeezing his prick as she leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. She wriggled her slick hot little tongue between his lips and started teasing his tongue with it. Matt groaned and shivered, and his cock throbbed violently and tried to tear its way out of his jeans. When they finally came up for air, he was flushed and breathing hard.

"Okay, now you try it," Terry smiled. He kissed her, darting his tongue into her moth, and she knew he was going to be just as fast a learner as his brother. His steamy tongue-kissing got her hotly excitement, and she creamed fight through her panties. This time it was Terry who was flushed and panting when they finally broke off the kiss.

"How was I?" Matt asked.

"Very good," Terry told him. "You're not gonna have any problems in the kissing department. So let's go on to the next lesson."

She took his hands and set them on her tits. With her hands over his, she showed him just how to squeeze and mold, how much pressure to apply. As she did so, her nipples went erect with lust and poked into his palms right through her cotton halter. Matt snorted with excitement.

"Oh, wow, Sis," he said, "can I put my hands under here and really feel your tits?"

"That's the whole idea," Terry grinned.

Quickly Matt pushed her halter up out of the way and ogled her naked tits. He thought they were the prettiest he'd ever seen. He had a stack of girlie magazines hidden in his room, to read when he jacked off, but all the girls in those pictures had tits like watermelons, really kind of gross. He liked his sister's cute apple-size tits a lot better.

He reached gut, for them and cupped them, and Terry slumped back against the seat and gurgled with pleasure. Her tits were very sensitive, and she loved having them molded gently in a man's big hot hands. Her nipples poked and throbbed against Matt's palms. She was creaming steadily now, unable to staunch the horny flood.

"Mmmmm, that's nice, Matt," she murmured. "Girls also like to have their tits licked and sucked."

Matt was very turned on by that suggestion, and he bent low, stuck out his tongue, and started licking her nipples. Terry gurgled with delight. He swirled his wet tongue around and around the rosy nubs, coating them with his hot spit. Her tits swelled up taut with arousal.

"Matt, you're doing great for a guy who's never been out with a girl before," she laughed softly.

"Well, it wasn't that I wasn't interested," he said.

It was the same way with Todd. He really was interested in girls and sex, very interested, but no way could he find out anything with Mom and Dad watching his every move. No point in dating, for either of the brothers, if their parents insisted on chaperoning. But there was one source of sex their parents would never even suspect their horny coed sister.

Terry was shivering and creaming hard now as Matt sucked one nipple, then the other. She fondled the hot lump at his fly and felt his eager young cock trying to break free of the tight confinement. She wanted to haul out his meat and play with it, but it was too risky with all those people around.

"Matt, honey, let's go park somewhere," she suggested.

"Good idea," he grinned. "The folks won't know we left the movie, as long as we're home on time."

"Exactly what I was thinking," Terry said as she started the engine.

She drove to a wooded area where they wouldn't be seen. There was a full moon out, so they could see each other pretty well. Terry was glad of that as she went for her brother's zipper. She wanted a good look at his stiff teenage cock. She got his jeans open, then tugged pants and shorts down over his ass. His engorged dick snapped free, standing up rigid and drooling thick cream.

She leaned down for, a closer look, and as her hot breath tickled his naked cock, Matt shivered with horniness. She examined the gleaming purple head of his prick, the granite blue-veined shaft, and his lightly-thatched nut sacs. She found herself drooling as she watched that thick cream oozing from his piss hole. She stuck out her tongue and lapped up the salty stuff.

"Jesus," Matt gasped, "is that something else you do to your boyfriend?"

"Mmmmm-hmmm," Terry purred, "we play with each other all over."

Matt grew bold and said, "I'd sure like to play with you, Sis."

"I'll bet you would, you horny little devil," Terry giggled.

"Oh, wow, wouldn't Mom and Dad have a fit if they could see us now?" he laughed. "I can't believe we're doing this, not the way we were raised."

"Well, honey," Terry said, "maybe they aren't right about everything. Don't you think their ideas about sex are a little strange?"

"I think they're totally fucked," Matt sighed, "but what can we do? As long as we live in their house, we have to obey their rules."

"Except when they're not watching us," Terry grinned as she curled her fingers around his cock.

"Yeah," Matt said hoarsely, "except when they're not watching us. Oh, wow, Sis, that feels neat."

She was pumping his cock, smearing his oozing juice all over her fingers to make her pumping slick and fast. Matt slumped back against the seat and watched her, hardly believing his luck. He'd just resigned himself to doing without sex till he got away from his parents, so this was a delicious surprise.

Terry had changed so much since she'd gone away to college. Before that, she'd been just like her brothers, grim and studious and "not interested" in sex. Now she was liberated and uninhibited, not hiding her interest in sex. She made Matt feel that it was perfectly okay to have fun with his body and that he shouldn't feel guilty about being horny.

As she pumped his cock, he asked shyly but eagerly, "Sis, do you think it's okay to jack off?"

"Sure, honey," Terry said easily, "everybody plays with himself."

"Do you?" he asked wonderingly.

"All the time," she laughed. "Wanta see how I do it?"

"Oh, wow, I sure do," he cried.

She remembered how this little demonstration had turned Todd on, and she knew it would work equally well with their kid brother. She pulled up her skirt and tucked it in at the waistband, then skinned out of her bikini panties. Matt gawked hungrily at the little triangle of her bush.

