I am indebted to a number of people who helped with research for this book: Dónal and Libby Ward, for their hospitality, for sharing their knowledge of the history, folklore, and music of their home county, and for introducing me to some of the wonderful, hidden corners of southwest Donegal; Jill Cooper of the Minneapolis Rowing Club; Hannah Texler of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Tim Whitfeld and Anita Cholewa of the Bell Museum/University of Minnesota Herbarium, Doug Mensing of the Minnesota Native Plant Society, Jennifer Doubt of the Canadian Museum of Nature / Musée canadien de la nature, and Dr. Carol C. Baskin of the Department of Biology at the University of Kentucky, for details on Floerkea proserpinacoides (false mermaid); Kathleen J. Craft, Ph.D., for information on population genetics and its application to the world of forensic botany; Ann Marie Gross of the DNA Section at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, for information on DNA analysis and BCA procedure; Sergeant Mary Nash and Detective Jane Laurence of the Saint Paul Police Department for help with police procedure and background (and to fellow writers Kent Krueger and Lori Lake for sharing law enforcement contacts); Patrick J. Cleary of the Garda Síochána (retired), for assistance with Irish police procedure; flute player and physician Dr. Frank Claudy, and Jean Cleary, RN, for help with information on PTSD, emergency room procedure, and hospital admissions; fiddle player Randall Bays for background on Useless Bay in Washington State. I am indebted to my friend, artist Virginia McBride, for her creative support, and to her son and fellow artist, Owen Platt, who created the wonderful map of my fictional location Port na Rón. And I am grateful to Dáithí Sproule for his invaluable help with Irish language translation, and to singer Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh of Altan, whose beautiful rendition of “An Mhaighdean Mhara” helped inspire this story. The help of all these individuals undoubtedly prevented many errors; they are not responsible for the literary license I have taken, and any faults that remain are mine alone. Thanks also to my wonderful editors, Susanne Kirk and Samantha Martin at Scribner, and my peerless agent, Sally Wofford-Girand. And to the countless people who offered encouragement—not to mention a bit of gentle nudging—fans, neighbors, and friends (especially Lisa McDaniel, Karen Mueller, Lori Hindbjorgen, Elizabeth Childs, Pat McMorrow, and all the Widening Gyre writers); my beloved family; and my incredible, inspiring husband, Paddy—go raibh mile maith agaibh.
