Tuesday, July 15, 2155 E.C.S. Horizon,Gamma Hydra Sector

P AUL M AYWEATHER HEARDthe noise of the creaking deck plates behind him as it rose slightly above the background buzz of the ancient freighters computers and air-circulation fans. Turning toward the familiar sound, he watched as his mother and chief engineer, Rianna Mayweather, approached the middle of the aft section of the small hexagonal bridge that she had always insisted on describing as “cozy rather than “cramped.

Gesturing toward the image of the uncannily Earth-like globe that turned slowly on the bridges large forward viewer, she said, “The people down there really surprised me.

“Im just happy they turned out to be friendly and willing to deal with us, Paul said.

Rianna nodded. “Of course. But isnt it amazing how quickly they picked up English?

“I thought that was pretty remarkable, too, said Charlie Nichols, who seemed delighted to be back behind his helm console after his brief sojourn dirtside. He looked happy to hear that the last few repairs had finally been completed, no doubt because he was raring to perpetrate yet another one of the sudden, kidney-damaging lurches directly from space-normal speed to warp two for which he was so renowned.

Paul nodded silently in response to the observations of his mother and the helmsman before facing forward again to study the stately turning of the blue-and-white-streaked world on which he and the Horizons crew had just completed the bulk of their emergency repairs. He had to admit that the natives facility for languages was remarkable, if indeed they had been telling the truth about never before having played host to a visiting Earth vessel.

But even more remarkable was the lucky happenstance that this worlds barely industrial-age inhabitants had been able to furnish sufficient supplies of the metals and organic polymer precursors necessary to allow Mom, Nora, and Juan to get the Horizons propulsion system up and running again after that damned micrometeoroid swarm had crippled the Horizons aging Bussard collectors and navigational deflectors.

Juan Marquez and Nora Melchior, who served in the freighters small merchant crew as junior engineer and Jill-of-all-trades respectively, were in the process of replacing a burned-out navigation sensor module in one of the starboard consoles. Although theyd seemed utterly absorbed in their work, they both evidently had been following the desultory conversation every bit as closely as Paul had done.

“Ill grant you that theyre quick learners, Nora said, grunting as she strained to free a slightly balky hydrospanner from the awkward tight space between consoles into which shed gotten it stuck. “But none of the natives I dealt with seemed all that big on original thinking.

“I dont know about that, Juan said. Paul quietly watched as the junior engineer looked askance at Noras handling of the spanner, as though expecting it to come flying out at any moment, like Excalibur suddenly freed from the stone. “Sure, they seemed a bit imitative, but that probably just reflects their method of absorbing new languages.

Nora grimaced as she put more of her weight into the task of trying to extract the spanner from where it had become lodged. “Maybe, she said. “Maybe not. It might be fun to come back here in twenty years, she said, pausing momentarily to grunt with another burst of futile effort to extract the spanner, “to see if theyve started trying to build their own J-type interstellar freighters.

Rianna folded her arms and shook her head skeptically. “Theyre still trying to get a handle on steam technology, Nora. I wouldnt expect them to get anything off the ground for at least another hundred years or so.

“Probably true, Juan said, his dark eyes still riveted to Noras trapped spanner. “Careful with that thing, Nora, he said, his expression showing vicarious pain for the abused tool. “Youre gonna break it if youre not careful.

“Helping is good, Juan, Nora said, scowling slightly as she continued fruitlessly coaxing the stubborn instrument. Her tongue was sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she worked. “Kibitzing, not so much.

Juan shrugged and looked toward Paul and Rianna, perhaps to avert his eyes from Noras flagrant abuse of the innocent spanner. “Anyhow, the natives really didnt seem nearly as interested in that sort of thing as they were in the cultural stuff, anyway.

Paul couldnt help but agree with Juan, though he thought that Nora definitely had a point as well. In fact, he had already characterized the natives as very bright and imitative people in the log he had recorded for later transmission to Earth Cargo Service Central. Even in the merchant service, which arguably made more of an imprint on the galactic neighborhood than did Starfleet, detailed reports about all first contact situations were a regulation-required necessity. It made no sense to allow the next Earth ship that happened by this world to rediscover these people purely by accident.

“Im still just happy that they seemed so eager to help out a bunch of stranded strangers, Paul said. Had the Horizonbeen forced down in more hostile surroundings, the outcome of their just-concluded adventure might have turned out far less happily.

“Dont forget that they expected to be paid for the stuff we needed, said Rianna, her gaze locked on her younger sons. “I think their cultural leanings saved our asses at least as much as their sense of altruism. Were just damned lucky they were willing to accept some of the stuff we were carrying in the hold. What exactly did you give them, anyway?

