Chapter Ten

The next morning, Kamryn awoke to the sound of Algar's bedroom door opening. Not quite fully awake, she fumbled for the covers and pulled them to her chin.

When she saw Algar step into the room, she loosened her death grip on them. He smiled and kicked the door shut behind him. In his hands, he carried what looked to be her large suitcase and carry-on.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she asked, "Are those my things?"

He set them on the floor near the bed and moved to sit on the edge next to where she lay. "Yes, they are. Since I kept you up most of the night"—he eyed the top of her breasts where the covers had slipped lower—"I decided to let you sleep. I went to your hotel and collected your luggage. Brand gave me your keycard to get it. I also checked you out."

"What about the bill?"

"I paid that as well."

"Well, haven't you been busy this morning," she said with a grin.

He reached over and gave the covers a tug, baring her breasts to his view. "And I know just what you can do to reward me for all the work I did."

"Oh, really? And what would that be?"

He leaned down and laved a nipple with the flat of his tongue. Kamryn shivered when her libido kicked into gear.

"Something that is best done while both of us are naked," he murmured.

"I see," she said coyly. "In that case, you have too many clothes on." She tugged at the bottom of Algar's shirt.

He stripped it over his head and threw it to the floor. He then stood and slowly undid his pants and pushed them down. His cock, already engorged, sprang free.

Kamryn licked her lips at the sight of it. After hours of lovemaking, she knew exactly how her werewolf liked to be touched.

Before he could climb on the bed, she pushed away the covers and shifted onto her knees in front of him. She ran her hands up and down his muscular arms while she pressed feather-light kisses across his pecs. When she reached his flat nipples, she laved each one with the flat of her tongue as he'd so often done to her. His pecs flexed with each stroke.

Kamryn made a wet path with her tongue from the center of his chest to his abs while she dropped her hands and dragged her nails up and down his thighs. His stomach quivered beneath her mouth and a loud moan rose from his throat.

At his erect cock, she turned her head to look at his hands and rubbed her cheek against the flared head. She smiled when she saw each of his fingers tipped with claws.

"Are you going wolf on me, Algar?" she asked breathily.

Algar pushed his hips toward her. "Only you bring out my wolf this way. By the Gods, Kamryn, you make me horny."

She rubbed her cheek against his cock again, causing it to jerk. "You always seem to be in that condition while I'm around you. I might have to start calling you a horn dog."

His chest rose and fell with his rapid breathing. "You can call me whatever you want as long as you put my cock in your mouth and suck on it."

"My, aren't we impatient today?"

"You're killing me."

Deciding she'd played with him long enough, and since her pussy had become so wet her juices had leaked onto her thighs, Kamryn took his cock in a firm hold and licked the bead of pre-cum off its tip. She prodded the slit with the tip of her tongue.

Algar groaned. "Kamryn."

She wasn't quite ready to give Algar what he wanted. Shifting her grip slightly, she licked him from base to tip, paying extra attention to the head, licking it as she would an ice cream cone. Algar's breaths grew choppy, interspersed with low growls.

He rocked his hips. Once she figured she'd worked him up enough, Kamryn opened her mouth and took as much of him as she could handle inside.

Algar moaned. His hand came up and cupped the back of her head. "Suck me, just like that." She moved to suck on the tip and used her tongue to stroke the sensitive spot under the head. "Ah . . . Gods, do that again."

She did it one more time before taking him deep inside her mouth. His cock grew even harder. Her pussy clenched, aching for what she had inside her mouth Algar pulled away. "Enough. I'll come if you keep that up. I would much rather have my cock buried in that sweet pussy of yours when I do."

Kamryn shifted to the middle of the mattress and lay on her back. She put the flat of her feet on the bed and let her knees fall open. His gaze fell to her pussy. He had to be able to see how wet she was for him. "Then come and take what you want."

He slowly climbed onto the bed. "I intend to, but first I need the taste of you on my tongue."

Kneeling between her spread legs, he ran his hands up her inner thighs, opening her even more. He shifted his hands to her ass and lifted her to his mouth. At the first stroke of his tongue, she clutched at the sheets beneath her. She let out a whimpered moan when he lapped at her clit. The way her pussy clenched while he used his lips and tongue, it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge.

Kamryn lifted her head and watched Algar pleasure her. The sight of his dark head between her thighs increased her arousal. His eyes, already turned, lifted to meet her gaze. Keeping their gazes locked, he took her clit between his lips and sucked hard enough to send her into a climax. Kamryn's head fell back on the bed. Her gasps of pleasure filled the room.

Before she had a chance to come down, Algar rose between her thighs and sheathed his cock deep inside her. He lifted his upper body on his straight arms, pumping his hips, riding her hard and fast. Kamryn clutched at his biceps and held on.

His movements became frenzied while he strove for his orgasm. She tightened her inner walls around his thickness, feeling another climax build. When she reached the point of no return, he let out a strangled howl and surged into her one final time. He didn't lower himself on top of her until his cock had started to pulse deep inside her and swell.

