Author’s Notes – Michael Anderle July 14, 2016

I love this. I get to be the last person to write my author notes, so I get a peek into what Paul wrote and then say whatever the hell I want.

Which, should probably be nice as I imagine Paul will get to switch places with me for book 2… damn!

Have you ever received a message that starts with “I like this… but!” Yes, the exclamation point is there on purpose. Paul’s NO KATANA email should go down in history as some sort of Martin Luther’esque comment nailed to the door of Author’s homes everywhere.

He admitted to me that out of about ten authors he has taken to task over using katana’s, I was the only author who replied and struck up a conversation. I’m still trying to figure out how smart that was. Paul can get pretty excited when talking swords, something I’m not exactly an expert with. The only way I was able to ‘win’ the argument was showing how Bethany Anne did have the grip and strength to wield a katana with one hand effectively.

One point for super-strong modified humans!

Even then, Paul will not concede the point whatsoever. So, somewhere he has the original document about swords, you should hit him up and ask him. Or heck, he might have it on his blog.

It is a weird experience to have your world written in, and characters you know as friends to be written by someone else. My job, once we hashed out the general storyline and agreed on what could and couldn’t happen based on future events, was to come back after Paul wrote most of the book. Then, I would either add to sections where he pointed something out (I need you to add fight scene here, or write Bethany Anne’s speech here) or to modify special characters actions and speech to confirm they would sound the same as I would write them (Bethany Anne, etc.).

By the end of the book, Paul had his groove on pretty well.

I was adding to this book and doing my pass on the plane coming to Las Vegas and finished while here. When I got to the last sentence, I was wondering where the hell the rest was??? Damn! I was enjoying it and didn’t want it to stop.

So, if that is how I, the series creator feels, I certainly hope you enjoyed The Boris Chronicles and look forward to the next in the series.

Now, if you Pitchfork and Matches fans would just light a fire under his ass, it would be much appreciated.

Forever grateful for readers and fans, beta-readers and our editor (see names up front… No, you really want to — trust me),

Michael Anderle