Paul chuckled quietly. “A few of the vintage amusement items from Earth that I was hoping would pay most of the bills during that stopover we have coming up at Denobula Triaxa.

Riannas eyes narrowed. “Which vintage amusement items are you talking about? she asked in a voice that seemed to lower the ambient temperature by at least a good two degrees Celsius. Paul could only hope that he hadnt accidentally traded away any of Moms favorite nifties in his haste to acquire the materials the crew needed to get the Horizonback under way.

He concentrated for a moment, staring off at a bulkhead as he assembled a brief mental inventory. “Analog music recordings pressed on vinyl disks, he said sheepishly. “Along with a couple of old hand-cranked players. Some flatvid movies recorded on celluloid, and a projector. A mechanical arcade game I think they used to call a pinball machine. Oh, and a couple of boxes of books.

Her eyes narrowed further still. “ Whichbooks? she said, her tone evoking childhood memories of the moments immediately preceding the occasional “time outs hed had to spend alone in one of the empty cargo holds.

Wait a minute now,he told himself. Since Dad died, shesmy chief engineer. Which makes meher captain.It was damned difficult to remember that at times like this.

Paul felt nothing but gratitude for Noras spanner when it chose that moment to come free, its gripping surfaces apparently shattering in the process.

“Told you, Juan said, shaking his head.

“Oh, be quiet, Nora muttered as she knelt to pick up the little bits of hydrospanner that now lay scattered about the deck.

“Never mind us, Juan said, addressing Paul. “In spite of appearances, I think were actually ready to shove off whenever you give the word.

Couldnt have timed it better myself,Paul thought as he turned toward the man who sat fidgeting impatiently behind the helm, awaiting the order to break orbit.

“Set us on a course for Gamma Hydra, Charlie. Warp two. Take us out when youre ready. And try not to shake our fillings loose this time.

Charlie grinned. “Aye, aye, Capn, he said, then immediately began updating the navcomputer with his left hand while entering velocity data with his right.

Rianna began moving toward the open archway at the aft part of the bridge. “If were heading out now, Id better keep an eye on my babies down in the engine room.

“Find something to hang on to, Paul said to her departing back.

“Just remember, she said over her shoulder. “If I find out you gave away my big book about old-time Chicago, Im gonna make you walk the plank. And with that she disappeared into the access corridor behind the bridge.

“The Chicago book, Nora said, now apparently done clearing away the mess shed made and discreetly disposing of the wreckage. “Wasnt that the big old white hardcover that the village elder fell in love with?

Oh, crap.Paul swallowed hard. He wasnt sure, but that bookwhich told the story of a crucial time in the history of Moms hometownjust mighthave gone out with the trade goods that circumstances had forced him to sacrifice. He hoped that Travis still had hiscopy of the book with him in his billet aboard Enterprise.

And that he would be willing to rush it over to the Horizonon short notice to save his little brothers life.

“Hang on to your butts, Charlie said. A moment later he pushed the throttle forward.

Paul grabbed the back of the big chair in the center of the busy little control area as the Horizonlurched into motion. The freighters forward surge launched squadrons of butterflies deep in his guts, but they flew only for the split second it took for the inertial damping system to catch up to the warp drives sudden burst of superluminal acceleration. The blue-and-white world on the viewer immediately shrank to a small pinpoint of light before losing itself amid the myriads of other celestial fires scattered throughout the boundless interstellar deeps like so many grains of sand on a beach.

The ship roared and rattled, but held together. Charlie grinned up at him from the helm. “Warp one point six. One point seven. One point eight. One point nine.

“Warp two.

The rattling and shaking gradually evened out, and after a seeming eternity Paul realized that he had been holding his breath. He released it in a great relieved rush.

“Youre gonna get it, Nora said, shaking her head gently at Paul.

“Come again? he said.

“Your moms book, remember? Since we didnt get vaporized in a warp core breach just now, youre going to have to deal with that.

He nodded glumly before pushing that problem off to one side. “Well just have to find a way to divert that particular asteroid before it hits us.

Nora grinned mischievously. “We? Us?

He sighed. “All right. Its myproblem. Yours is transmitting my first contact report to ECS Central.

“Im all over it, Skipper, she said, turning toward the port communications console.

“Please dont call me that, he muttered under his breath, sighing as he sent the log files from his chair console to Noras station.

“Message transmitted to ECS Central, Nora reported a few moments later.

“No, it isnt, Juan said.

“What are you talking about? Nora said, scowling. “My console shows the message as sent.