She opened her legs wide, showing him her soaked slit without any shyness. She folded back the furry outer lips and showed him the glistening pink flesh inside. She pointed to a little hooded bud of flesh at the top of her pussy. "That's my clit," she said. "Girls are really sensitive there. I like to rub it and get off."

She pressed a fingertip to the fleshy button and began to rub it in a circular motion. Matt watched in total fascination. Up to now he hadn't even been sure whether girls masturbated and whether they got off like guys did. Now he realized that girls could be just as horny as boys. His big sister was sighing and panting with pleasure as she played with herself. Glistening cream overflowed her cunt and trickled down the crack of her ass.

"Mmmmmm, shit, that feels great," she moaned.

Matt gathered his courage again and asked hoarsely, "Could I do that for you, Sis?"

"Oh, would you, honey?" Terry smiled. "I'd just love that."

She took her hand away, and Matt pressed the tip of his index finger to her clit. He was surprised at how hot the flesh was. She began to rub the little nub, and it throbbed hard against his fingertip. A molten rush of pussy cream soaked his whole finger. Terry moaned with delight as he masturbated her.

"Ohhhh, yeah, Matt, that's good," she cried, "real good. Just keep doing that, get me off."

Matt felt very excited about making her come with just his finger. That was the kind of trick he needed to learn for when he started dating. He was going to have a lot of lost time to make up for. He rubbed her clit steadily in the circular motion she'd shown him, and he kept checking her reaction, making sure she was still turned on.

No problem there. Terry's pretty face was contorted with pleasure, and she was panting and whimpering. Her molten cream spurted out to soak his finger. Even the inexperienced boy could tell that she was hotly aroused. He experimented, moving his fingertip faster around her violently throbbing joy button, and she seemed to like that even better.

"Unnnhhhh, yeah, do it to me real fast, Matt," she moaned.

Matt's cock gave a horny lurch and dripped hot cream. He wondered just how far his sister would let him go with her. It would be fantastic if she let him fuck her. But he'd better not push his luck. He'd just give her what she wanted and hope she'd want even more.

He didn't know it, but Terry fully intended to go all the way with him. She wasn't in any big rush, however, because they still had more than an hour before they were expected home. In an hour they could do all kinds of fun things, including get each other off with their fingers and tongues and mouths and there'd still be time to fuck. So Terry wasn't hurrying.

Still her brothers's circling fingertip was driving her hard towards orgasm, and the need to come was getting urgent. "Mat," she panted, "I want you to stick your finger in my cunt and move it up and down. Here, I'll show you."

Matt was practically coming as she took his middle finger and guided it into her cunt. For the first time he was feeling the place where a guy was supposed to put his cock, and it was incredibly hot and tight and juicy. Terry showed him how to finger-fuck her, keeping his finger stiff and rubbing it swiftly up and down in her slick cunt tube.

"Oooooo, yeah, honey, that's it," she moaned, "just keep doing that and I'll come like crazy."

Keeping her legs wide open for him, she relaxed against the seat and let him ream her box with his stiffly pumping finger. It felt just like a little cock pounding in her pussy and, she gurgled with delight. In a matter of seconds she was teetering on the brink of climax.

"Oooooo, shit, I'm almost there," she gurgled.

She tightened her cunt around Matt's jerking finger, and a moment later she felt a violent explosion of sensation in the depths of her smoldering twat. It flamed out to shake her whole body, and she soaked Matt's hand with molten come. Her voice was hoarse with ecstasy as she cried out.

"Unnnhhhh, Matt, I'm coming, whaaahhhh!" she cried.

Matt's prick gave another lusty jump, and he damned near shot his load as he felt her cunt clamping and releasing around his finger. He just wished he had his dick in there, not his finger, to get that hot juicy massaging. As Terry came down from her climax, she grinned at him, then reached out and started pumping his cock.

"My turn to get you off," she smiled.

Matt slumped back against the seat and moaned blissfully as his pretty older sister jacked him off. This was better than any of his fantasies. In the bright moonlight he watched her little fist jerking up and down the granite column of his cock, smearing his juice all over the blue-veined stalk.

"Ohhhh, yeah, Sis, keep doing that," he moaned, "I'm just about to come."

Terry firmed her grip on his wildly pulsating boner and pumped fast, knowing he wanted it that way. Duane loved to have her jack him off at the movies, like they were naughty kids, and the faster she did it to him, the more excited he got. It was the same way with Matt. As she pumped his cock with lightning speed, he groaned and went into orbit.

"Awwwwww, fuck, aaaggghhhhh!" he yelled.

The first thick wad of his jizz hit the ceiling of the car, and Terry groaned, knowing she'd have to clean it up before the folks saw it. She caught the rest of his load by holding her mouth wide open and aiming his jetting cock at it. She let the salty come collect on her tongue, savoring it. When he finally stopped coming, she gulped the whole steaming load.

"Mmmmmmmm," she sighed. "Did you enjoy that, Matt?"

"Shit, yes," the blissed-out teenager answered. "That was fantastic. But we don't have to be home for awhile yet. Could we have some more fun, Sis?"

"Matt," she purred, "I was hoping you'd say that."
