Tuesday, July 22, 2155 EnterpriseNX-01, near the Gamma Hydra sector

S EATED AT THE DESKin his ready room, Jonathan Archer listened to the joint report from TPol and Reed in almost meditative silence. TPol wrapped up the brief presentation with a solemn dignity that Archer usually associated with eulogies.

“By now, she said, “Trip has already reached Romulus.

Where hes probably already had to face whatever rough justice Admiral Valdore had in store for him,Archer thought. Though he respected Trips abilities both as an engineer and as a highly survival-adept Starfleet officer, he hadnt been an intel operative all that long, and Archer knew that Valdore was no fool either.

He despaired of seeing his friend ever again.

“Unfortunately, our encounter with Trip didnt change the Coalitions current tactical situation in any way that really matters, Reed said, looking nearly as mournful as Archer felt. “He still has to get his hands on workable warp-seven engine plans, though this may be simply because the Romulans themselves have yet to come up with a completely workable design. And his Romulan intelligence sources had him convinced that the Klingonswere the ones behind the attacks against Draylax and our shipping lanes, rather than any Romulan culprits.

Archer nodded, becoming all but resigned to the bleak prospect of a hot war with the Klingons; it was beginning to look inevitable, despite the evidence Archer had found exculpating the Klingon Empire, which had no present hostile intentions toward any member of the Coalition of Worlds.

But we just might kick over the anthill anyway,he thought. And touch off a conflict that will cripple most of two quadrants for decades, and probably kill millions of innocents on both sides. The Klingonswill consider us shoot-on-sight enemies then, sure as gravity. And the Romulans will sit back and laugh through the entire bloodbath, waiting until both sides are too weak to stop them from swooping in to pick up the pieces.

The intercom on Archers desk whistled, presenting a welcome interruption to the captains gloomy ruminations. Toggling the channel open, he said, “Archer here. Go ahead.

“Were receiving a priority communication from Starfleet, Captain,said Hoshi, a note of urgency audible in her voice. “Its Admiral Gardner.

“Thanks, Hoshi. Pipe it straight to my ready room, please.

Archer wasted no time activating the blank monitor atop his desk, which quickly shifted to the weary but hyperalert visage of Sam Gardner. TPol and Reed immediately began moving toward the ready room door to give Archer some privacy, but stopped after he motioned them to stay and positioned his monitor so that its visual sensor pickups showed the admiral everyone present in the room. The motion forced him to suppress a wince of pain, a reminder of his ordeal on QonoS.

The silver-haired admiral noted the presence of Archers subordinates with a nod, and then focused solely on the captain. “Archer, youstill look like hell,Gardner said with a sympathetic nod before abruptly switching into his “all-business mode. “Captain, the Coalition Security Council has been busy evaluating the evidence you brought back from QonoS. From where Im sitting, it appears to have changed everything.

Archer forced himself to absorb this apparent good news with at least some degree of caution. “I hope thats a change for the better, Admiral, he said.

Gardner nodded again. “It is. Because the Klingons have made no aggressive moves against us since you delivered their ultimatum, the Coalition Security Council has tabled all plans to adopt an aggressive defensive posture against the Klingon Empire. Even the hotheads on Andoria have agreed to hold their horses a while longerunless they believe the Klingons to be acting in direct defiance of the ultimatum.A small, relieved smile somehow slipped out onto the admirals otherwise granite-hard countenance, reminding Archer that few people are more reticent about wars than the hardened warriors charged with fighting them. “Well done, Captain.

“Thank you, sir, Archer said. “Lets hope we can keep the proverbial dogs on their leashes this time.

Gardners smile abruptly vanished. “We still may not have that luxury. Starfleet Command has just received word that Centauri III and the Calder II science outpost have come under attack.

“Do you believe the Klingons to be responsible for either of those attacks, Admiral? TPol asked.

Training his suddenly narrowed eyes squarely upon TPol, the admiral said, “Not as far aswe can determine, Commander.