Paul walked over to Noras station and confirmed that fact with a glance.

“True enough, said Juan, who was staring at the com interface from the opposite side. “But look at the frequency bands the transmitter used.

“Hell, Nora said. “I didnt tell the damned thing to use the snail channel.

“Looks like the transmitters subspace capabilities must have gone down, Juan said with a cool, appraising nod, his hitch aboard the Horizonevidently having inoculated him against finding any sort of technological glitch surprising. He turned toward Paul. “The computer must have automatically enabled the regular EM radio antenna as a backup. So ECS Central isnt going to receive thattransmission for over a century, Jefe.

“You know, I think I like Jefe even less than I like Skipper, Paul said.

“Sorry, boss, Juan said as he returned to scrutinizing the com console. Paul wasnt sure whether he was talking about the title or the balky transmitter.

Regardless, he knew there was no point in chewing anyone out over this little setback. After all, virtually instantaneous interstellar communication via the subspace bands was still a relatively recent innovation, at least for humans, and therefore wasnt yet completely trouble-free even under ideal circumstances. And that micrometeoroid swarm that had forced the Horizons most recent unscheduled layover couldnt exactly be described as an ideal circumstance; the crew might continue to encounter yet-undiscovered meteoroid damage for weeks to come.

“Well have to take the entire com system offline for a few hours at least while we get this problem sorted out, Juan said.

“The sooner you two get those subspace bands tuned back in, Paul said, “the sooner I can cross that report off my list.

Perhaps ten minutes after Nora and Juan had pulled open the bridges primary com system access panel, Charlie pointed directly toward the main viewer.

“What the hell is that? he said with a puzzled frown.

Looking at the forward screen, Paul could see for himself that his helmsman wasnt simply imagining things. A long, tapered shape had indeed suddenly appeared like an apparition before his startled gaze, seemingly materializing out of nowhere.

Nora and Juan both abruptly set aside their com system repairs, transfixed by the approaching ship.

“Must have roared in pretty damned fast, Juan said. “Id guess she must have been doing warp four or better before she went sublight.

“What kind of ship is she? Nora wanted to know.

“I hope its not what it looks like, Charlie said, his eyes suddenly going nearly wide enough to see in the radio spectrum.

Paul swallowed hard as he nodded in silent agreement with the Horizons pilot. The bulbous projection at the nearer end of the incoming vessels long, narrow body marked it as something no freighter captain wanted to encounter. As did its two widely spaced, ventrally curved engine nacelles.

The dull glow Paul saw emanating from the depths of the newcomers forward weapons tube wasnt exactly an encouraging sign, either.

“Whats a Klingon battle cruiser doing way out here in the Gamma Hydra sector? he said, addressing nobody in particular. “Were a hell of a lot closer to the Romulans stomping grounds right now than we are to Klingon space.

“Lets just hope they keep right on going without noticing us, Juan said, standing beside the com console, transfixed by the image on the screen.

Equally absorbed by the approaching apparition, Charlie said, “Not much chance of that. What are the odds theyd just happen to drop out of warp almost right on top of us?

“Im receiving a hail, Nora said. “Audio only.

“Put it on speakers, Paul said, nodding.

A deep, gravel-coated voice resounded through the small bridge. “Nov Duj. Pejeghbe Duj. Ghuh tIjta pagh QIH.

“Dunno what hes saying, Charlie said. “But it doesnt sound friendly.

Paul was forced to agree. “Run that through the translation matrix, Nora.

“Already on it, she said as she finished entering a brief series of commands into her console.

A few tense heartbeats later, the computer substituted a synthetic English-speaking voice for that of the Klingon who was hailing them. “Alien vessel. Surrender your ship. Prepare to be boarded or destroyed.

Paul sighed. “Thats pretty much what I thoughtyou were going to say, he muttered under his breath. He flipped a switch on his chair console, opening an intercom channel to the engine room. “Mom, Im going to need all the speed you can give me.

“You dont seriously expect to outrun that monster, do you, son?Rianna said, evidently having already monitored the developing situation from her station.

“Weve got a better chance of doing that than we do of winning a straight fight, Paul said. Even though his brother had persuaded him of the wisdom of upgrading the Horizons weaponry during his last visit more than two years earlier, a Klingon battle cruiser was nowhere near as easy to dissuade from using force as was your garden-variety pirate ship.

“All right, son,Rianna said. “Ive got my hand on the throttle. You just give the word.

“Consider it given. Charlie, take us back down into the gravity well of the system we just left, pedal down all the way. Maybe we can lose em in one of the asteroid fields.

