Terry himself describes what he envisages happening next:
“While I wasn’t planning to feature this in another book, I suspect the sequence of events, given Dorfl’s character, would run like this:
1 Dorfl saves up to buy the next golem
2 Golems suddenly become very pricey
3 Dorfl does extra shifts and go on saving
4 Price of golems goes up
5 Several merchants recieved a friendly visit from the Commander of the Watch to discuss matters of common interest
6 Golems available to Dorfl at very reasonable prices.
I want more golems on the city payroll. How else can they resurrect the fire service?”
The names of the golems, again, are Yiddish. “Klutz” — a clumsy clod or bungler (from German); “Bobkes” — beans, but only metaphorically; something worthless or nonsensical (from Russian); “Shmata” — a rag, or piece of cloth; used both literally and to describe a person of weak character (from Polish).