Cat’s-Paw by Marjorie Q. Boyle

© 1979 by Marjorie Q. Boyle.

A lost pussy cat who was fondly called Mitten

Had lived at a bank since she was a kitten.

She had captured the hearts of all of the staff

And evoked from even the grimmest a laugh.

The employees in chorus cried, “Oh, what a pity!

“We all ought to adopt this poor little kitty.”

The food they fed Mitten was fit for a queen,

And her coat soon acquired a satiny sheen.

When gaily bedecked in her ruby red ascot

In all the wide world there was no prouder mascot.

When the bank closed each day she never took flight

Since she catnaped by day and was watchcat by night.

On a night that was murky, moonless, and dank

A reckless young robber broke into the bank.

He opened the vault with infinite stealth

And greedily feasted his eyes on its wealth.

Aware that there wasn’t a moment to waste

Mitten took off in padded-paw haste.

Her coat which was black save for one paw of white

Blended subtly into the dark of the night.

With one fluffy white paw and with plenty of charm

She gracefully touched off the burglar alarm.