“Hang on to your butts, Charlie said again as he entered the appropriate commands. Paul felt his stomach lurch once more as the freighter accelerated and the inertial dampers again took a few microseconds to catch up. His lunch seemed to desire escape nearly as urgently as he did, but he somehow held on to it until the mercifully brief peristaltic impulse passed.

“Nora, send a distress signal, Paul said once hed found his voice again. He knew that transmitting a Mayday via ordinary EM-band radiothe only option available with the subspace gear still downwould be about as useful as waving semaphore flags. But he had to do something.

“Its no good, Nora said, shaking her head in evident frustration. “Theyre jamming us!

“Then launch the log buoy, Paul said, swallowing hard.

“Done, Nora said a moment later.

Paul felt a subtle change in the vibrations coming through the deck plates. Something wasnt right.

At the helm, Charlie seemed to be beating back panic, but only barely. “The helm just went dead. Navigation is completely offline.

Pauls heart raced. “Did the log buoy get away?

Nora slammed her fist down on her console, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath as though struggling to compose herself. “Afraid I cant tell. My station just went down, too.

Darkness suddenly enfolded the bridge. Paul heard a brief chorus of startled cries and gasps.

“Life support, too, Charlie said. Only then did Paul notice the sudden total absence of the ubiquitous background hum of the air-circulation fans.

Paul fumbled for the intercom controls. “Engine room! Mom! Nothing. Despite the failure of the helm and just about everything else, the ever-present aural backdrop created by the warp engines was gradually intensifying.

Then an eerie but welcome reddish glow slowly began to suffuse the chamber as the battery-powered emergency backup circuits dutifully yawned, stretched, and began to wake up.

“At least somethingsstill working, Paul said.

“We still dont have any control over anything up here, Juan said, speaking from the gloomy shadows near one of the port stations.

The vibration in the deck plates shifted yet again. Paul knew the ship was accelerating.

“Were still generating warp power, Nora said.

The deck rattled and vibrated. The effect was very different from anything he had ever experienced before. More powerful, and more out of control. Deck segments slammed into one another like a planets tectonic plates suddenly cranked into absurdly fast motion, a billion years crammed into a few fleeting heartbeats.

“Wed better get the escape pods ready, he said, raising his voice to be heard above the din. “Just in case.

Charlie entered a command, checked a readout, then cursed. “Not functioning.

Why doesnt that surprise me?Paul thought, struggling to remain calm, or at least to sound that way the next time he spoke. “Nora, get that viewer back up. I need to see what that Klingon ship is up to.

“Working on it, she said, a keen edge of terror audible in her voice. “But I cant seem to

She stopped abruptly when the forward viewer suddenly winked back to life, displaying an aft view. Looming against the star-bejeweled blackness of deep space, the Klingon battle cruiser was still closing in inexorably on the Horizons retreating stern.

“Good work, Paul said, thankful for whatever small miracles might appear.

“I didnt do it, Nora said, sounding flummoxed. “I still havent figured out why the hell the lights went out in the first place.

Theyre why,Paul thought, staring straight ahead at the approaching harbinger of death. They must have a new weapon that can cripple us without having to blow us full of holes first. And the screen came up just now because theywanted us to see whatevers going to happen next.

“Charlie, he said aloud as renewed determination and plain, old-fashioned anger stiffened his spine. The Horizonwas both his home and his livelihood, and he wasnt going to give up either without one hell of a fight. “Were going to have to get clever with these guys.

I.K.S. MupchIch

“The remote system is working flawlessly so far, Commander, Centurion TVak said, his gaze still riveted on the broad bank of gauges and indicators that stretched across three bridge workstations.

Of course, the still experimental arrenhehwiuatelecapture weapon had worked somewhat less than flawlessly during its initial outings, Commander TVoras recalled; still, it had enabled the capture of the klivamcruiser he was currently using as the systems test bed, and had done so in fairly short order. And thanks to the Romulan Star Empires long and acrimonious association with the Klingon Empire, the translation device that the chief technologists office had integrated into the prototype had succeeded in transmitting a convincingly barbaric-sounding klivamhail.

It was a pity that it couldnt also do something about the lingering stench of the hirsute, overly armored animals that had once infested this otherwise adequate vessel.

“We have achieved complete control over the Terran freighters propulsion, navigation, and life-support systems, the centurion said as he entered a few adjustments into the system interface.

“Very good, Centurion, TVoras said. “Admiral Valdore and Chief Technologist Nijil will both be pleased indeed. I shall not neglect to mention your diligence to them.

