Many thanks to the following:

Sean Wallace and Stephen Segal, my commanding officers at Starfleet Command Prime Books, for assigning me to this mission and laying out the course for me. Also, to Dainis Bisenicks, for making a few course corrections along the way.

Gordon Van Gelder, the Yoda to my Luke Skywalker. Wise he is, in the ways of editing.

Agent Jenny Rappaport, my Ackbar, who shouts “It’s a trap!” when appropriate.

Jordan Hamessley, the Ender Wiggin to my Mazer Rackham, who reviews my battle plans and points out my mistakes. She will destroy us all someday if we’re not careful.

Haris Durani and Rebecca McNulty, my young padawans. The Force is strong in these two.

My Parental Unit, for the dream, and helping me realize it.

The NYC Rebel Alliance—consisting of Christopher M. Cevasco (C-3P0), Douglas E. Cohen (R2-D2), David Barr Kirtley (Chewbacca), Andrea Kail (Leia), and Rob Bland (Han Solo), among others (i.e., the NYCGP Rebel Reserves).

The Quorum, who I turned to when I needed sage advice or assistance: Ellen Datlow, Mike Resnick, Jonathan Strahan, Vaughne Lee Hansen, Ross Lockhart, Kathleen Bellamy, Ty Franck, Steven Silver, and to anyone else I’ve neglected to think of.

And last but not least: the writers who either wrote original stories for this book, or otherwise allowed me to include their stories. For you lot, there’s no comparison.