Both out of breath, they panted. Once speech was possible again, Kamryn said,

"Well, I have to admit that was a great way to wake up in the morning."

Algar chuckled and lifted most of his weight onto his elbows. "Just think, we'll have an eternity of mornings like this one to look forward to."

She reached up and brushed a lock of hair off his sweaty brow. "When are you going to talk to Tiw?"

"It depends on you."

"On me?"

"Yes. Becoming immortal has to be something you really want. I would never force you to do it if you weren't ready. And I don't want you to do it because you think it's what I want."

"It is what I want. I would never do something as life changing as that on a whim. I love you, Algar. I've never had feelings this strong for another man before. I want us to have that eternity. What's the point of being mates if I was to stay mortal?"

He gave her a slow, tender kiss that had her toes curling and then smiled down at her. "I love you, mate. And I'm very glad you want to be with me forever." He put his arms around her, rolled them to their sides, and looked over her shoulder at her back. "I think after I've gone hunting tonight, I should talk to Tiw."

"The mark?" she asked. "It doesn't look like a bruise anymore?"

Algar kissed the top of her shoulder and gently ran his fingers over her skin where Tiw's mark would be. "It definitely doesn't look like a bruise. We have matching marks now."

Kamryn squirmed in his embrace until he let go. His cock had softened enough to allow her to pull away and slip off the bed. She went into the bathroom en suite and turned to view her back in the mirror. She could now see the two stylized wolves with the stylized man standing between them on the back of her right shoulder. It was identical to the one on the cap of Algar's left shoulder.

He came into the bathroom to stand behind her and put his arms around her waist. "I guess you're stuck with me now."

She looked at Tiw's mark one final time before she turned in Algar's arms to face him. "No, we're stuck with each other."

"Since we're officially mated, I guess I'd better start looking after you. The first thing in order—a shower. And to make sure you do the job right, I'm going to wash every inch of you."

Algar scooped her up in his arms and stepped into the shower. By the time he'd finished washing her, he'd given her two more orgasms and they'd used up all the hot water in the manor.

* * *

That evening, Algar had been reluctant to leave Kamryn to go hunting. She'd had to shove him out the door with the other warriors after she'd kissed him goodbye. He had a duty to perform and she didn't want to be the distraction that took him away from it. Only the reminder that they would soon be leaving for the States, and he would then have lots of time off, had Algar no longer trying to come up with excuses to stay.

Since Raed had gone out hunting with the others, Kamryn spent the night watching TV with Lexi. They ate chips—or crisps, as the British called them—and watched a romantic comedy. Kamryn could easily see her and Lexi becoming fast friends, which was good since they were the only two women living in the manor. It would have been an awful strain if it turned out they couldn't stand each other.

When the movie finished around eleven , Lexi started to yawn. She covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head. "Well, that's it for me. I'm not much of a night owl these days with this baby bump. Sorry I'm being such a party pooper."

"No need to apologize. Being pregnant is draining."

Lexi shifted to the edge of the couch. "What about you? Will there be a baby bump in your immediate future?"

Kamryn furiously shook her head. "No. Not that I don't want kids eventually, but I'm not ready to be anyone's Mommy just yet."

"Are you sure you're not pregnant? The only reason why I'm asking is that Raed and I didn't exactly plan this. It just sort of happened. I'm guessing because of what happens when we make love. Since it's the same way with you and Algar, I just thought I should give you the heads up just in case."

Kamryn hadn't really thought about what the consequences would be with the way Algar came while they had sex. "I'm almost positive I'm not pregnant. I'm on the pill."

"Then maybe you'll be safe. I wasn't on it. Anyway, I'm hitting the sack. Don't feel as if you have to go to bed. The guys will be out for some hours yet. I'm sure Algar would appreciate it if you waited up for him."

Karmryn nodded and watched Lexi leave the living room. No, she couldn't be pregnant. She'd taken her last pill for this month a few days ago, which meant her period would be coming soon. It also reminded her that she'd have to look into finding a doctor. She'd need to get a new prescription for birth control pills. She hadn't packed any extra packages for her trip, and she would need the prescription filled here.

The thought of having Algar's child one day brought a smile to her lips. She could picture a miniature Algar running around the manor. Or a little girl who would have her father twisted around her little finger. But Kamryn wanted to wait at least a year before Algar and she considered starting a family. They needed that time to have to themselves. They'd fallen in love so fast, the bond of their mating growing stronger each time they made love. They really hadn't had much time to form their relationship as other couples did. Not that she thought it was any less strong, or that her feelings weren't true. She just wanted to have the time where it would be just her and Algar.

Once she became an immortal, it wasn't as if her biological clock would still be ticking.

She could be five hundred years old and still get pregnant. Menopause would not be in her future.

