Paul C. Middleton and Michael Anderle EVACUATION


To you, The Fans

These stories

would not be nearly

so enjoyable to write

without your


The Amazing Beta Readers for The Boris Chronicles — Evacuation

Bree Buras — Our Aussie Lady

Dorene Johnson — Our kick-ass navy lady

Diane Velasquez — Our original Chinchilla lady who kicked off so much…

The Lady (Editor) who beat us into submission
(Ok, mostly Paul. Since Mike is writing this dedication, he gets to type whatever the hell he wants. He (I) bets this doesn’t happen again).

Kat Lind

Thank you to the following Special Consultants for The Boris Chronicles — Evacuation

Nikolaus Beattie — Australian Army

Jeff Morris — US Army

Both men supported questions for “Things that go ‘Boom’”