Detectiverse by Marguerite Buranelli

© 1979 by Marguerite Buranelli.

First Principle

A chemist, quite rich, published tomes

On carbon and chloride and chromes.

“The work seems to pay,”

Said Sherlock one day.

“ELEMENT-ary, I’m sure, Mr. Holmes.”

What’s in a Name?

A chap called Llewellyn L. Wilde,

Meeting Sherlock Holmes, was beguiled.

“A Welshman well named,”

The great one proclaimed.

“L-ementary,” the Cardiffman smiled.

Upward Mobility

Said Watson to trainman Joe Blotson,

“I see you at work quite a lot, son.

“Your job’s, in the main,

“High off the terrain.”

“EL-ementary, my dear Dr. Watson.”

Tree Surgeon

Said Watson to forester Dotson

While pruning a tree in the hot sun,

“It’s too warm a day

“For working, I’d say.”

“ELM-entary, my dear Dr. Watson.”