It was close to one in the morning when Kamryn's eyes started to flutter shut while she watched the television. She wasn't exactly sure what time Algar and the rest of the warriors would be returning for the night, but she didn't think she would be able to stay awake much longer. She wanted to, since Algar was going to talk to Tiw about making them truly mates when he returned.

Deciding the TV would make her even more tired, she shut it off, thinking she'd get ready for bed. She made her way upstairs to the bedroom that was now hers and Algar's. It only took her a few minutes to brush her teeth and slip on the pink satin nightgown she'd chosen to wear. It wasn't one of her sexier nightgowns, but she hadn't exactly been expecting to meet the man of her dreams while in England or to be swept off her feet by him.

She moved to stand in front of one of the two large windows in the room. Facing the front of the manor, it had an excellent view of the property to the end of the long drive where it met the street. She opened one side of the heavy curtains and looked out.

Still no sign of Algar.

She was about to pull the curtain closed again when a flash of fur at the end of the driveway caught her attention. Focusing on it, she saw it was a wolf. Kamryn stiffened when the animal limped toward the entrance to the drive, then suddenly collapsed on the ground. Since there were no longer wild wolves in England, this one had to be a werewolf. The question was whether it was a good werewolf or a bad one.

The wolf wasn't Algar. She knew that much. The animal's fur was the wrong color. She hadn't seen the rest of the warriors in their wolf forms, so she hadn't a clue if the one outside could be one of them. It possibly could be. One of them could have been hurt while fighting one of Fenris' werewolves and managed to find his way back to the safety of the manor.

What if it was one of the warriors? Could she just leave him out there helpless and vulnerable to another werewolf attack? But what if it wasn't one of the warriors?

Kamryn gnawed on her bottom lip with indecision. The wolf hadn't moved since it had collapsed. Unsure if she was making a monumental mistake, she whirled around and headed out of the room. She couldn't take the chance it may be one of the warriors.

They may be immortals, but their lives could be ended if they lost their heads, literally.

If she did nothing and it meant the death of one of the warriors, she'd regret it for the rest of her soon-to-be very long life.

Kamryn didn't bother to stop at Lexi's room. The other woman would have been asleep for hours. And if it ended up being one of Fenris' get, it would be better for Lexi to remain safe inside the manor. There was no point risking her life along with the life of her unborn baby.

Unlocking the front door, Kamryn ran outside. She kept to the grassy side of the drive to avoid the gravel as she ran toward the unmoving wolf. She slowed when she came within a couple feet. Step by cautious step, she moved nearer, looking nervously for movement that would signal there was something else nearby.

Using her foot, she nudged the wolf. It didn't move. In the darkness, the only light coming from the manor behind her, she couldn't see well enough to determine how the wolf had been hurt. Slowly, she squatted at its side and reached out to put her hand on its furred back. It was still breathing. She felt its side move in and out when she shifted her hand there. Still the wolf didn't stir.

Careful to avoid the animal's head, Kamryn ran her hands up and down its body, searching for the source of injury. She didn't find anything that would cause the wolf to collapse. Unless the injuries were internal, and then she couldn't do much to help it.

She'd started to stand, unsure of what to do next, when the wolf jumped up and slammed into her legs. Kamryn fell onto her butt. The wolf slammed into her chest, knocking her flat on her back. It stood over her with its upper lip curled back in a snarl, giving her a good view of its sharp teeth.

Afraid to move, she held herself completely still. Yup, she'd pretty much fucked up. This couldn't be one of the warriors in wolf form. The menacing growls and snapping of its sharp teeth that came too close to her throat for her comfort, said it all.

She might as well have wrapped herself up in a bow and given herself to the werewolf as a gift.

The wolf's body blurred and a man took its place. He dropped his full weight on top of her, keeping her pinned beneath him. "You mortals and your soft hearts. So easily manipulated. You almost make it too easy."

Kamryn tried to wiggle her way out from under the werewolf's much larger body, but that only caused the gravel she lay on to gouge painfully into her back. "Let me go."

He laughed with no humor. "I don't think so. You're the pawn to replace the one I lost. It was a nice to surprise to see another warrior had found a mate. I bet Brand will do anything to get you back."

"Brand?" She frowned. "Why would—you saw Brand and me at my hotel."

"Smart girl. I followed him. I even followed him to your hotel room door. Once I heard him say he wanted you, I knew you were his mate."

Although she was in a situation where she shouldn't find humor in anything, Kamryn started to laugh. "You think Brand is my mate?" She laughed even harder.

Obviously, the stupid werewolf hadn't hung around long enough to hear the rest of her and Brand's conversation.

He scowled. "Stop laughing. You have to be one of those warriors' mates. You've been staying at the manor. I've been watching to see if I could catch you alone." He bent his head, buried his nose in the crook of her neck, and took in a deep breath. A cruel-looking smile formed on his lips when he pulled away. "Not Brand's mate. You're the mate to the ex-king's second-in-command, Algar. Even better."

He took hold of her wrists in a hard grip and yanked her to her feet.