Thank God, Archer thought, though he remained uneasy. So long as the Coalition Council remained balanced on the razors edge of a declaration of war against the Klingon Empire, whose ships had already been proven to be vulnerable to hijacking by a hostile third party, he was certain he was going to continue feeling that way. He could only hope that the evidence that he and Phlox had found on QonoS would prevent the Councils more hawkish members from going off halfcocked should the Klingons appear to have defied the Coalitions ultimatum.

“The Romulans must be responsible, sir, Malcolm said. “Its got to be the Romulans.

Breaking eye contact with TPol, Gardner shook his head. “Weve found no definitive evidence of that either, Lieutenant.

“Then who isresponsible? Archer wanted to know.

“Brief transmissions fromColumbia and from personnel at Calder II have tentatively identified the aggressors in both attacks asVulcan military vessels. The hostiles appear to have jammed outgoing communications in both locations before we could learn any additional details. Starfleet Command is trying to keep this information under wraps, of course, for obvious reasons.

“But Command had to inform the United Earth Council.

“And they jumped to the conclusion that this was true? Archer asked. “Theyve seen the Klingon recordings. How could they consider blaming Vulcan?

Captain, I dont need to remind you that many people have problems with the Vulcans. They have never understood why they held humanity back, insisting that humans were not ready to move into deep space.

Archer was having trouble accepting any of this. “The problems Ive had with the Vulcans over the years have never been a secret, Admiral. But I cant believe that Vulcan would ever

“No, neither do I. But I answer to Earths government, as do you, Captain. However, it has been suggested that Commander TPol be relieved and confined.

TPols only response was to lift a single eyebrow in an evident gesture of defiance. Reed looked on in openly astonished silence.

“With all due respect, sir, Ill be damned if Im throwing my exec into the brig.

Gardner held up a hand to forestall any further argument. “ I said it was suggested. While the Council believes their eyes, Starfleet believes there is a more devious force behind this. Youre not the only one fostering a new alliance; Starfleet shared all of this data with the Vulcans.

“Romulans, Archer offered. Finally someone at Command was listening. “The Romulans may have just found a way to defeat us without firing a shot. All they need to do is drive wedges of suspicion betweenmembers of the Coalition. And the best way to start is to convince one Coalition world that another member has turned against it.

“Admiral. Please dont tell me that Starfleet has gone so far as to place Soval and his aides under arrest.

“Captain,Gardner said in scolding tones. “Starfleet Command and the United Earth government dont want this Coalition to come apart any more than you do. But Starfleet willhave to enforce Earths decisions once theyre made

“Fair enough, Admiral.

“Lets both hope that Earth understands that whatevers happening at Alpha Centauri and Calder is probably analogous to what those rogue Klingon ships did at Draylax.

Archer nodded. “ Enterpriseis a lot closer to the Calder system than Alpha Centauri. At maximum warp we can reach Calder II in

Gardner interrupted him again. “No. The Calder II outpost is small and almost entirely defenseless. There probably wont be anything left of it by the time you arrive.

Archer glanced at Reed, whose rueful nod tacitly endorsed the admirals coldly factual tactical assessment.

“Understood, Archer said, facing his terminal again. “Well head straight to Alpha Centauri then, and do whatever we can to reinforce Centauri IIIs defenses.

“Negative,said the admiral. “Columbia is on her way, since shes already in the Alpha Centauri sector.

Archer couldnt believe Gardner wanted Columbiato face the threat alone. “Captain Hernandez deserves to have Enterpriseat her back, he said. “Even if we have to get to the party a little bit late.

Looking a little regretful, the admiral shook his head again. “ No. Im afraid another problem has come up. Abackchannel joint operation that Command has been involved with. AndEnterprise is the only vessel currently in position to deal with it in time.

Archer closed his eyes for a moment and stroked his forehead, behind which a knot of intense painan agony utterly unrelated to the aftermath of his combat on QonoShad begun to form. “Admiral, what could be a higher priority for Enterprisethan whats happening right now at Alpha Centauri and Calder?

Archer was glad he was already sitting down when he heard the admirals answer: “A fuel carrier called theKobayashi Maru.