The centurion immediately stood at attention and offered the traditional salute, his clenched right fist raised to high chest level just below the left shoulder, his bent elbow positioned precisely above the lower abdominal ribs that protected his heart. “You do me honor, Commander, the junior officer said.

Let us hope that this device will prove as effective against Terran military vessels,TVoras thought, as it has thus far against their civilian freighters and theklivam warship that now carries us.

An ominous blood-green light on the devices central console suddenly began flashing rhythmically, matching the staccato wail of a klaxon. The centurion immediately returned his full attention to his readouts.

“The freighter crew is attempting to bypass both its primary and secondary systems, he said, sounding surprised at his opponents apparent ingenuity.

TVoras nodded, taking the revelation in stride. “Theyre no doubt trying some novel method of recovering their console functions. Respond accordingly, Centurion, and maintain control.

The centurions brow ridge crumpled with concern, as though hed suddenly become worried that the commendation he had been expecting earlier might suddenly metamorphose into a reprimand. Or perhaps something far worse.

TVoras placed a hand gently on the hilt of his razor-sharp datheanofv-sen,his Honor Blade. That shall be entirely up to him,he thought.

E.C.S. Horizon

“Damn it! Nora shouted.

“Whats wrong? Paul said. Apart from the obvious.

“Almost had helm control rerouted and recovered. Then I lost it again. Its like the Klingons have found a way to monitor everything we try to do, using our own systems against us.

Paul nodded. That was no doubt exactlywhat they were doing, though he was completely at a loss as to how to explain it. Fear gnawed at his insides, like an animal trying to escape.

But he was no less determined to get his crewhis familyout of this mess.

“You and Juan keep at it, Paul said, trying his best to conceal his steadily increasing desperation. “Charliejust keep pushing those buttons.

I.K.S. MupchIch

“Control recovered, Centurion TVak said, looking intensely relieved after several siureof genuine uncertainty.

After the struggle hed just witnessed, TVoras wasnt entirely certain that the centurions renewed confidence was justified. But he was nevertheless satisfied that todays activities had garnered enough operational data to produce real, substantive refinements to the equipment. And he knew it would not do to linger here any longer than necessary, lest any transient vessel from Vulcan, Andoria, Tellar, or even Earth discover anything about the operation being conducted here todayor even begin asking questions about what a Klingon vessel might be doing so far from home.

“Is the test data safely recorded, Centurion? TVoras asked.

“It is, Commander.

“Very well, TVoras said. “Dispose of any evidence that we were ever here. Including the small distress beacon the freighter launched.

“Immediately, Commander. TVoras watched as the centurion deftly entered a series of commands into his primary board.

TVoras turned toward the young female decurion who was serving at the communications station.

“Get me Admiral Valdore on a secure frequency, he said.

E.C.S. Horizon

The deck plates shuddered even more violently than before, signaling further acceleration. The engine noise continued to increase along with it, rising to a nearly ear-splitting roar.

“I dunno how, but were stillgathering delta vee, Charlie said. “Warp three point two and steadily climbing. Didnt think this tub could gothis fast.

“I noticed, Paul said. “Whats our heading?

Charlie turned toward the center of the bridge. The harsh, ruddy-tinted shadows that fell across his face did nothing to soften the terror Paul saw etched across his usually placid features.

“Were locked on a ballistic course directly for Sigma Iotia! he shouted, his voice nearly drowned out by the ever-escalating whine of the engines.

Sigma Iotia. The primary star of the world the Horizonhad just departed.

Paul Mayweather turned and saw Rianna Mayweather standing by his side. He could see from the haunted look in his mothers brown eyes that engine control was a lost cause. There was no point in asking whether a warp-core jettison was even possible. Besides, the din of the engines had become so loud as to make conversation essentially impossible except in the form of top-of-the-lungs shouts. He took both of her hands between his own as he looked at the forward viewer.

The dazzling golden-orange brilliance of Sigma Iotia overwhelmed the screen, prompting the automatic imaging system to damp the light down to a tolerable level. Paul imagined he could already feel the searing heat of the photosphere toward which the Horizonwas falling at multiwarp speed. Time seemed to stretch, and he truly didnt want to know precisely how many seconds remained to him and his crew.

His family. Paul Mayweather gently put his arm around his mothers shoulders. She had brought him into the world. Protected him from the occasional teasing of his older brother Travis. Taught him how to fly a ship. Comforted him after Jaliye had left him for another pilot.

And now she would die beside him.

He suppressed a morbid laugh as he drew some comfort from a final absurd thought: At least I wont have to fess up to her about giving away that damned book.
