My special thanks to the following people and organizations:

Bill Phillips-who plays a terrific eighteen holes and steered me away from the bunkers. I love you.

Steve Axelrod-the best there is.

Claire Zion-a good editor is a necessity; one who also has a sense of humor is a blessing.

The Professional Golfers' Association-for so patiently answering my questions.

The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation-keepers of the flame.

The management and staff of WBRW, Bridgewater, New Jersey-a small radio station with a 50,000-watt heart.

Dr. Lois Lee and Children of the Night-God bless.

Charlotte Smith, Dr. Robert Pallay, Glen Winger, Steve Adams.

Rita Hallbright at the Kenya Safari Company.

Linda Barlow-for her continued friendship and many helpful suggestions.

Ty and Zachary Phillips-who truly do light up my life.

Lydia Kihm-my favorite sister.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips
